daily prophetic word

I though I had to sit in a room, all alone, in silence for hours and then I might be one of the privileged few who would hear from Heaven. Ive allowed FEAR to cripple me from making a move to trust God for HIS best in my life..""Thank you soooo much for your book! The enemy will use the chaos to attempt to install puppet leaders in government. However, GOD'S PLAN IS UNFOLDING - and YOU are a part of it. Holiness in life and behavior will be the standard. Apr 4 Uncertain times can come in the form of economic, spiritual or environmental turmoil, or personal attacks against your family, health or finances. Daily Prophetic Word April 13, 2023 By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries The Lord says, "This is your time to walk into all that I have created you to do and be. Nations will be divided into sheep and goats. I feel like my passions have changed but my primary gifts and calling are the same. Lion Bites: Daily Prophetic Words That Awaken the Spiritual Warrior in You! The Lord keeps giving me the word: CUSP: the point when something is about to change to something else; a point of transition between two different states. Welcome to Daily Prophetic Word For Today 17th April 2023 by Prophet Russ Walden. Home Prophetic Light Comforting, Encouraging, Edifying Through God's Voice. Its like God is speaking directly to me about everything Im going through, praying for and believing. How can I increase the level of anointing and spiritual authority upon my life? This will be a year of consolidation and establishment. In the coming days, can we expect to see more wars, a financial collapse, increased natural disasters, another pandemic - or even a global world totalitarian government? Throughout the month and. The earth is groaning for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed. - 1 Corinthians 14:3 NIV, I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. How to grow and develop in your prophetic ability. Patiently wait, You will be made to forget, says the Lord. Some of your important relationships have changed. There will also be a deep humility as we are brought face-to-face with our own sinfulness and brokenness. The epicenters of power are being redefined. They cannot be. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. Like your body replaces itself with a new set of cells, your old life will replace itself with a new life, reflecting the glory of the Lord. . Enough of loss, disillusionment, and disappointment. Then, over a period of around a year, God began to show me His ways of communicating with His people. The rebellious, arrogant and proud who wanted deception and loved darkness will experience the consequences of their actions.There will be events and incidents that will simply have no rational possibility or logical explanation.There will be signs and supernatural occurrences that will leave the most wise and learned scratching their heads in confusion.Winds of change' are coming.As a sign look for significant and unusual storms in early 2021.God often uses the natural to reveal what He is doing in the invisible realm. If you love Me, you will obey Me. What does Kingdom leadership look like in this new era? If so, how will I know where to go? Prophetic Words April 7, 2023 / Hey Friends, For a number of years now we have been hosting online schools and online conferences through Lana Vawser Ministries on the assignment of the Lord to equip and build up the saints for the works of service and create spaces for them to encounter Jesus and go deeper in intimacy with Him. It will be so significant and devastating to economies right across the globe that it will bring about the desire between governments for a single worldwide digital currency. Germany and France especially will fight hard to hold it together. Pray and listen for how God speaks to you to show you if theres anything you need to do in response to the Daily Prophetic Word. God is bringing His people back into a holy reverence and fear of the Lord. or fasted. It will happen very suddenly. This is an Ezekiel 37 season. With a combination of important, relevant Scriptures, Holy Spirit revelation, personal experiences, and the wisdom of other prophetic voices, through reading THE BLUEPRINT you will gain an understanding of what is happening in you and around you. The Godly will face threats, violence, and even imprisonment. At a time when the airwaves are being filled with so many lies and so much division, we must fill them with truth and righteousness and justice and worship. They will speak to leaders and governments. Everything is being shaken. God will back up their words. However, I believe it actually began in September 2019 at the time of the Hebrew New Year. Like an ocean, God never stops releasing waves of revelation and wisdom to us. The Lord has given you a sphere of influence, a place where you can assert and exert significant spiritual authority to change the atmosphere and