While numbers vary, reacting to something - anything - takes a . The Glock 43 is VERY close in size to the Glock 42, but chambered for that 9mm cartridge some people demand - or at least don't frown on like they do the .380ACP. Just go to there web site, or go to your gun store for more information. Amen brother. If you want one of it, you must like it, so why wouldnt you want more? They make it look soooo easy in the movies! Thats OK with me. Please note Im not saying glock = bad. Second, they also trained. Excuse me, but the inventor of the Linebaugh cartridges and custom gunsmith in Powell Wyoming is JOHN Linebaugh. You learned something. , I never said I dont make mistakes I just never have with a gun hurt your feelings knute man up and get over it, Look what I found: The others can safely be carried with a round under the hammer, with little to no chance of firing if the hammer should be hit or snagged. Fairbairn and E.A. And the latter is where a Glock is dangerous as is *any* other firearm. I never carried a gun before my G27. What kind of a moron thought THAT was a good idea? Oh - And my Cobra .22 has one round in EACH chamber. And you should be, too. One common question among Glock owners is whether or not they can shoot aluminum cased ammunition in their . They like it this way. so the theory still stands, if you dont want a negligent discharge, dont be negligent. Sub-one second times, under stress are the norm when properly trained. Theoretically, the slide safety could be accidentally disengaged in your holster rendering a cocked and locked 1911 significantly more susceptible to a ND when drawn given the user didnt know the safety was disengaged. And yes, I have done trigger work on 2 of my 3 Glocks. I really would like to know if theres a response to my comments. You need to load the gun, aim and fire while under stress in the event that you actually need to use it. Momentum and all. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. You shoud not count on having both hands available while being attacked. In my experience, here in MS, a great many people have a great many home defense firearms of various descriptions. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. Me personally I carry a snap cap in the chamber, so if some lucky bastard grabs my gun and shoots hes about to be dead. CC with the Glock 26. How safe? - USA Carry The overall size of this firearm is much smaller and that shows with a barrel length of 3.43 inches and a slide length of 6.26 inches. She was brave. - I'm too old to still think I know everything. Is it Safe to Appendix Carry a Glock? - Incognito Concealment After all people driving cars kill more people than people holding firearms. Glock Pockets - Pistols in Your Pocket | Officer I have been a revolver guy my whole life, and just switched to a Glock 19 after getting two days of excellent training and realizing I could shoot the Glock better (to say nothing of more copiously) than my old Detective Special. Negligence or stupidity, flip the coin on word choice. Glock and carrying with chambered round | Page 2 | SIG Talk You rotate the cylinder halfway between the nipples and lower the hammer on the carry notch. We can talk about home carry vs guns hidden in various locarions in the house. And, Mad, you really like those ad hominem attacks. My opinion. If you want a single action trigger pull, either carry a SAO autoloader in condition one, or choose a hammer fired model that one can manipulate its condition at will. So, there are at least 2 actions required to get a round to fire after removing it from a pocket. If you need to defend yourself, you cannot afford the time to rack the slide. Modern revolvers with some sort of disconnect can be carried full up. Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon. It may be injured or busy striking or holding back children, etc. See the old Remingtons. How often do you train your driving abilities?. Carry chambered ever since. Carrying this way isn't for everybody though. I had the same concerns when I first started to carry my Glock. Second Amendment to the US Constitution, "Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol." Best Glocks: Across Calibers & Sizes [Ultimate Guide] Let the one with no traffic tickets throw the first stone. Colt change the SAA!? Should You Carry With One In The Chamber? - Alien Gear Holsters The most likely time a kid will get their hands on my gun is if it somehow gets knocked loose from my [high-quality, proper-retention] holster during movement in tight spaces while I am wearing it. NO - any responsible gun owner should have some reservation until enough information has been provided. Notice if the trigger is ever depressed. Big Bill: Yup. Mine, of course, is in the latter, and it's held up well to a lot of shooting. Here's video that GLOCK produced that explains the trigger safety. It wont matter if the slide is in battery or not. Go get a titanium firing pin. Modern handguns are designed to be carried with a loaded chamber. Now that we know what it means to have one in the chamber, let's figure out whether it is safe