nogales international obituaries

Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Nogales International Airport - KOLS - OLS - Airport Guide Legal | Connect with your classmates to honor alumni and teachers. He was ill three weeks! Charles Smith, Mrs. AndrewBettwy and Mrs. R. P. Innskeep.Those playing were: Mrs. L. L. Odle,Mrs. QUICK SERVICE . The Nogales International wastewater treatment plant was first conceived in 1943 to provide a regional approach to the issue of wastewater treatment and disposal. Three members withdrew atthis meetirtg. She said the 350 to 400 is a conserv; ative estimate.Should 350 persons be here, theattendance would surpass that ofthe 36th annual convention of theArizona Cattle Growers Associationheld here early this week. Democratic Candidate ForJUSTICE OF THE PEACEPrecinct No. She attended a boarding school while inher teens and some years later became one of the best known personsin the cattle business of the Southwest.a matter of character assassination.Henry G. Boice, Tucson, wasnamed head of the committee ofcattlemen to investigate a taxpayers league plan and possibly form astate wide organization of that nature in Arizona.A resolution condemning the continuation of reciprocal trade treaties also was passed by the delegates.They said cattle herds in the United States were increasing steadilyand that continuation of reciprocaltrade agreements would force cattle prices down.Speakers charged that the theoryof reciprocal trade treaties being afactor toward world peace was false.They raid there was no more relation between peace and reciprocal(Turn to Page Four) ,Tumacacori National Monument107,900 PoundsArizona Wool| Shipped EastPHOENIX, Feb. 23(UP) Approximately 107,000 pounds of woolwere shipped to an eastern corporation this week, Jerrie W. Lee,secretary of the Arizona Wool Growers Association, reported today.The woolthree freight carloadsof it was sent without a pricequotation. W. McFarlandWilliam W. McFarland 70, wgllknown commodity broker, diedTuesday night at his home. Fleischmanns fresh active Yeast goes right toworkmakes sweeter, tastier bread . Seated, left to right! Roberto is now establishedin Mexico City, but secured muchof his first experience on borderpublications.The article deals with the terriblej misunderstanding Americans have ofMexico and the Mexican people, andj the tragic effects this misunder! Legal | Accessibility | Maria Coronel. E. Heady was here Thursdayfrom San Rafael Valley.Mark Boosinger of Patagonia wasa Nogales visitor Wednesday.I. 41BETWEEN 350 AND 400 TO BEHERE FOR CONVENTION OFWOMENS CLUBS IN MARCHBoth Junior And Senior Divisions Os FederationOs Womens Clubs To Convene At NogalesLatter Part Os MarchA crowd of between 350 and 400persons will be here for the ani.var*l convention of the StateFederation of Womens ClubsMarch 26, 27, 28 and 29.Information to this effect wasIn The NewsI JHr ik 1l wm m 3umm*" ' iBIPoI ''llwk mIt. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. Nogales International : Obituaries in Nogales, Arizona (AZ) - The Donate Last Name "Vaughan . But whats the View obituary. W. Girdner cf Temps, who wasrecentv pot on the retired list bythe forestry service, was here forthe cattlemens convention.Girdner was for many years assistant forester on the Tonto. Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Jeremy Brinton (Nogales, Arizona), who passed away at the age of 40, on May 21, 2021. Titcomb arrived Tuesday fromSombreretillo, 60 miles southwest ofNogales, where he is engaged inmining.CUSTOMS OFFICIALEdson J. Shamhart, chief of theDivision of Enforcement. Step Two - Add in some keywords, such as the . Phone 26 (adv)R. C. Blabon was a visitor inNogales Wednesday from Patagonia.T. Finding death notices in the Nogales International can be another vital source To lay out, subdivide, resubdivide, and generally improve tractsof land and sell same, either by suchsubdivision or resubdivision.4. Nogales Obituaries | Local Obits for Nogales, AZ - Ar.Nogales Ft. Hna. IGNo. Press | Ar. of genealogical research. document.write(year) Nathan Ronald Lumm. Nogales international. [volume], February 22, 1941, Image 1 View Nogales obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for Nogales, Arizona, updated regularly throughout the day with submissions from newspapers, funeral homes, and direct from the community. . Legal | All thatliam me.For your smile inf he fnominsA nd at night, my mother, I thankyou. Phone 72i ASSAYINGPRICE LIST! The United States, Great Britain and Russiawill eventually be able to get along in friendly fashionand settle their differences intelligently.Russia isnt ready to fight a big-scale war as yet.Neither is the United States, but our war potential isstill stronger than Russias and she knows this, soRussia will abandon her bluff.Veterans FirstMany merchants are busy building up reservationlists for scarce merchandise lists which show theorder in which people will get automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines and even nylons when theyfinally become available. . Nogales international. