advantages of exporting are quizlet

A. E. In an international transaction, there is more trust between the exporter and the importer than in a domestic transaction. The inputs the company uses are cheaper. D. countertrade Bill of lading c. local politics It is generally not preferred in international transactions. C. promise to pay by the accepting party. C. It helps the importer to get goods for a lower price. E. Sogo shosha, A range of barterlike agreements by which goods and services are traded for other goods and services when they cannot be traded for money is known as _____. b. choose a price point by graphing a product's supply and demand b. aging population c. requires spending more money on product customization D. time draft C. the importer has to pay for the merchandise even before receiving the documents. a. inpatriation . a. ethnocentric A. Guanxi It protects exporters from the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. E. Most exporters desire payment in a currency that is not convertible. The Biden administration on Thursday approved exports of liquefied natural gas from the Alaska liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, a document showed, prompting criticism from environmental groups . c. global she had paid the rent. These goods earn foreign exchange that can be used to facilitate development. B. letter of credit A=$15,000;i=0.01;n=28;P=A=\$ 15,000 ; i=0.01 ; n=28 ; P=A=$15,000;i=0.01;n=28;P= ? What can you conclude from this plot? d. expatriation E. Ex-Im Network, A(n) _____ refers to an export specialist that acts as an export marketing department for client firms. e. decentralized, Which of the following is true of the global model? D. Barter What is an accurate description of countertrade? b. horizontal axis measures pressures for local interaction and the vertical axis measures pressures for global responsiveness A. approaching the World Bank. Seller agrees to a set price & receives cash from buyer Competitive Advantage. Which of the following is an advantage of exporting? b. CAFTA-DR E. better understanding of how transactions should be configured. c. immigrants B. d. franchising C. It coordinates a nationwide group of international trade attorneys who provide free initial consultations to small businesses on export-related matters. E. the Export Legal Assistance Network. C. United States Trade Service E. franchising. A. D. Export Legal Assistance Network 7 Segmentation, Targeting, and, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. A. Barter . E. Offset. Type ^p in the find box, and a space in the replace box. a. domestic B. offset e. Unilever, Which of the following models of organization structure depends heavily on communication and coordination between subsidiaries? d. expatriate A drawback of countertrade is that: C. It serves as a receipt, a contract, and a document of title. c. loss of control over quality principals of PP Door signed the lease and guaranty agreements a. Egypt b. a smartphone manufacturer This matters, as the services sector represents 80% of the UK economy. Export promotion industries have a wide market for their produce for both domestic and foreign markets. A. Barter d. manufacturing various components at appropriate sites and assembling the components at national subsidiaries a. it can cost three to four times as much to use host-country nationals, compared to expatriates A. counterpurchase Prevalent in dealing with developing-country governments, Nontraditional trade deals since the 1960s At up to $500 million per ship, the cost of the cruise ships is one of Carnival's most significant expenses. b. subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the parent company A. "best prospects" list e. wholly owned subsidiary, When a company sets up its own overseas operations, independent of foreign partners or governments, it has established a(n) e. hypocrisy, The disorientation and stress associated with being in a foreign environment is termed D. it does not allow firms to invest in an in-house trading department dedicated to arranging and managing deals. B. receipt A. corporate greed e. European Unification Act, To be competitive in a global economy, Europeans must C. In a domestic transaction, a draft is used to settle trade transactions. Main Avenue, LLC v. PP Door Enterprise Inc., 120 Conn.App. These firms can best overcome ignorance by: C. free trade . A lack of trust between two parties engaged in international trade is exacerbated by the: e. reducing costs, Which of the following entry modes do most manufacturing companies use to begin global expansion? it may involve the exchange of poor-quality goods that cannot be disposed of profitably. d. licensing company has lower communication costs Hawk Company records prepaid assets and unearned revenues in balance sheet accounts. B. the goods and services cannot be traded for money. b. inpatriate A. arbitrage Conservation of foreign currency, Changes of commodity prices A. the value of the variable, year opened, from the current year. d. the worldwide model b. differences in traditional practices among countries e. intranational, Which model involves fostering communication among subsidiaries to permit transfer of skills? Which of the following is a drawback of relying on an export management company (EMC)? In an international transaction, a formal promise to pay is required before the buyer can obtain the merchandise. (D) Inflexibility, competition D. It is also known as a bill of lading. Trade expansion benefits families and businesses by: Supporting more productive, higher paying jobs in our export sectors. C. barter Buyer can't chose most competative supplier, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. b. a wholly owned subsidiary offers too much flexibility over operations It helps in easy currency conversion. b. anticorruption laws A. B. paying the draft amount immediately. Export Legal Assistance Network A. c. second-party nationals She did admit, however, that D. It provides export specialists who act as the export marketing departments or international departments for their client firms. Disadvantage 2 of exporting You can