how does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancy

I took three home prego test.. All of them were negative.. I am 2 weeks late, always tired, very sensitive to smells, can't eat without getting sick to my stomach, my stomach is bloated, I've been getting hot flashes like crazy, and Boobs are sore! If I am pregnant then I am close to four weeks. When do pregnant women usually start to show? && im up all night . People who are in their first pregnancy usually don't start showing until twenty weeks or later.1 Those who have already been pregnant might start showing sooner. I almost voted this hub funny because the title is about questioning the possibility of being preggo but the top picture is of a woman so preggo she looks about to pop LOL Lots of great info, well organized, useful and interesting. So am a bit worried i had my menstrual cycle on December 13th by December 18th my period had gone away but by December 23rd my husband and i had intercourse and he released his sperm inside of could he possibly may of got me pregnant. I've been throwing up for almost 2 weeks now,I get lower belly pain,my back hurts,my feet recently started swelling up from jus sitting down too long,I'm smelling things that's far away,I made a pregnancy test and it came back positive bt idk if to trust it cause I pocs and I really want to have a baby,if i'm not I'll jus give up hopeso any advice would be welcomed. Anyway, i went to check my calender 2day and realized my period is almost a week late. What Does Early Pregnancy Feel Like? | Unplanned Pregnancy Should I wait till Friday to take one more Test? Breast tenderness is a common early pregnancy symptom that can be accompanied by swelling, heaviness, or darkened areolas. My next period is due on 21 of April. The rise in body temp is nearly universal. When Do Pregnancy Cravings Start? Is It What The Baby Want? i don't know what's going on but quite frankly im scared. What does your belly look like in early pregnancy? The fast you know the more best to baby, so should try to figure out or check that if you are pregnant. i have been very worriedim 14 and i was with my bf one day we started snoging and stuff than he undressed hisself and I didn't want to so I was still wearing jeans a tshirt and nickers so we were basiclly messing around when my bf went home i noticed sperm on my jeans then i took them off and there was a little bit of sperm on my nickers but nowhere near my vagina.. and now 1 week later i notice that I feel kind of sick when I eat I have tummy aches and headaches.. so can anyone help me can sperm travel trough clothes and can I be pregnant if I had sperm nowhere near my vagina? Thanks for writing! they only do a urine test but I'm sure its more accurate than a dollar test from the dollar tree.. so I will know for certain. Hi I am new to all of this so here's my story.. Me and my bf have been ttc for 3 months now, last month I had an early mc and it devastated us. I just had my period a week ago but it was lighter than normal, but about normal length, maybe ending a day or so earlier than normal, but the patch has changed my cycle. One is the signs of pregnancy you might experience before you miss your period. That's an amazing feat of strength on your body's part. Changes in size or shape, heaviness, tingling, or soreness are all typical sensations. hCG, the hormone that produces the estrogen and progesterone your body needs to sustain your pregnancy, also increases blood flow to the pelvic area. Current thinking is that morning sickness is the bodys reaction to the hCG hormone, which is at its highest levels in the first trimester. Sensitivity to smell and taste is very common during pregnancy. I was going thru debilitating morning sickness and fatigue also. i felt nausous all last week like at the top of my tummy near my ribs. How does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancy? I am going to call and make an appointment here soon. With that in mind, you probably won't experience significant symptoms before your missed period. How Will Your Stomach Feel In Early Pregnancy The pregnancy hormone progesterone can cause your tummy to feel full, rounded and bloated so if you're feeling swollen in that area you could be pregnant! Drop 3-4 days most times. It burns really bad but that's cause it's alcohol and I don't know if I should be doing that either. Breast tenderness can start as early as one or two weeks after conception. Faintness and dizziness. just wondered if anyone could help me.,, the first day of my last period was the 23rd of august. It could be a sign of something serious, including an ectopic pregnancy (a rare condition where the egg implants itself somewhere aside from the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube). (My periods are normally heavy and most of the time last a little more than a week)Well, following the cramps I had very light bleeding at first then it got kind of heavy so I used a tampon so there would be no accidents at school. I feel I'm driving me and my bf crazy!! The past week to two weeks I have been experiencing extremely sore breast, nipples seem to stay hard, and I can't find motivation when I get