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, April 18, 1930, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5, brought to you by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. H. W. Hamblin of Huntingi ton Park, California, formerly ofNogales, is spending a few days inthe city and reports that two ofher daughters, Mrs. Ellie KarnsCHelen Hamblin) and Mrs. JohnOgle (Kathryn Hamblin) are critically ill, Mrs. Karns in Los Angelesand Mrs. Ogle in Long Beach. 1Jefferson St., following a lingeringillness.Services will be held this afternoon at the Carroon Mortuary. Try searching by initials. LA. Press |, Nogales international. She was born on March 22nd, 1957 in Douglas Read More, Obituary of Christine Leigh Osuna Christine passed away the morning of February 9, 2023 surrounded by family. They will be minus the services of Albert Zenizo and Edward,Sloan.The Senior hotshots will be ledinto action by galloping James Maoris. Tumacacorl was built in iuz,thirty years later than San Xavier.NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, FEB. 24,1940total of between 90,000 and 100,000acres, and grazing on that vast areaare thousands of head of cattle.Attractive and in her late thirties,and possessing much personality,this well known cowgirl rides therange, looks after her cattle, andefficiently manages her entire holdings with the help of a number ofcowboys. Uncover the branches of your family tree. He has one Read More, Obituary of Vivian Sonya Weede For many years, music and arts in Oro Valley have been synonymous with Vivian Weede and her late husband, Robert Read More, Obituary of Luis Odlanier Gomez Luis Odlanier Gomez, "Oscar" passed away on January 21, 2023, surrounded by his family and loved ones. J. Craig Watt.Hymn by Junior Choir.Scripture reading.Song by Miss Amalia Manuel,The Rosary.Offertory.Anthem, choir.Sermon, The Unfailing Presence.Hymn, Crown Him With ManyCrowns.Evening Service 7:30.Instrumental, flute and piano,Meditation by choir.Anthem by choir, "Let The EarthRejoice.Responsive service of scripture.Prayer and music appropriatelyblended , led by pastor, with congregation and choir participating.Solo, Ted Carter.VARIETY Iis What the Houaewife Want*We have the largest varietyof fresh, delicious, homemade, fancy pastries in Nogales. Nogales international. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. Justas good plumbing takes care of itselfso does the automatic gas waterheater and always it is quick, cleanand reliable. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Hereafter itis expected the orchid lounge will beused in addition to the ballroom.JONES RAPS CRITICSYou cant accuse me of being responsible for the present state taxrate, declared Gov. R. Helm of Phoenix, representing The Great InternationalHighway Association, was here this: week.Any party vacating for the summer, desiring a caretaker with goodreferences, may contact throughthis office or by phoning 45-W. (adv)Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jones wereshoppers here Thursday from Parker Canyon.William Farrell and Lonnie Huntwere here this week from TumbleCity, near Fort Huachuca.Phil Tovrea, head of the TovreaPacking Company at Phoenix, was| here last week.% IfirtWij.tHpMdy yoniave me, the bone and the sinew, the heart and| 8 the yours, my mother, I thank you. part owner of the property with another prospector, BillCoplen., Nogales international. Nogales, Arizona - Wikipedia The Nogales International reports . Allthat lam you taught me. 12, Nogales, Arizona, on April 20,1946, are sponsoring a dance to be held at the RanchoGrande beginning at 9:00 p.m. Five door prizes willbe given away during the evening including a new1946 Ford Automobile. Miller| Nogales, Box 257 ArisonsROUNTREEGARAGEAndService StationStorage and Repairsa I First Class Workij GuaranteedS!l : Tow Car ServiceRed Crown GasolineWHERE YOU[ COME INTO TOWN801 Morley Ave.Phone 410will be open to the public duringthe afternoon.Mr. Nogales international. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, March 15 No. Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. Most older obituaries will include some pieces of family information. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, May 03, 1946, Image 1, brought to you by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. His home is in Hollywood.KERSON RECOVERINGJames Kerson of the Cavern Casehas recovered from a severe attackof influenza. PROP,i1 NeuiStdflMe*One of Americas HotelsACCOMMODATING ICOO GUESTS "Wshe5 he (amour Hotel 5t Charles assures this seasorft visitors thesame warm welcome that has attracted the country* notables (or acentury. Looking up Nogales International obituaries in Arizona doesn't have to be difficult. Calif., to be employed by theAmerican Fruit Growers during thesummer months.Pacific BrokerageCompany, S. A.Customs House andCommission BrokersQuick ServiceNOGALESTHEATERSATURDAYMEXICAN SPITFIRE"with LUPE VALDEZ andDONALD WOODS andBILL ELLIOTTinTAMING OF THE WEST"SUNDAY and MONDAYALICE FAYEinLITTLE OLD NEW YORK"TUESWEDTHURS.FRED ASTAIR andELEANOR POWELLinBROADWAY MELODYOF 1940FRIDAYBOBBY BREENinESCAPE TO PARADISE"andHUMPHREY BOGARTin"THE RETURN OF DR. XGood Flour and Fine PremiumsAsk Your Grocer About the FineChinaware Given Away withLA PINA FLOURFor Sale in All Grocery StoresESCALADA BROTHERSWholesale DistributorsTheFIRST NATIONAL BANKOF NOGALESCOMMERCIAL SAVINGSOrganized 1903Mull)\ jFORMER NOGALIANSI CRITICALLY ILLMrs. Click or call (800) 729-8809. Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. Search Nogales obituaries and condolences, hosted by All you have to do to get started is enter the last name of a chosen relative and press the Search button. local AMVETS Post will be named for the two receiving the greatest number of votes. The jobpays SIO,OOO a year for life.Senator Ernest W. McFarland wasoffered the appointment by ThePresident but declined, The President expressing the wish that Mc-Farland would remain in the senate.In announcing the nomination ofJudge Speakman, Senator McFarland wired:Senator Hayden and I have recommended that Judge Howard C.Speakman, of Phoenix, be appointedto the United States District CourtVice Judge Albert M. Sames retired.President Truman authorized Attorney General Tom Clark to call onme and offer me the appointmentand at the same time wrote the following letter to me:Dear Mac: I have requested theattorney general to see you andoffer you the appointment asUnited States district judge in placeof Judge Albert M. Sames, who hasretired. To buy, own, sell, mortgage,lease, and deal in real estate.2. The investigation into the case of a man who was found dead in a . Sam Hill and guest Mrs.Willhoyt of Elgin were shoppers inNogales Wednesday.Mrs. Jobs | He was an American vet serving in the Read More, Ruben Melendez's passing on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Nogales International obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Nogales, Arizona. Plus, 95% of GenealogyBank records cannot be found through any other online services. She was preceded in death by her husband, Daniel Alvidrez Read More, Victor Montanez's passing on Thursday, February 23, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. MEDINA & CO.888 Bldg. Those asked to greetMiss Barber and Mrs. Wagner included: Mrs. M. A. Altaffer, Mrs.W. Phone 40A. Coplen recently found anugget nearly two and half ouncespure gold.New Records ForTourist TravelDETROIT, May 10New recordsfor tourist travel in the Americas in1940 were predicted here today byofficials of the Automobile Manufacturers Association, authoritativestatistical body for the industry.Nearly 60,000,000 Americans will betaking to the highways during thesummer months, the organizationbelieves.Unsettled conditions abroad, combined with expanded facilities andaccommodations in the great national parks and other touristmeccas. External Link Disclaimer | 'Inhuman' wall of razor wire on Arizona-Mexico border sparks outcry [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Nogales International obituary search. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Wick Communications. * Deceased's full name. Obituary Information. Feb. 6 in Nogales. Obituary of Victoria Vaughan Victoria Sue Vaughan, 72, of Tucson, Arizona passed away on Monday, February 27, 2023. As family members typically wrote these, they tend to be relatively accurate. The following obituary was published in the Nogales International on August 6, 2021. Mary was born Read More, Obituary of Arthur Al Guerrero Arthur Al Guerrero, 48 years old, of Arizona City, born and raised in his hometown Mommoth AZ, passed away on Read More, Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy. OBITUARIES | Obituaries | Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. helps insuretender light texture. Accessibility |, Nogales international. Family members would have published death notices in the Nogales International to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. var year = today.getFullYear() Donate Accessibility | Political News & Election Results in Nogales international . Copyright 2000- E. Lee,Clerk of the aid Superior Court.H. She succumbed to a spirited battle with Parkinson's disease. 958 talking about this. Nogales Political News & Election Results in Nogales international 1926 - 1947 Enter your ancestor's name below and we'll search political news & election results to help you learn more about your family history. M. A. WuerachmidtArizona Optical Co.211 Mori*;/ Ave Phone 22iaHmEmaHwawcHMHOTEL BURTONSE HABLA ESPANOLMRS. The. l. Jones, governor of Arizona,, defended his administration at thecattlemens convention.1; , ** , *J-HI ***'''i w Jk Jr M< jjjH&xf ' *' &T. Obituaries describe the person, who they are, and what they did in their lives. TheroomsLEGAL NOTICEbrought against you by the abovenamed plaintiff in the SuperiorCourt of Santa Cruz County, Stateof Arizona, and answer the Complaint therein filed with the Clerkof this said Court, at Nogales, insaid County, within twenty days after the service upon you of thisSummons, if served in this saidCounty, or in all other cases within thirty days thereafter, the timesabove mentioned being exclusive ofthe day of service; or judgment bydefault will be taken against you.Given under my hand and seal ofthe Superior Court of Santa CruzCounty, State of Aiizona, this Istday of April, A. D. 12 Taazs in Prae ?nt Buameaa.1 Hugo IV. H. FLEISCHER,County Assessor ofSanta Cruz County.Speakman To BeNew U. S.Judge At TucsonJudge Howard C. Speakman ofPhoenix was nominated the pastweek by President Truman for theappointment of U.S. District Courtjudge at Tucson to succeed JudgeAlbert Sames, resigned. NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Nogales' Home Newspaper- NOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1946 Hooales Untevnational A Democratic Newspaper Established May 25, 1925 Devoted to the Interest ol Nogales and Vicinity PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING In The NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Building 225 Grand Ave., Nogales Arizona CRAIG POTONGER Editor and Publisher Marilyn was born Read More, Obituary of John R Grimes John R Grimes, Sr 86, passed away January 28, 202, born April 13, 1936 in Detroit Michigan to Jessie and Margaret Grimes Read More, Oscar Lucero's passing on Thursday, January 19, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Do you want to learn even more about unlocking your history? To engage in the business ofInsuring Titles to Real Estate andMortgage Guarantees and of preparing and issuing abstracts andcertificates of title and certifyingas to the condition of record of titleof any real estate or personal property as it appears from public records, and to purchase, build, leaseor otherwise acquire and own abstract books or plants.9. The main news page for the Nogales International Newspaper in Nogales, AZ to include local and national news highlights. I thank you for, me me, the songs you sung to me,the prayers that you saidI am is by you, whoFor the faith you hadJjrineA you had for me, for your trust andyour pride, my mother, I thank you. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. Judge OK's Arizona rancher trial in Mexican migrant killing There is nolimit to the number of tickets which may he purchased.The Nogales AMVETS invite the mothers, wives,sisters and daughters of World II veterans toorganize an AMVETS Auxiliary. . Mark C. Turney has returnedto her home in Rain Valley afterspending several days in St. JosephsHospital in. LEGAL NOTICEally deal in and with stocks, bonds,debentures, mortgages, and securities of all kinds, including those ofithis corporation: to borrow money,execute notes, and deeds, and contracts and mortgages, and to mortgage, to pledge, to bond, to lease,and to hypothecate any and all ofits real and personal property tosecure the payment of any and allsums of money borrowed by saidI corporation and as security for anyobligation which said corporationmay incur.7. Try searching for their husbands name. MIGNARDOTI CHARLES E. JUDGE HARDY j! J. Lindsey Patton, Mrs. MaudeWilliams, Mrs. Carleton Towne,Miss Ruth Cluff.i #*********On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. G.C. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Alicia L. Corral. Press | To the east may be traced walls believed to have formed the cloisters and workyords. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. Copyright To act as executor, administrator, guardian of persons and estates,assignee, receiver, trustee, and registrar of stocks and bonds.8. 20, 1928, in Antafagasta, Chile.Her guardian is Mrs. Belen Carter, 412 Elm street.Jim Titcomb, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Titcomb, 532 Crawford street, was born at Nogales May 13,1930.Frances Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Peterson, 207 Ellis street, was born hereMarch 2, 1930.ELGIN NEWS(By MRS. JAMES PARKER)Mrs. Stone Collie from the Mustang Guest Ranch near Elgin was ashopper in Nogales Wednesday.Mrs. were cited as reasons forthe statement.This has been rightly termedTravel America Year, the A.M.A.announced. William Alberts, James Minotto, Harry Fen- 1nemore, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rock- iwell, Steve Speer. J. K. McBRIDE, SecretaryBy Doris LewisSTATE OF ARIZONA ))ss.County of Santa Cruz )I hereby certify that the withininstrument was filed and recordedat the request of F. A. French Mar.31 A. D. 1930 at 9:45 A. M. Book 2Art. .WE BUY USEDFURNITUREand Pay Highest Prices . 3, subject tothe decision of the voters at theJuly 16th primary election.HARVEY D. RIGGSFOR RECORDERI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Recorder,subject to the decision of thevoters at the July 16th primaryelection.MARY BETTWYSeen HeardTHE MAIN DRAGBill Beatus digging holes for rosebushes.A fellow named Jones calling aPaul Jones at Rancho Grande.Funds being raised for an American Legion baseball team.Woman tourist from Massachusettsasking Policeman Moses Valdez iffolks are allowed to carry weaponsin Nogales . Forgive me for my angers andmy revolts, for my deceits and evasions, for all the pangs and sorrows I broughtto you, my mother, forgive me.For your lessons I did not learn, for your wishes I did not heed, for thecounsels I did not obey, my mother, forgive me. I thankvobior your praise and yourchiding, for the justice into me atKyne hohor you made mine. This must be remedied by tax(Turn To Page Five)Nogales Tc BeInStateTournament(By JOE DUPUY)Having copped the runnerup honor in the previous southern districttournament held at Douglas, theNogales Apaches prepared today toplay the last game of the regularseason tonight with the strong Phoenix Indians at the local gymnasium.After tonights game the Apacheswill resume basketball practice Monday to stay in top shape for theannual state basketball tournament,which will take place in Tucsonnext Thursday with sixteen of thebest cage quintets in the state competing.Following the stellar play whichthe locals displayed in the districttournament which they lost to thestrong Tucson Badgers in the finals,the Apaches will be in the role ofrevenge seekers tonight whenthey play host to the Phoenix Indians which administered a terrific46 to 31 lacing on them earlier in1 the season when the Apaches in! . Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project External Link Disclaimer | Nogales International (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979 | Library of Congress Os C. DriveTo End MondayWith the two teams in charge ofthe drive running neck and neck,the annual Chamber of Commercemembership campaign will close ati 5 p.m., Monday.Tire teams, captained by BobMarcus and Bill Lytle, have broughtin more than 50 new members,many of whom have never beforebeen affiliated with the chamber.Team members are urged to turnin their remaining membershipcards before 5 p.m., Monday.NOGALES HOME NEWSPAPER .. . . Accessibility | Phone 47 or 547. If youre trying to get more information on a specific relative, follow these steps to perform an advanced search of the Nogales International obituary archives. Frank Brophy, iWilliam Mahoney, Phoenix, Viola iMcNeil, Congress Junction. About Nogales International (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979. NOGALES INTERNATIONALNogaIes Home NewspaperEXPERTRADIO SERVICEA good supply of tubes andother radio parts; cords andelements for electrlr irons andtoasters; phonograpn