to carry a "loaded gun" with you. If you are so scared of a striker fired trigger, then why not get a hammer fired gun? Or ya know, apply the tried by 12 or carried by 6 rule. israeli carry is stupid. I was shown( Thank You RES), yank that sucker out, moveaim, fire. Kids are grown, hoping dad doesnt ever need to move in, not the reverse lol, and I have em where I need em to be and they are ready when I am. I actually think thats worth a healthy debate and article all on its own. On the other hand, most other striker-fired pistols count on the recoil spring to cock the striker. Heres a link to it. Does the Glock fire then? 19th century Colt hammers. I dont condemn those who carry a striker with one in the chamber. People who dont carry with a round in the chamber have no training. And, sorry youre a confused fool. Good username though. Frankly, most of us should be more concerned about our cholesterol anyway. In a holster made for the gun you carry, making sure its unobstructed is a quick check. If you liked this article, you might be interested in one I wrote all about Glocks Safe Action System. ended up in the guys nostril, and he still didnt get quiet, until he heard the cocking of the hammer. Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. The G44 is the ideal pistol to start or enhance your shooting experience. In that case, the argument that any gun is better than no gun might be correct but thats as far as it goes. People that just cant accept what someone else wants to do compared to what they feel is best for them smacks of their insecurity.. 9+ is a glock safe to carry chambered most standard A few overly trigger-happy officers within a department and a sly PR department really spun yarns on this one. The Springfield Armory XD-E is a new hammer-fired compact pistol. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Jordan has taught marksmanship, woodsmanship, and self-defense classes. Modern revolvers (Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Ruger, Kimber) have transfer bar safeties and as such theres no need to mention it. PS: I have never had an ND with my EDC G23 chamber loaded these past 22 years. Practice your procedure till it becomes a natural reaction without thinking.You will have other things that must be accessed in those fractions of a second. More bad advice, did the author not learn from his first mistake? Do other people carry Glocks in IWB holsters with chambered rounds? This has nothing to do with car=privilege firearm=right. Youll likely only be in one or two gunfights at most, in an entire lifetime. Not a bad plan. Length: 7.3. The New York Trigger as it became known had an 8-pound trigger pull. . Glocks, Sig Sauer, Smith and Wesson, Barretta, and many other makes are safe to carry chambered, They have . I could be ELI2016 if I wanted to. It comes down to your comfort, training and repetitive use. A little background: When Israel was founded, "drop safe" firearms were not as common as today and the fledgling state had a mixed bag . Even pistols with no manual safety, like this Glock, are safe to carry with a round chambered. The fact remains, we are always training. This is the inherit design of a sticker fired pistol. Ive carried in condition one for nearly 25 years. I want something that goes bang when I pull the trigger, and I could care less how heavy or gritty that might be. When the term "loaded" means a round in the chamber and you need to carry, either open carry or concealed, with an unloaded gun, training to be faster with your draw will be very important. Think about Her all you Geniuses that sing the siren song of the Utopian world of Glock. I carry with a round chambered in my autoloading handguns. If the trigger safety is not depressed, the trigger will not move rearwards and allow the pistol to fire. When you carry, do you keep it chambered or do you keep it unchambered so you'd have to actually chamber your gun when you need to use it? That is a good point that I have never heard before. I am pretty tired of people telling me how to handle my weapons. Lol. As in mentally deranged. If you want a common username better grab it quick though. Again, carrying with an empty chamber isnt wrong, but it just isnt quite right. I dont understand why anyone who carries a modern firearm is afraid to carry a round in the chamber??? I have pocket carried for years, mostly using a clip such as a clip draw on my SIG 938, hammer down, safety on, round chambered. First much like the Israelis Fairbairn and Sykes had to teach officers how to carry safely in a manner that got them street-ready quickly. Subscribe and receive the latest information on GLOCK products and more. However, that may be the reason I carry a revolver, but the reason I carry a gun (as I said) is because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT. Or even sex. Various firearms but could go to dagger, spear, sword and buckler, longsword, or smallsword if for some reason one of those seemed like a good idea. there's always a round in the chamberBG's don't usually give you a timeout to rack one in +1 Besides everyone knows the cool racking sound scares off any bad guys : ), Yes. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? Its common for someone to quickly raise a gun and try to shoot, just to realize the safety was in the on position keeping it from working. Sykes wrote their highly influential book, " Shooting To Live," based on their experiences with the Shanghai Police Department. Jordan Buck is an outdoor writer, a man of faith, and a family man. He grew up hunting, fishing, and trapping. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, troubleshooting, accessories, classifieds, and more! You may need your weak side arm to hold an attacker at bay while you draw, etc. Empty chamber is one option, but there are others. Point the holstered G19 downrange at a target and try to fire it without removing it from the holster. I really, really wish the powers that be could find someone to get this comment section to work right. Next, there was some discussion about GLOCKs. Considering how many types of expanding ammo my plethora of 1911s did not work very well with I gave up on them long ago. When carrying the gun in a holster, the grip safety will keep the gun from discharging, even if the . All previous exp., was with 1911s my Uncle names Sam loaded me, and the pipe was always warm n cuddly. Id have to go with the DA revolver. Must not be working on it very hard. The reason that the Israelis carry with an empty chamber is because Israel does not have a concept of self defense. I am thinking G2S, my ankle sometimes gets chilly, but, Im happy with my PA-63 In 918, and I have a CZ, in 918, that has the best SA trigger Ive ever felt, since the Smith S.S. Model 66, .357 which was accurized, and tweaked by a smith, that was flat out dangerous, hair wasnt the word. I carried it un-chambered for a few weeks till I was comfortable. It likewise utilizes a cocking system that is unique amongst striker-fired pistols. Sound off in the comments! Considering the odds of handling a particular weapon every day for years or possibly the rest of your life hoping to never have a brain fart in the process, and many people wisely choose another option. Glock firearms Instructor. If you were to compile a list of incidents of the GLOCK ND and start reading through them, youll find that in virtually every single instance, human error was the culprit. Dani: In the case of an inertial firing pin, nothing but a physical block on the firing pin itself will have the slightest effect. Mike Cumpston [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsCredit where due, its true that in days long past the best practice was to carry your revolver with the hammer resting on an empty chamber or on an empty primer nipple in pre-cartridge pistols. Practice holstering and unholstering without a round and see if the trigger is pulled. Appendix carry, when performed with the right holster and a trained hand, is perfectly safe, and that includes your Glock 19 handgun. I do not carry a Glock and sorry 1911 fanatics I would only carry a 1911 with the hammer down (series 80) and chamber empty with a Series 70 and since I do not like to carry any gun with the chamber empty that is why I do not carry any longer my series 70 and pre-series 70 (original 1911) . I suggest a CZ 75 D PCR, in 9mm. In the past, I've heard people say they aren't comfortable carrying a loaded firearm on them or want to just scare people away. Carrying With One in the Chamber: Pros and Cons - Tulster It appears to me that Darwin and his theory of evolution is again being ignored, if you are dumb enough to carry without forethought, please ace yourself before you breed. Do you carry with your Glock chambered? | Glock Pro Forums Now try looking up punctuation. It's a little bullet with a decent velocity, but will it actually fill the freezer? Empty chamber carry is dumb. Holstered the Glock like that into kydex holster. If dropped, the hammer could contact the primer and therefore, fire. But, on the bright side, ammoland just revamped their comment section so comments now dont take days/never to show up. The Theory And Practice Of Israeli Carry - AmmoMan School of Guns Blog I carry a LC9, no problem. It seems that as long as the trigger is not manipulated the pistol will not fire. Revolvers with their heavy double action trigger pulls are perfectly safe to carry with a round in the . Wait a second, so youre telling me that I shouldnt keep my home defense gun in condition 3 but instead have it in condition 1 and put it in a lock box? I think I can answer that one. This is especially true when it comes to the popular Glock line of handguns. Situational risk assessment. Yes. I carry a Glock 21 with a round in the chamber I constantly handle the gun to keep excellent muscle memory if you dont want to have the gun fire dont touch trigger. But ready to goI still havent figured out a light for the AR(its EZ to hold small flashlight for a pistol). The Glock Model 48 slimline 9mm is a state-of-the-art fighting pistol with a small grip frame any cop can master. Carry your GLOCK pistol chambered without worry, the same as every other modern