lose a lot of money for the country. A. bill of exchange E. It usually involves the exchange of high-quality goods that a firm can dispose of profitably. See full answer below. The governments of developing nations sometimes insist on a certain amount of countertrade. D. arbitrage quartiles using formula (4-1 ). d. large amount of discretion is given to the subsidiaries c. Substantive testing should be twice the amount of internal controls testing. B. each team, use this variable to create a new variable, stadium age, by subtracting d. creating a joint venture c. multinational and international d. imports are failing to penetrate deeper into the world's largest economies The exporter can insure against this possibility by: e. Vietnam, Threats to China's economic future include d. expatriation c. work for fewer hours It reduces the importer's ability to borrow funds for other purposes. Disadvantages of exporting a. international b. international licensing E. an export management company is used. b. competitiveness d. franchising D. counter sale A. Limited trade volume Export promotion leads to expansion of goods for the foreign market. d. traditional practices E. countertrading opportunities. c. wholly owned subsidiary c. inadequate access to health benefits The sogo shosha of Japan: A. barter e. avoids criticism, Heinrich is a German engineer working in Africa. a. cannot easily transfer core skills among international operations b. international and transnational C. can be used to obtain payment or a written promise of payment before the merchandise is released to the importer. b. the European Union Switch trading The 10 Benefits of Exporting. C. Switch trading d. it helps reduce wage stagnation of workers in the home country D. SCORE list E. Offset, Which of the following drafts allows for a delay in payment? Receiving payments on time is crucial for global businesses. b. lack of adequate housing d. overseas consumers are often resentful of foreigners e. licensee has lower production costs, a. licensee bears most of the costs and risks associated, A disadvantage of licensing is that the licensing company D. collecting information. E. usance draft. b. multinational no knowledge of the lease agreement. Baseball teams for the 2016 season. e. India, Which of the following is a reason that companies adopt a common global strategy? C. barter b. decision making is done at a local level Which of the following forms of countertrade is the country most likely to use? The figures show an astonishing 25% surge in the UK's exports of services since the British people voted to leave the EU. E. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in the United States is always on the lookout for export opportunities. At trial, Li testified that she was D. It indicates that the carrier has received the merchandise described on the face of the document. A firm that enters many markets at once: a. Rodrigo is an example of a(n) C. obtaining pre-export financing. To cater to the growing demand of luxury cars, Terabithia Republic agreed to buy 5,000 cars from MotoSporto Inc. in exchange for 5,000 gallons of oil. a. lack of response to local political conditions Switch trading C. Foreign Credit Insurance Association B. E. the conventional means of payment are cheaper. Organizations resort to countertrade of goods and services when: The United States is known worldwide for high quality, innovative goods and services, customer service, and sound business practices. World Bank C. lack of trust Therefore it produces exactly the same makeup products, using the same color palettes, in several countries with attractive labor rates, and offers them to all of its markets around the world. guaranties. Mar 27, 2022 e. causes countries to produce more varied goods, ____ occurs when the organization contracts with an external provider to produce one or more of an organization's products or services. a. NAFTA c. immigrant A. merchandise bill e. it has reversed the trend of increased automation, c. wages in the foreign countries rise, reducing the expected cost savings, An organization's economic environment includes It is a document written by an exporter instructing an importer to pay a specified amount of money at a specified time. E. Avoiding recruitment of local personnel, Entering a foreign market on a small scale. D. The exporter ships the goods to the importer on a common carrier. Indicate if each actual component percentage is acceptable or unacceptable. A. maker Disadvantage 1 of exporting When you buy goods and then sell them for less which is called a deficit. C. an offset Negotiate with the offending party A. sogo shosha E. It is the direct exchange of goods without a cash transaction. Sidestep liquidity problems b. third-level nationals B. C. Entering a foreign market on a small scale c. wages in the foreign countries rise, reducing the expected cost savings D. It organizes trade events that help potential exporters make foreign contacts. d. Nigeria An advantage of _____ is that it helps in doing business in many developing nations that find it difficult to raise the foreign exchange necessary to pay for imports. C. Unlike Japan, U.S. firms have a strong information advantage when they seek export opportunities. Your research and development budget could work harder as you can change existing products to suit new markets. Advantages of exporting Extending to a global scale. b. a. it is consistent with a pure global strategy B. d. a restaurant chain a. world output and trade have decreased to dramatically low levels E. export-import program, The _____ is a government organization that helps potential exporters. c. responsibility A. e. inpatriates, ___ are natives of a country other than the home country of the host country of an overseas subsidiary Another advantage of exporting is profitability. e. Taiwan, Which of the following existing agreements includes Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and the United States? Advantages of exporting You could significantly expand your markets, leaving you less dependent on any single one. the goods and services cannot be traded for money. B. exporter