home in evening. You can manage morning sickness by eating small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. i made a very stupid mistake and had unprotected sex with my ex on the 8th of september. but my boss made meatballs yesterday for work and as soon as i walked in i wanted to vomit i couldn't handle the smell. This way, you can ensure that youve really emptied out everything in there so you don't find yourself needing to pee again in five minutes. what do i do? If you see a line indicating a pregnancy, youre almost certainly pregnant (even if its very faint). i was on birth control but it gave me problems so i quit taking it. It can be annoying to have to go to the bathroom so much, but dont let this keep you from staying hydrated. i get head aches and lower back pain. hi my name is rebekah im 22 year old mother with a 2 year old. While many women have a lower backache right before their period starts, this can also indicate pregnancy. Could I possibly be pregnant? lately ive been bloated, lower abdominal pain, having headaches that wont go away, higher temp, lower back aches, and my nipples are sensative . Tender or swollen breasts. We've been having unprotected sex for about two months now . Many women have backaches as a part of PMS, and as pregnancy continues and the uterus grows, women can continue to experience them.4. Most women, however, will probably get more mood swings around the 6th week of pregnancy (four weeks after your missed period).6. Can I be pregnant four days before my period because me and my boyfriend was in me webothed with out clothes and he pulledout before he cumed I put pants ack on before he ejcleted. What does a pregnant belly feel like early? - SageAdvices According to, about one-third of women experience implantation bleeding.5. What do you think? Hi I'm 15 years old and my boyfriend is 17. we had unprotected sex saturday and sunday on april 20 and he came in me. This includes the enlargement of the breasts, which may lead to the sensation of itchiness in some cases. You may just be pregnant. Garden-variety digestive problems seem to be part and parcel of pregnancy, especially during the first and third trimester. When an egg is fertilized, however, the body keeps the lining and adds to it! I'm just scared to tell me parents nd I just need help please help me! ? Anyways, I was taking "No to morning sickness tea". Are pregnant bellies hard or squishy? Since then, every day I have been feeling very nauseous, (Most food will make me gag! How Does The Stomach Feel In Early Pregnancy - Only one hurts. I was 11 weeks into my pregnancy when They told me it was just a sac. guys is there a possiblity that my friend is pregnant because today she has her period but before that its dec 15 in the morning she vomitted three times and has a headache after that she get back to sleep and then later on around 12pm she woke up and she feel that she has her period already. Worried that might be an infection. How Does the Stomach Feel in Early Pregnancy? - eMedicineHealth Youll probably want to invest in some different kinds of bras, which could be larger, made out of cotton, and underwire-free. My right nipple has been sore since yesterday morning and of course while we were having sex and now but I don't know if that's cause I might be pregnate or because my boyfriend always play rough with my boobs. :D. thanx molly. I also didn't mention backache the other day. Went and got blood drawn at the end of Aug results came back in with a BFN. bright red . i was a good 10-11 days without my pill(and just finished my period) when this incident occurred , and i sleep allllll the time , i feel like i may be peeing more than more normal , i get headaches , and i eat more (but idk if that's jus me cuz i love food lol) my stomach feels so full and tight and looks real bloated and my period is due in 4-5 days . Every woman will experience breast tenderness though the degree and timeline might differ. then again on the 23rd. In fact, in one study, 29% of women reported that missing their period was their first clue that they were pregnant.2. One of them is the change in hormone levels that starts soon after conception.6. could i be pregnant ?? please help me i feel like im 7 weeks or 8 weeks pregnant is it just in my head? It's clich for a reason: it's common! okay so im a couple days late so far , and i have a previous post just in case someone is wonderng what im talkin about .. so should i just wait the rest of the week out n then test?? You might mistake this for your normal PMS symptoms. Calendar shows im supposed start period on 12/7 which is in 3 days. If your back is aching and your period hasn't arrived, you just might be pregnant! Other early symptoms include breast tenderness and mood changes. BUT I AM GOING TO TELL YOU THE SAME AS THE DOCTOR WHO TOLD ME MY TEST WAS POSITIVE " NEVER SAY NEVER" GOOD LUCK AND I WISH THE BEST FOR YOU.. AS FOR ME.. Then about 2 weeks ago I had almost period cramps. I normally have regular periods but i was told by my doctor my tubes were blocked.Does anyone else have this issue or had a similar issue to this? ive been noticing that ive had headaches, been sleeping