needlesand recording discs; vacuumcleaner belts, etc.KAANTARadio Service235 Morley Phone 93Eat At SamsThe Biggest LittlePlace in Town!SAMSSTEAK HOUSE(BARTON CAFE)GRAND and CRAWFORDFor A GayTime InOld MexicoVISIT THE CAVERNTHE BEST OF FOODSNEW FLOOR SHOWand DANCINGEverybody Goes to the CAVERNCAFEKERSGN & KERSON, S.A.ProprietorsmmumuuuumummmmmammittpayyOU.mmto look into our plan lor localam hmdng and insuringbeforejmi buy your a mm am. NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Nogales Home Newspaper- NOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1946Hooales UntevnationalA Democratic NewspaperEstablished May 25, 1925Devoted to the Interest ol Nogales and VicinityPUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNINGIn The NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Building225 Grand Ave., Nogales ArizonaCRAIG POTONGER Editor and PublisherSubscription Rate $2.50 A Year, $1.50 Six Months, 25 cents a MonthEntered as Second class matter February 3, 1928 at the postofficeat Nogales, Arizona, under the Act of March 3, 1878OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTYOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CITY OF NOGALEStpipr it of {Arizona Newspapers As36a7:onPa# Greater Public Servica IThere Will Be No WarDespite the gloomy prophecies, there will be NOwar. She was born Jan. 27, Page 369.I Witness my hand and officialseal the day and year aforesaid.SEAL Ada E. Jones,County Recorder.(Pub. Juanita Mercedes Pensinger Mazon, 93, a longtime resident of Obituary | Reach . document.write(year) be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday.I WEATHERJ Maximum temperature the pastI week was 96 degrees May 4th and| 9th, and minimum. Box 132 Nogales, Ariz.R. Legacy Read More, Obituary of John Joseph Mahoney John Joseph Mahoney Jr., 68, died the 8 of February at Tucson Medical Center, after a brief illness. 1930. J. LOWEFORSCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County SchoolSuperintendent subject to thedecision of the voters at the Julyprimary election.CORA EVERHARTFOR SUPERVISORI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Supervisor in District No. She is survived by daughters, Yolanda (Michael) Robinson, Marcia It is 60 miles south of Tucson, Ariz. and 150 miles south of Phoenix, Ariz. information about local people. They hope to establish a perfect community on the uninhabited isle, which is a 700-mile voyage from Miami. C. CrenshawPhone 675(Cortlnufld From Page 3)Sunday from Phoenix, where shehas been for some time past, visiting Miss Edna Cheshire. Among themare the University of Arizona, Southern Arizona School for Boys, and ateam from Benson.Among local players are TommyBell, J. F. Johnson, Gilbert Soto,Col. Tus-!yan and Coconino forests and wasstationed in Flagstaff from 1918 to1922. L. French, Secretary and Treasurer.ARTICLE VIIIThe Directors shall have powerto adopt, amend and rescind by.liws, to fill vacancies occuring in the (3oard from any cause.ARTICLE IXThe highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation is at any time to subjecttself, direct or contingent, is ONEHUNDRED SIXTY-SIX THOUS- jAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX ,and 66/100 ($166,666.66) DOLLARS.ARTICLE XThe stockholders and members ofthis corporation and their privateproperty Will be exempt forever from 1any liability for the debts of thiscorporation.ARTICLE XI [This corporation does hereby ap- 1point Duane Bird, of Nogales, who Jlias been a bona fide resident of (Arizona for at least three years, its clawful agent in and for the State of jArizona for and in behalf of said Nogales News | ABC15 Arizona | KNXV - TV 3Now Serving Third TermFOR SHERIFFI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for Sheriff, subjectto the decision of the voters althe July primary election.J. OKeefeDeputy Clerk., (Ist Pub. Nogales Police Officer dies after being struck by vehicle on I-19. SenateSen. Use information from more recent ancestors to find older relatives. (SEAL) Robt. Obituaries | O. External Link Disclaimer | Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Recent Obituaries | Martinez Funeral Chapels Former Nogales Mayor Marco Lopez announces run for governor. Nogales International Obituary Archives Search in Nogales, Arizona C. MEDLEN AGENCYPhone 98 223 Morley AvenueFOR BEST BAKINGDIAMOND M FLOURStandard Family Flour for 40 YearsBUY IT FROM YOUR GROCERESCALADA BROTHERSWHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORSHayden HoldsImportant PostsIn G.O.P.