can convert the currency only in U.S. dollars. A. proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. d. varied consumer preferences It reduces the exporter's level of trust in the importer. E. It allows for a delay in payment. the conventional means of international trade are difficult. C. letter of credit A. a letter of credit b. competitive pressures to reduce costs are high You should weigh them up before starting to move into overseas markets. b. host-country nationals a. exporting A. offshoring a. significant differences in consumer tastes among countries B. outsourcing True Family issues are the main reason for expatriates to return home early. Prepare any necessary reversing entries for the accounting adjustment provided assuming that Hawk uses reversing entries in its accounting system. E. Africa. B. U.S. Department of Commerce A. switch trading Write a brief summary of your analysis. Compensation deals include payment in both goods and cash. b. decentralized structures C. narrowing distance between the two parties due to technological advances. Use the MACRS to find the annual depreciation. b. Canada D. It is useful only for small companies. b. centralism The most significant disadvantage concerning franchising is brand name recognition. a. NAFTA e. centralizes functions of research and development to the parent company, d. cannot easily launch a coordinated global attack against competitors, Foam Cutters is a speedboat manufacturing company based in California. It coordinates the Export Legal Assistance Network, a nationwide group of international trade attorneys who provide free initial consultations to small businesses on export-related matters. It states that the bank will pay a specified sum of money to a beneficiary on presentation of particular, specified documents. C. Federal Trade Commission China a. expatriates Few companies invest more in equipment than Carnival Cruise Lines, the most popular cruise line in the world. a. there is a large amount of risk for the franchisor a. Sony B. Documentation = Official forms and other paperwork required in export transactions for shipping and custom procedures. If negotiations fail & cost of termination is substantial assistance from its bank or attorney e. domestic, Which of the following is true of the multinational approach to international competition? It allows a firm to have its own company-owned facilities in a particular foreign market. Click replace all. _____ refers to an alternative means of structuring an international sale when conventional means of payment are difficult, costly, or nonexistent. C. document of title c. third-country national E. It requires exporting firms to obtain a letter of credit form a local bank. D. Vietnam, The practice followed bu some companies of moving jobs to another country is called A. Counterpurchase d. transnational E. offsourcing, Which of the following is one of the three regions that dominate the global economy? Which of the following is a function of an export management company? E. he or she knows that the importer will default on payment. In global trade, exporting is the process by which companies from one country sell their goods and services to companies or consumers in a different country. c. greed Obtaining pre-export financing becomes easier. It is a reciprocal buying agreement. The use of a specialized third-party trading house in a countertrade arrangement is known as _____. C. Firms engaged in barter run the risk of having to accept goods they do not want or cannot use. b. Maastricht Treaty b. low cost sites are available go to where it says "visible to" and change it to make sure it says "visible to only me" & "editable by only me" then save. D. writing or stamping a notice of acceptance on its face. a. companies who use offshoring find that their travel costs decrease b. the company may face tariff barriers Which of the following is true of countertrade? E. Export Credit Insurance Association, The _____ guarantees repayment of medium- and long-term loans U.S. commercial banks make to foreign borrowers for purchasing U.S. exports. a. franchising D. Small Business Administration d. it is considered responsive to local needs a. Russia d. vertical axis measures employee satisfaction and the horizontal axis measures management credibility It requires an in-house trading department to be maintained, which can be expensive and time-consuming. e. there are chances to lose quality control, e. there are chances to lose quality control, Which of the following methods of entering global competition runs the biggest risk of conflict between partners over who controls what? a. intranational model It assembles a "comparison shopping service" for 14 countries that are major markets for U.S. exports, The U.S. Department of Commerce has a(n) _____ in which department representatives accompany groups of U.S. businesspeople abroad to meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers. B. similar preferences of the parties regarding how a transaction should be configured. Develop a box plot The situation in which consumer tastes and preferences regarding a product are similar in many different countries is an example of c. subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the subsidiaries B. Greater production can lead to larger economies of scale and better margins. A. the United States c. transportation costs are generally lower that were sent to PP Doors once. Service Corps of Retired Executives B. D. Bank of New York A major advantage of using export strategies to enter international markets is that Multiple Choice these can be used to avoid tariffs and curb the effects of fluctuating exchange rates. C. title drafts and quantity drafts. D. It helps companies increase their unit costs. A. exporter may not be paid in his or her home currency due to nonconvertibility. can be used to advance funds to the exporter by its local bank before or during shipment. Question 2 Which of the following is an advantage of using exporting as an international business strategy? C. the conventional means of international trade transaction are difficult. Advantages of exporting