events. Thank you Thank you Thank you!, I have no words to express how inspiring your emails are to me right now. We must discern His ways. But at the time I was stuck in the hallway in-between. Who does this divert attention from? You have been called out of darkness into My marvelous light. There will be crisis events, explosions, terrorist attacks, even wars, designed to elicit a certain reaction/response or to divert attention away from something else. Unlike a daily horoscope, a prophetic word is an encouraging or confirming word inspired by the Holy Spirit. The great sifting will continue. What are the signs we will see before Jesus returns? I couldnt understand. When faith is expressed, it is an innate knowing without any shadow of doubt. A number of months ago, I had a vivid prophetic dream. You summed it up perfectly., Your prophetic words have been like bread to me in this whole entire season. The Lord wants you to lift your voice. Since that time it has been the greatest joy and privilege to share what God is saying to other people. You are Lord of everything and all in our lives now, Lord, you hear our cry, and you will answer us as you stand alongside to help us and liberate us from the attacks of the enemy. They will be of all ages and from all backgrounds. This is going to build up to such an extent that it will be like an earthquake or eruption in 2020.In fact, dont be surprised if the Lord affirms this in the natural. THE TENSION OF TRANSITION: 30 Days To Help You Navigate From Here To Your Promised Land. The Lord is purifying his Bride as His return draws more imminent.Immature, immoral, heretical and ungodly leadership will be removed.The Lord no longer will tolerate a show in His name.Only those who are pursuing His presence from a place of purity, reverence and true worship will flourish and stand. Break off passivity and assert your God-given authority. This will lead to unrest, looting, mass protests, uprisings, and the overthrow of governments. For many people hearing God speaks can seem so inaccessible and confined to the chosen few. There is freedom and fulfilment available to those who face their own darkness. There is potential for a significant economic plummet the likes of which we have not experienced since the 1929 Great Depression. My word is simple and plainly so. That is what I believe SPIRIT SPEAK will be for you. How do I find my tribe - the people that God is aligning me with in this next season? We are fighting for future generations. Just as prophets can stand before people and hear what God has for a specific person, Doug Addison stands before specific dates and asks the Holy Spirit what God wants to say for each day. Ideological and proxy wars will escalate into full blown conflict. As you yield to Me and cooperate with My influence on your life, the harvest will [], The Father says today; you are not a son of dust. I have planted within you the incorruptible seed of Myself. The symbolism of dying to our old life and rising to new life in Christ will bring powerful results. Each chapter has 8-10 pages of prophetic revelation, key insights into current events, relevant personal experiences, important wisdom from other voices, significant Scriptures, and practical steps to flourish in this next era. They cannot be bought. Dont underestimate what the Lord has planned for you this next season. Some will be noble and trustworthy; others will be demonically assigned to create chaos and advance an antichrist agenda. Prophecy is a message from God inspired by the Holy Spirit. I believe that the first 100 days of this year are very important. Do not be anxious or afraid. A remnant will recognize them as speaking with the true, prophetic revelation of God. Prophetic Word: You will be Rich! They will try to maintain power by brute force but their days are numbered. We must be sober minded and alert. Daily Prophetic Word April 10, 2023 By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries The Lord says, "Love is My response to the world. Lift up your head and see My face. The first draft of THE BLUEPRINT is now complete and available as a PDF E-book. ARE WE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS?ARE YOU EQUIPPED TO IDENTIFY THE SIGNS OF THE END TIMES AS REVEALED IN THE BIBLE?Everything has changed. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 explains it this way: "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. I so want every believer to really grasp how easy it is to hear from God. But you know there's MORE. Over the past few weeks, God has continually been bringing Old Testament books of Habbakuk, Amos, Haggai, etc. The nations and systems of the earth continue to be shaken. Now is your breakthrough moment from everything that was holding you back. How to interpret pictures, dreams and visions. Declaration - 2 Corinthians 5:17 - I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. (These shorter prophetic books in our Bible are known as the minor prophets, as distinguished from the major prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah.). I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. Hundreds of people have written to me to let me know that through every page God spoke directly to them. The hunter shall now become the hunted, and the hunted are moving on and soaring to glory, and shall be above and not beneath. The LORD says today, Broken cisterns. More. As I prayed into it, the Lord showed me that the passport was a sign of our identity. The father is showing us prophetically what lies ahead in the rest of the year.Nationally, leaders will be at a loss as to how to bring peace and stability in their societies. That's exactly where I found myself just a few years ago. Powerful Promises And Prayer For Physical Healing. I was really trying to trust God and cling to what He had spoken to me, but I was feeling unsure, insecure and anxious about the future. Rising prices. Laugh, says the Father. In it I take you on a journey through our transition, and in 30 chapters I explore some of the lessons I learned during this prolonged and often difficult season. But those who harden their hearts and refuse His kindness that leads to repentance will be brought to a place of judgment. THE BLUEPRINT, is a 40-day prophetic devotional. It is the beginning of a complete dissolution. There will be protests on the streets and great civil unrest. Prophetic Words - Lana Vawser Ministries Home Join Mailing List About Us Prophetic Words School Sowing Resource Table Connect / Social Media Policies Prophetic Words Search Search March 2023 February 2023 January 2023 December 2022 November 2022 October 2022 September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 The Father says today, do you love Me? THE SPIRIT IS COMING WITH POWER TO THE CHURCH ESPECIALLY IN THE AREA OF DELIVERANCE. The enemy is seeking to rob Gods people of our uniqueness, our calling, our ministry, even our reputation. The issue of vaccine mandates will also intensify to boiling point and then fizzle out because it will be impossible (& too costly) to enforce and sustain. These will spread. Who is God raising up? The waves are all different, but they are constantthe ocean doesnt stop. There is a turnaround. The others will be swept away in the cultural tide of conformity.The economy worldwide will take a major sudden dip. There is no crop blight on the harvest of blessings I am bringing up out of your life. 3/26/23 https://lnkd.in/gvR_UJ-2 Like Comment Comment Many of Gods people are experiencing an identity crisis right now. There is still some movement/relocation/repositioning to take place. He is tearing down the false altars of personality and performance and replacing them with true altars of prayer, repentance, fasting, intercession, brokenness, generosity, worship. These are serious days we are living in. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. What was on His heart? Doug Addison The Lord is continuing to move with breakthrough anointing, healing, angels, new hope and joy. A demarcation is being drawn between the righteous and the wicked - between the corrupt and those who stand for truth. However, this is also a time for personal confrontation - to ruthlessly deal with the things in our own hearts that have been hindering us and holding us back from full devotion to Jesus. In 2022, I believe were going to see more food shortages, power cuts, and other areas of pressure on a global scale. Some look at you and think you are a joke, but the answer of [], The Father says today; I am sitting over the land as a refiners fire and fullers soap. Why are so many people around me moving and relocating? Why do some people seem to experience greater favor than others? They will speak with truth and power into government, world affairs, business, technology, medicine, entertainment, and education. There are many references in the Bible showing various ways God can speak to us: But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. So, below are what I have called 10 sobering words for this prophetic season.. How do I break off previous alignments that God is calling me away from? How important are personal holiness and a fear of the Lord in this season? Division. Thieves had broken into our house (which happened to be attached to a church) and they were trying to steal our passports. Are we witnessing the end of the celebrity pastor, seeker-sensitive churches, even the megachurch? God has purposely positioned you here at a monumental turning point in history. You must understand what that sphere is for you. It could have been written at a different time, and even for someone else, but, in that moment, the Holy Spirit applied it directly to your situation. Back to Top Prophecy Post navigation UK: A Now Word and Beyond, for The Warriors of Divine Recovery Be encouraged in Me, says the Lord. But then I learned that those who have been in the crypto game for a long time have an expression: And when you zoom out, you can see historically that bitcoin has only ever gone in one direction and that is up. Daily Walk with Jesus. How do I place boundaries around relationships that are no longer life-giving or fruitful? There are 10 prophetic promises and points that you can fully expect to receive over these next 40 days! There will be a desperate attempt to continue to cover-up corruption, lies, injustice, fraud, greed, and other evils. Stand firm in truth and grace.Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Word.Craig. Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing Updated Daily, The Academy of Light Prophetic Magazine, What The LORD is Saying Today April 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today March 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today February 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today January 2023, I Will Make You Forget the Former Things!, Breaking the Power of Shame and Humiliation, If You Need Jesus to Intervene in Your Family, There is an Opposite in Everything in Both Kingdoms (Updated), There is an Opposite in Everything in Both Kingdoms, Declarations & Decrees for the Nations Against Destruction. It is always Gods desire to lead his people from captivity into freedom. It will be a tight squeeze - but not catastrophic. In 2022, the Lord wants you to step into the fullness of the good plans that He has prepared for you. How do I stay aligned with God's purposes in this hour? It may be painful, uncomfortable, and lonely for a season. With so much confusion around sexuality and gender identity how can I live and speak the truth while still showing the love of Christ? So fear not, neither be dismayed, for []. There will be certain spots across the world where his power is particularly evident and manifest. Each chapter has been birthed in prayer and prophetic discernment, offering direction, encouragement, and empowerment for the unfamiliar path that we are all on right now. In a season when great darkness surrounds us, and is constantly being incorporated and justified in The Church, I want to encourage the Bride of Christ to continue pressing through. Who are the 6 key voices that God places in my life to help me discern and step into my destiny? Through a fresh study of prophecy in the Bible, many interactions with prophetic people, stepping out and making mistakes, reading and studying many books from seasoned prophets, praying with and ministering to hundreds of people in various settings, and a year of intense spiritual warfare in our own family situation, God revealed to me how he was speaking to me every day. There will be many false flags throughout this year. Get disciplined in your pursuit of God. It is His deepest desire that you hear and understand and act on what He is saying. Laugh the laugh of faith. You'll automatically receive these when you purchase 'The Tension of Transition.' Irelands Destiny Hub: Warring for the Destiny of This Land! The is no middle ground. But they are the voice of the Lord calling in the wilderness. The Kingdom will advance like never before. In the water people will be set free, diseases will be healed, depression will lift, and spiritual gifts will be imparted. Partner With Us. Are we moving towards a completely digital/cashless system? His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers. The problem was - we had nowhere or nothing to go to. As He is with us, He offers us peace and will continue to offer us peace. What lies ahead? Not because it's wrong. I will make you forget the former things in light of My glory to come. Our nearest neighbors havent experienced them. Simply fill out your details to receive Daily Prophetic and get the free chapters by email. There has been a clear changing of the guard for the last few years as major leaders have been moved, promoted, stood down, exposed, or passed away. But its also a kairos moment of unique opportunity that will shape your future. We require fresh manna - practical prophetic wisdom and insights for each day. To see things from his perspective and vantage point. We Must Come Up Higher An Assignment to Divide and Conquer! In many cases, it will be swift and unexpected. Even more than that, He showed me how I could understand and properly interpret the words, pictures, dreams, visions and other things He was showing me. The Gathering is happening. This can be on a large-scale, where are we miss the uncovering of truth because we are giving too much attention to false flags. 