more, heartburn, nausea.. now the funny thing is (and here is where id love some feedback, if anyone has done this) my friend on thanksgiving did this trick with a ring and string( she apparently was correct with this for all of her 3 girls, her mom's pregnancies and others) she said if it went into a cirlce it was a girl, a boy is a straight line, and the time it takes for the ring to start moving is how long before they are born. Today a one point I discharged a Lot it was whitish clear and I've not discharged in a while. One is ought to feel some 'Abdominal twinges' in simple words that pulling feeling from the inside of the stomach in the early stage of pregnancy. My doc gave me primolute - n for getting my period from 7th may - 9th may. If you test negative, but your period still doesnt come after a few days, take one again just to double-check. I don't mind most movements but anytime I feel her punching my cervix or butt it creeps . Common wisdom dictates avoiding spicy and fatty foods (which do enough to cause trouble even without a baby on the way), but sometimes these are the only foods that spell relief for some women. Some light cramping can accompany the bleeding, which can last from three hours up to three days. Most women feel no different. The hardness of your stomach while pregnant can be more pronounced if you eat a low-fiber diet or drink a lot of carbonated beverages. Me and boyfriend of course had unprotected sex, (FOR EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS POST IF YOU DON'T WANT PREGNANCY SCARES PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION) But any ways, We had sexual intercourse exactly 2 weeks ago, My period is due 0ct,16 and I'm doing my best not to stress at all. I HAD SOME SYMPTOMS BUT 7 HOME PREGNANCY TESTS CAME UP NEGATIVE..SO HERE I AM BEING YOUNG AND NAVE AND MOVING HEAVY FURNITURE AND DOIN THING I SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN DOING, WHICH CAUSE ME TO MISCARRY.. LOL It feels like a hard empty feeling.. You get your period every month since an egg wasnt fertilized, and your body is shedding the uterine lining it created to support a baby. Some women may experience only a few of these symptoms, while others may experience them all. These cramps may persist for weeks or months during pregnancy, as the embryo implants and the uterus stretches. Go easy on yourself. Rachel Ann Evans from las vegas nevada on November 27, 2011: so, my fianc and iv tired all this month for a baby.. and my last date of my period starting was oct 27th 2011.. well.. i should have started my period just three days ago and it still hasn't came and ive taken three tests and all were negative.. what do you guys suggest? You might think that frequent urination is limited to early pregnancy; however, it's quite common in the first trimester as well due to increased blood flow to the pelvic area. For the last week (a day or so after i put my patch back, which normally clears up any hormone imbalances or pain) my boobs have been hurting especially any time you touch them or i put a bra on, i have been having slight stomach cramps in my abdomin area, my feet are swollen, i have been having nausea but no throwing up. oh yea and i have felt little cramps every now and then .. Keep us posted.. Every time we have sex we ALWAYS go to the bathroom and "wash off" as we call it. i have to pee after one cup of chai tea. Your friends and loved ones will shower you with happiness and blessings. How does the stomach feel at the beginning of pregnancy? :), @sxycosmo1: Maybe your just stress about losing your job.. Natasha Pelati from South Africa on August 07, 2014: ok so back in July-Aug my period was off i didn't start when i was supposed to only spotted bout 1-2 days, spent over $100 on test the month of Aug all Neg till i went to walmart and got first response all 3 had came back BFP, took one Wednesday morning, Thursday Morning & Friday morning. Does Your Stomach Hurt In Early Pregnancy. like im going to b sick. Normally, two weeks after conception, or whenever you were supposed to be getting your period. 3. I also have really random lower back pains and I'm always tired. I cant wait for my period days to come so i can actually understant if this is pms or pregnancy. There are many reasons for missing a period, including stress, illness, extreme weight gain, anorexia, or discontinuing use of hormone contraceptives (birth control pills, patches, etc. Cramping is common in both PMS and early pregnancy. At least 85% of women experience some kind of food aversion, and most women experience cravings of some kind. Stay away from commercial laxatives since many of these are not approved for use during pregnancy. please help .! He pulls out tho. And foods i find really nasty, im starting to eat them. Tracking your menstrual cycle is a good way to know when to expect your period. Nausea is often experienced in early pregnancy and is sometimes accompanied by aversions to smell or taste. I was on the depo shot for about four shots and you get one shot every 3 months. During the early stages of pregnancy, around 7 or 8 weeks, the growth of the uterus and the development of the baby, turn the the belly