You could significantly expand your markets, leaving you less dependent on any single one. C. It reduces the importer's ability to borrow funds for other purposes. E. It reduces paperwork and complex formalities. B. contract e. a clothing factory, Which of the following is the preferred strategy when a company's competitive advantage is based on technology and the company wishes to enter the global marketplace? D. Developing nations may have trouble raising the foreign exchange necessary to pay for imports. Greater production can lead to larger economies of scale and better margins. _____, a type of countertrade, occurs when a firm agrees to purchase a certain amount of materials back from a country to which a sale is made. D. bill of lading D. It requires the importer to repay the loan even before the merchandise is sold. Recently, FuturaCloud hired a California-based company to do those services instead. Increased profits. From an exporter's perspective, why is an offset more attractive than a straight counterpurchase agreement? It protects exporters from the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. D. states that the bank will pay a specified sum of money to a beneficiary, normally the exporter, on presentation of particular, specified documents. This is an example of _____. Open the find and replace box in Microsoft Word (the shortcut to do this is Ctrl + H). b. IBM a. international A. Selling goods and services to new markets offers a sales boost and enables long-term profitability. Negative effect on world market prices a. it is highly responsive to consumer taste When PP Door failed to make Following generally accepted accounting principles, Carnival depreciates the cost of each ship over its 30-year estimated useful life. When a time draft is presented to a drawee, he or she signifies acceptance of it by: Which of the following is true of counterpurchase? Which of the following is true of the export performance of the United States, Germany, and Japan? On Wednesday last week (05 April 2023) the Office for National Statistics released its latest detailed data on the UK's imports and exports of services. Many foreign customers require face-to-face negotiations on their home turf. d. exporting b. international model Expanding the variety of products for purchase by consumers and business. E. association of export companies. E. compensation, A(n) _____ occurs when a firm builds a plant in a country and agrees to take a certain percentage of the plant's output as partial payment for the contract. A. counterpurchase Firms engaged in international trade deal with people they may have never seen, who live in different countries, who speak different languages, and who abide by different legal systems. The expired portion of prepaid insurance is $3,700. E. importer defaults on payment. E. It does not require the importer to pay any fee. Advantages of Exporting for Companies Exports can increase sales and profitsif the goods create new markets or expand existing ones, and they may even present an opportunity to capture significant global market share. B. e. global market integration, The model in which managers use their organization's existing core capabilities to expand into foreign markets is called the ____ model. d. expatriation C. buyback Goodwill: outliers? The solution. Importing refers to buying goods and services from foreign sources and bringing them back into the home country. E. It is not an acceptable means of trading in most developing countries. a. murder lose out on significant opportunities for cost reduction. D. It involves huge cash transactions. B. acculturation [73-75 c. global C. The United States It is primarily used with trading partners who are not creditworthy or trustworthy. D. International Trade Administration This is an example of _____. B. b. launching coordinated global attacks against competitors is easy these are the best method to overcome high entry barriers these minimize risks and capital requirements. b. the transnational model d. optimizing global profit E. letter of credit. This change is an example of A. document of title c. APEC Compute the The Department of Commerce What is Dan experiencing? C. draft United Nations B. it is a financial liability against the importer. . *i do have quizlet plus currently so i am not sure if the ability to export is only for plus users but worth a shot to try. e. high labor costs, NAFTA combined the economies of ______ into one of the world's largest trading blocs Which of the following is a way in which the U.S. Department of Commerce helps potential exporters? b. international b. failure rate d. intranational c. identify the best strategy for completing in a global marketplace d. persistence It is the most restrictive countertrade arrangement. Are there any outliers? A. trade acceptance To serve the increasing demand for cruises, Carnival is constantly expanding its fleet of ships. C. Letter of credit a. international mores It starts exporting operations for a firm with the understanding that the firm will take over operations after they are well established. c. entering a joint venture B. B. creating revenue. The importer applies to a trusted third party (usually a bank) for a letter of credit to be issued in favor of the exporter for the merchandise the importer wishes to buy. D. Firms usually appreciate being paid in the form of goods and services instead of hard currency. It provides a potential exporter with a "best prospects" list. a. political instability The firm does not want any foreign goods, however, so it sells the credits to a third-party trading house at a discount. E. The trusted third party (usually a bank) issues a letter of credit in the importer's favor and sends it to the exporter's bank. C. It is a negotiable instrument. a. offshoring A. e. intranational, Exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and wholly owned subsidiaries are all methods of b. Canada Encouraging investment and more rapid economic growth. d. it requires a minimum amount of effort and coordination by the parent company , competition d. 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