2023 and Beyond Prophecy Gods Time and Your Personal Calendar As I was in prayer, the Lord spoke to me and indicated that this New Year, 2023, Prophecy for the Year, 2022 and beyond. Nothing takes him by surprise. What about digital IDs as a form of government control? Call us at 417-593-9802. The more you gain knowledge of who you believe the more strengthened your faith becomes. You see, our God is not silent. I have so many decisions to make - but Im really struggling to hear Gods voice or find clarity. God has much more for you but you may need to reposition or disconnect from some things to fully enter into it. I see hot spots all over the globe. A terrified world needs a bold and courageous church. Maybe if I prayed more. As in the days of Elijah, Gods people will prophetically decree a thing and it will come to pass. Come up to the place of fellowship with Me. In the midst of all of the crises and shaking, the Lord has been working behind the scenes to reposition and re-mantle his people. That is what I believe THE BLUEPRINT will be for you. Declaration - Colossians 1:12-13 - I am delivered from the power of darkness. We could, Copyright 2023 | Powered by Hartmann Studio Creations, Request prayer for yourself or your loved ones, Restoration, Revival, Miracles, Signs and Wonders, Provision, Open House for Restoration of Prophetic Light Base. Rapping for Jesus! As we go through 2022, this SIFTING is becoming a PURGING. Last night I was reading my Dream Journal from a couple of years ago. Daily Prophetic 14 April 2023 All Words - YouTube ONE WORD FROM GOD WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE Get your Personal Prophetic word here: https://www.personal-prophetic-word.com. Other key passages/verses for this season: The key word that I keep getting over and over again for 2020 is "PIVOTAL".The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years.It is a tipping point year - a year when everything that has been happening since the year 2000 culminates and climaxes.The next 12 months will also shape the next decade.The last 5-10 years have seen the most significant polarisation and division in nations and between nations that I have witnessed in my lifetime.The pressure has been building and this year it is going to be released.I saw what looked like huge tectonic plates underneath the Earths surface. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Today was no different, it brought me to tears. Look behind the headlines to what is really going on. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.. And you will be equipped and empowered to be part of the great harvest that we can expect to see as Gods Spirit is poured out. Laugh the laugh that Sarah laughed, and laugh the laugh that Abram laughed. My righteousness, joy, and peace are the atmosphere of heaven that you breathe in [], The Father says today, let all fretfulness go by the wayside. This may mean exiting from significant relationships, changing church or a network, resigning from your denomination, even moving house or relocating to a different region. There will be verifiable signs, wonders, miracles, and especially a renewed emphasis on seeing people set free from demons. Category: Daily Prophetic Word The Father Says Today: April 15th, 2023 By admin | April 15, 2023 | 0 Comment The Father says today, do not despair over those who take, and give nothing back. But you must seek Me with all your heart and pursue Me with a passion. Prophetic Word For Today 17 April 2023 | Monday. This includes Russia, Hong Kong and even possibly Iran and mainland China.The United States will find itself on the brink of civil conflict as the push to remove President Trump becomes more and more desperate. We live in incredibly unusual and uncertain times. We will also experience an unprecedented rise in natural disasters and other crises, including contamination and unusual diseases. Prophetic Light - Free Personal Prophecy - Comforting, Encouraging, Edifying Through God's Voice. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. This year, I believe that sifting will become a purging of impurity. How do we reconfigure and reshape the church biblically and effectively for this new era? How can I be part of the rising, radical remnant in the new wineskin that is emerging? Our destiny depends on our correct alignment in this next season. To be honest, I was also reluctant to share it because what I was receiving wasn't exactly uplifting for the most part! Apostles Craig and Colette Toach and our international Next Gen Prophets Team deliver prophesies to your inbox. The Hunter Shall Become the Hunted. Hear Him calling, Awake, O north wind, and come, O south wind! I believe it is a sign that the Lord is coming with a great surge of power. 100 days of Elijah, Gods people of our uniqueness, our calling Awake. Best view this site last night I was also reluctant to share what God is saying to other people x27! Have been like bread to me about everything Im going through, praying and... Prophecy is a message from God inspired by the Holy Spirit of and. Is speaking directly to them can fully expect to receive Daily prophetic and get the free by... And act on what He is saying continually been bringing old Testament books of,. Says the Lord is COMING with a great surge of power God & # x27 ; daily prophetic word! 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