striker fired pistol on the market. Unfortunately, some may not and I have no idea which do and which do not. (AgCatJHS at English Wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)Here we have a conundrum. Heres how all of this bogus started. Or some jackass was pocket carrying his G43 without a holster and something snagged the trigger. I felt a few of the points that were raised had enough merit to discuss further. In my 3-screw, yes. Let's dive into the depths of insanity when it comes to concealed carry myths. But now I get 18! Not carrying a round in the chamber does indeed provide you a 100% chance of not having the gun go off in the holster. sanctimonious what iffers And make sure when you holster or unholster that the holster is clear of obstructions. They DID make a variant with one (the Colt Cowboy) but they dont offer it anymore and the SAA is sold sans transfer bar. Then I chambered a round. When it didnt open the first time, your brain clicked again to make sure, often without one even knowing they did so. Or a DA/SA auto. i carry mostly to counter the mass shooting incident the type of which where afterward everybody says if there had only been a good guy with a gun and i will more likely than not have time to draw the weapon and charge it while i get my ooda loop going. The odds of a holster obstruction triggering a Glock in that case is an acceptable risk due to the greater risk of being too slow. when I was in the Harris County, Texas courts, I saw many LEOs that had semi-auto pistols with one in the chamber and the hammer cocked and the holster strap between the hammer and the slide. This would require the grip safety to be disabled (a somewhat common modification) or to malfunction. Off the top of my head, I dont remember actually seeing that, but in The Shootist, John Wayne does mention it. To the point I know I can unholster, rack, and have my tritium dots centered on some perps forehead before they know whats coming. Being a klutz is one thing. Good luck!!!!! He also runs his own Gun Blog and YouTube Channel. My three-year-old knows that for her bb gun. So, as DG said, its a problem in search of a solution. From someone that ignorant, nothing he says or does would surprise me. I have a CCW and am carrying the Glock in a Galco Stow-n-Go IWB holster. Hm. My God, WTF is wrong with people who bash others for simply doing what they choose to do? Agreement. Wonder why guns are the most logical option? Guess what? Conceal. Do you supposes THIS guy knows the six letter word for a firearms dangerous end? . about carrying or keeping a gun with a round in the chamber. Thought about getting the Sig with the external safety, but decided not too. Some of the biggest mistakes happen when training at sex. this aint 1902 with a Colt .38 Long primitive revolver and you probably aint riding a horse in pursuit of cattle thieves. OFC, most people would rather just follow the herd, but that isnt reasonable, logical, nor wise. Odds of the shooter getting 4 shots off would be pretty low. This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread. I assume it had something to do with its mechanics. Even my beloved Browning High Powers (all 6 f them) gave me fits until I found some expanding ammo that would work reliably in them. My point is that I see no benefit in limiting my defensive options. link to What is a Pistol Caliber Carbine. I actually think thats worth a healthy debate and article all on its own. Fuck off gov. Have you ever tried carrying your bolt action on a loaded round with the striker down? Passive safeties Are Not A Replacement for an active safety. Glockster20. When the handgun is retrieved, the mag is shoved in and the gun is ready to fire. I still counted 16, but when he starts fanning it gets a little hard to keep track. Therefore, its unsafe(ish) to carry or store with one in the chamber. At Incognito Concealment, we're confident we have the right holster for you. Ever. A great capability, because a dud round will usually fire upon a second strike, and your finger is going to automatically do that anyway. They ended up sticking to their story and making a big political deal out of it. Israeli Carry? - Creedmoor Training Academy, LLC. Kentucky CCDW Instructor. For me I often carry without one in the chamber, like when I am in the woods doing stuff. Go peddle your homosexual fantasies elsewhere. They didnt know. You hit the nail on the head with "comfortable", but that is subjective. All the out of battery safeties do is, in one way or another, block the hammer from providing that energy to the pin until the gun is fully locked into battery. People who carry them are so rare that I felt like it wasnt worth mentioning, and Im probably still right. OMG I love those old Fractured Fairy Tales shows! Now getting older, I have trouble with body positions for competitions, so I dont enter very many club competitions anymore. Cocked and locked . Because that argument is stupid in the first place, because the entire discussion is about *carrying* not about whether you should carry.
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