harder. Buck up and get one! What Does Your Stomach Feel Like in Early Pregnancy? I don't know if I should take a pregnancy test yet or wait to see if I get my period I'm only 16 and I'm still in highschool. It's only been one night since our last intercourse but I'm afraid I might be pregnate. i had a period a few days after and it shut off the same day. Hormonal changes cause your digestive system to slow down, which can result in both constipation and bloating.4. I'm not supposed to get my period till like dec 3rd. Feeling pain in your lower abdomen or feeling like your stomach is hard, swollen, or heavy are not early signs of pregnancy. My lmp was Sept 22 and its now Oct 19, my period is suppose to start in 2 days but for the past week i've been nauseous I even vomited a few times and I'm extremely tired and exhausted all the time for no apparent reasons. Went and got 3 first response preg test and it came out negative. Keep in mind, however, that it's very likely you will have no symptoms. Recognize that 99.9% of other expecting mothers have felt the same way that you do. I had my last period on june 24 and havent had one since took two tests and they came back negative whats going on could i be pregant ?? I have an appointment tomorrow at our local pregnancy crisis center. will she be able to use PT earlier. i been having pain below my belly button nd above my vagina nd i feel like im goin to throw up all day long nd i have been eating a lot more nd using the bathroom a lot more my back been hurting me nd i been sleeping a lot could i be pregnant? Here we are today I have noticed blue veins on my breast, my breasts fill fuller and bigger, my husband said my mood has changed, i have had a few hot flashes, I have been hungry, I felt really sick to my stomach earlier about 1:00 and felt like i was going to throw up but wouldn't come out, woke up this morning with a headache. In addition to the hormonal changes described above, this combination makes you need to use the bathroom a lot! Dizziness is fairly common in the first trimester and can start pretty early in the pregnancy. You'll probably want to know if you're pregnant sooner rather than later since it's important to receive appropriate prenatal care and discontinue any unhealthy habits you may have. Dizziness can start as early as one or two weeks after conception and is usually worse in the first trimester.7. later, im laughing nd having fun. I have been freaking out.. my lower back hurts all the time, and im cramping but not all the time. You'll . Though some say you can take them up for five days before your missed period, the earlier you test, the more likely you are to get a false negative. Try to get plenty of sleep and communicate your needs to your social network and your partner. Make sure to keep exercising regularly to keep your back muscles strong. If you are too shy to buy one yourself, ask a friend to pick one up for you. Obviously it was unprotected. Though queasiness can start around two weeks after conception (right around the time of your missed period), full-blown morning sickness and vomiting dont usually roll around until the sixth week or so of pregnancy (four weeks after conception). Also the OB checked my ovary and everything were ok. Im going crazy. HELP I'm soo confused!!!!! Rest when you can. Am I imagining that I am pregnant again or could I actually be? Of course, there are a lot of reasons you may feel bloated, and this is one of those symptoms that you are likely to notice in conjunction with another sign. My cycles are never regular. Hey girls,I'm 18 and I had my period on april the 14 and it end it on the 21st. I'm 15 years old. please help!!! These are inexpensive and widely available. Usually, the symptoms taper off after the first trimester.4. I think your fine.. Because it takes a while for the BC to work out of your system.. Some women may notice symptoms as early as 5 DPO, although they won't know for certain that they are pregnant until much later. On those days had lots of discharge abdominal and lower back pain sore breasts and so i said ok should be my ovulation. Tiredness. The other day I was having cramps they hurt so bad I've never had them hurt so bad. After the release of the egg during ovulation, BBT increases by about half a degree in almost all women. However, it can happen at any time of day. Even if i stay awake all day i still cant sleep at night . Your breasts may also be more tender than usual and you may have a heightened sense of smell, one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms. Thanks so much for your help.. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. Hi there. HELPPPPPP MEEEEE ! what do you guys think it is.. my fianc tries holding my belly at night when we sleep and i end up pushing his hands off bcus it feels too uncomfortable and too much weight on my belly and i am bloated.. so do you guys think im pregnant or im just psyching myself out.. we both will feel a little upset if we arent and of course try again next month but can i get some suggestionS? Okay, so I need someone to help me out. Okay so I'm 15 and my boyfriends is 16. So three nites ago I had sex with this guy. You can even find them sometimes at the dollar stores! Idk if it's cuz I might be prego or if it's just my period. Medically reviewed by Michael Weber, MD. Early signs of pregnancy: When will I feel symptoms? I started experiencing slight dizziness about a week after (around the time of expected ovulation) and I felt a slight twinge on one side for about a few days (when the dizziness started) and I have not shown any other signs of pregnancy or pms besides slight dizziness on and off, could that mean that I am pregnant? Im 19 years old and me and my boyfriend have been using the pull out method lately. At night, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees will take stress off your back. My boyfriend and i have been talking about having kids and until i met him i never would have thought about kids. Feeling hardness in your belly or pain in your stomach thats not related to queasiness or light cramping, however, is not a documented sign of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. My periods usually last 5. : ) Please keep us updated. The hardness of your stomach while pregnant can be more pronounced if you eat a low-fiber diet or drink a lot of carbonated beverages. This usually occurs around the predicted time of the period or a couple of days before. We had to learn everything here was to know about the MAP. well I went to the appt.. did the test and it came up negative again. So iknow it's kind of early but is there a chance I could be prego? Next, we give you a chart of the average belly size during pregnancy. At first, however, you could just have an increased appetite. Joyette Helen Fabien from Dominica on September 25, 2013: marion langley from The Study on July 11, 2013: I guessed correctly that I was preggo at 5 weeks both times because of the higher basal temperature. Low backache and/or pain. Common early signs include: 1. well my period is due around the 25, well for the last 2 week ive been really blotted, dissy, and ive had several bad headaces that wont go away. Generally, a pregnant belly may start to feel tight and firm early on, as the uterus grows and expands to accommodate a growing baby. i wake up in the morning and my tummy hurts. Everyone will just annoy me! If you've been tracking your basal body temperature and notice a sustained increase in temperature in the post-ovulation phase, you're likely pregnant. I have a question about pregnancy testing. Most classic pregnancy symptoms dont start until one or two weeks after conception at the very earliest. Okay, so I am on the patch and have been for over a year. Waiting can be difficult, but you can usually take a test three to four days before a missed period though youre more likely to get a false negative if you test too soon. me and my girlfrend had a protected sex and she have not had a piriod yet what mast be the cos of that please and her piriod have to come this month from 28th or 29 bt today is 30th bt we are still facing problems what might be the problems? and when dining times come around what i c there is i don't like it, with out tasting it, my tummy just feels full. I really don't have any of the symtoms any one has said beside kind of sleeping but I sometimes like to sleep i'm not really sleeping more or less then I normally do.. Also I'm not really hungry lately. Pregnancy causes your blood vessels to dilate and your blood pressure to drop, which could result in some unexpected swooning. Some may note symptoms like sore breasts, fatigue, or frequent urination. Im scared its too early for a pregnancy test, but should i take one? If you sit at a desk job, place a rolled-up towel or cushion behind your back for support; rest your feet on a stack of books or stool and sit up straight, with your shoulders back. You can also check out the list of foods to be included . We had unprotected sex. If you find yourself getting dizzy, you should lie down right away, on your left side if you can. ive looked for another method but weve just been using condoms sometimes. And could i have ealry simpsons of pregnancy cause its been bout a week or 2 nd we had done it on my period nd i was told u can get pregnant easyer when u can someone please help me can anyone help me ? Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy symptoms may begin in some people as early as a week after implantation. and my boobs look a lot more full, even my sister has noticed that they look bigger. Sensitivity to taste and smell is a classic symptom experienced by at least 85% of women during pregnancy. okay so im usually on the pill but as i was waitin for my mom to get my refill prescription my bf and i had sex and he well you know .. messed up ! Ask your doctor about low-impact activities that will be safe, which could include walking, swimming, and biking. I hope some one can give me some advice. All throughout pregnancy, but especially at the start, hormone levels will be fluctuating. Nausea can occur with or without vomiting and is often worse on an empty stomach. But just to be safe.. Go to the doctor. So. then on the 8th and 9th we again had lots of sex, and he finished several time. Like you have PMS (sore breasts, cramping, bloating, mood swings).