doom 3 find the main portal

It's dark and an imp duo (and some spiders) appear at the corner. Watch for a hidden door on the left to open revealing a guard and some supplies. Doom 3 - Stuck: Find the main portal Aug 11, 2004, 11:08 AM All this teleportation business has my head the feck do I reach the main portal?? Open the cabinet with the code 246. Eliminate him, gather dropped ammo, and then enter the checkpoint to the left. Enter the personnel transfer station. Yes, this boss fires the BFG. There's a control room overlooking the chamber's interior. I think he's trying to tell you something. Now you're ready to unleash some big fist damage on anyone you can find. Using grenades is simple: just select the grenade and hold down the fire button to throw. At the intersection, stay right and you can find some health and armor outside the crawl way. Locate the security card to gain access to the dig site. Defeat a group of enemies along the way and secure the health from the shelf and corner. Use pad 2 security to enter the locked security office. If you charge the BFG too long, it explodes in your hands--likely instant death. Descend the ladder, kill another imp, and then ascend the stairs into the control room. If you get knocked down, just retrace your steps back up to the overlook. The difference between a portal and a camera texture is that the angle and pitch of the . Exit toward the bridge and defeat more lost souls. Gather supplies from the shelf. Explore chamber 2 access and be ready for spawned monsters, which include imps and a revenant. Several imps appear as well; take them down with the shotgun at close-range. They move slow and most are only dangerous up close where the zombie can maul you with its brute melee strength. Move to a corner or other position; here you can place the zombies in front--and in front of your weapon's crosshairs--instead of waiting for the zombie to inch up behind you. However, look up and shoot out the light to provide a bit more darkness (the light still flickers). Go to sector security and terminate the ops lock down. Explore the server banks. A new weapon! As you continue down the hall, watch for an ambush guard behind you. Use the barrels as added explosive damage and enter the next door into the lower chamber. Strafe out from behind cover and blast them with rockets, plasma, or chain gun rounds ten return to cover. Grab some ammo off the crate nearby then use the button to the marine's left to cycle the airlock. Maneuver out onto the surface. Shining your flashlight into dark corners and halls is a good idea but remember that you can't wield the flashlight and a weapon simultaneously--unless you're using a Doom 3 mod. Alpha Labs - Sector 1 houses the elemental phase deconstructor and hydrocon systems, a revolutionary new technology that transforms raw materials native to Mars into useable resources. Gather ammo and health from the room. Start back toward the freight area. Pick up med kits and armor strategically. Gather all health and armor from the corners. Discover a cabinet code in its email: locker #103 and code 259. Battle another cacodemon. Go around to the ladder and ascend. Beware of a guard behind the crate ahead. You can search the bathroom on the right for armor but be aware there are a guard and soldier inside. Walk forward and grab Robert Price's PDA off of the ground. Descend the lift. It certainly isn't as scarce as BFG cells but finding plasma cells will often be a reward for extra exploration or discovering a cabinet code. Teleporter distance is limited, serving only to test biological effects of matter transference. The demon's first appearance in Doom 3 is magnificent and one of the greatest enemy entrances of all time. Search below the stairs for health and armor. Mars City Mars City Underground Mars City South Side Mars City North Side Administration Alpha Labs Sector 1 East Alpha Labs Sector 1 West Alpha Labs. At the beginning of the game, when you receive your PDA from reception, move behind the receptionist and watch his monitor. It's useful against slow-moving zombies because you can reserve your other ammunition for tougher foes. Eliminate it. As you search the storage room, some maggots teleport in behind you. Continue through the door at the end of the hall--into the CPU core. Then again the Vagary possesses strong melee attacks so it's unwise to get at close-range. Drop down and prepare for a big battle. A zombie ascends a ladder ahead of you. Reach the console and use the computer to extend the service ladder. Input the code 826. Crush two cacodemons and proceed downstairs to face more soldiers and a revenant. When you hear the sound of arriving monsters, turn around cause there's now a guard behind you. Check out the door just outside the desk for a new objective. But it's wise to keep the hell knight at a distance. You can't open the door marked "Power Routing/Control" here so turn around and enter the opposite door. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Use the "no clip" cheat to get a close look. Go to the door at the end of the hall to find an arch vile and another new objective. Check out the information kiosk if you wish. Don't waste strong weapon ammunition on these enemies. Search the room for health then exit into the heavy water runoff area. Eliminate the imp and several more toward the next door. The first door leads to some armor and then the rocket launcher room mentioned previously. You're now in the old comm. At the bottom, look down and spot the moving platforms. After the cut scene, four maggots attack you. Firing the soul cube will kill one on-screen enemy and transfer its life essence into your health. Walk to the other desk and activate the oxygen purge. If you have 95 health, save the large med kit on the ground and return to it after suffering more damage. Ride it up to the third floor: communications. Speak with the nearby marines if you want then enter headquarters, which completes your objective and initiates another. Don't waste rockets on the cacodemon; it's hard to be that precise firing at an aerial target. These Elevators will allow you to access the lower Delta levels. Be cautious around the explosive barrels. Use the lift to go to the archives on level two. Blast him with rockets then contend with any imps he spawns. Destroy the windows with a weapon and jump to the chain gun to recover the weapon. There's a health station on the right, a video disk on the console, and Nick Sadowayj's PDA here too. Here are a few tips to keep in mind. There's a zombie to the left. Turn around and find a zombie about to ambush you. You're in another storage hall where more imps materialize. Find the airlock controls in the back corner. The PC version was sold as an expansion pack, requiring Doom 3 to install. This armored skeleton brandishes a rocket launcher on each shoulder. A machine gun or chain gun is also an option but it's wise to have plenty of cover to avoid the mancubus' projectiles. Go through the door to the upper reactor catwalks. Use the computer, which triggers a communications sequence. Use it and a soldier teleports in behind you. Face the console on the right and pick up Henry Nelson's PDA. Enter central maintenance but back out after triggering the monsters. But most importantly, the guardian is vulnerable to your attack. Grab it and look right. Continue onward. There's also a rocket launcher and armor near a skeleton at the intersection. Another includes a web address: The next hall contains a trio of guards. Beware of the zombie ambush in the authority archives area. Beware of the tick that appears once you search the room. Be ready to kill the arch vile and the imps that spawn behind you. Defeat imps and soldiers on the ground then a series of cacodemons from the air. Snag some health on the right (backup files too if you wish). Walk to the right and grab armor and weaponry before continuing onward. Move cautiously into coolant monitoring until the imp appears. Cross the room to the back corner. When the soldier is close, move out of cover and blast the enemy with your shotgun. It's much easier to dodge those projectiles at longer range. In the early stages of the game, the zombie can pose problems because it can absorb a lot of damage from your pistol. Back out and use your chain gun when he reaches the doorway. Defeat a couple imps inside. Use code 468 to open the left crate; grab the door panel from the right crate. You'll trigger monsters down either path. Objective: Reach the Monorail. You automatically approach reception and receive your personal data assistant (PDA). More lost souls lurk about. Eventually spiders enter. Main Objective: Gain entrance to the Alpha Labs. Pick up Paul Simons' PDA and read the emails and listen to the audio log. Defeat the revenant that appears then enter the decontamination room. Objectives: Locate maintenance entrance. You're inside reception processing. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Gather supplies then ascend the ledges to the upper catwalk (where the other revenant stood). Using Swann's PDA gain entrance into the CPU Complex. If you enter the generator room and see the countdown, you can almost be 100% positive there's another player hiding somewhere waiting for that megasphere. Blast two arch viles in succession and any monsters spawned. Continue along the only path and through the next door at the top of the stairs. Go around to the left and find the entrance to the security station. Drop down into the next hallway. Allow the sentry bot to take the brunt of the punishment and assist from safe cover. Advance into the cavern. If you gather the health and armor inside the zombie's hiding spot, an imp appears from behind. You've reached J. Edwards. Along with Frank's lunch you'll also find some ammo and armor. As the generator does its job, you may want to hide behind in the left or right corners. Objective: Delta Main Elevator. You can choose either method to reach the other side. Remember that the pistol doesn't inflict the damage of better weapons so it'll take much longer to kill an enemy. Go over to the console on the left side. Drop out into engineering security. Go into the blue light. If you're running low on ammunition, search for more instead of attempting to defeat tough enemies with a flashlight or your fists. In the large chamber, snag health and ammo to the right side but beware of the mancubus hanging out to the left. Maneuver along the catwalk and through the narrow space and find G. Kreitman. Talk with him. Like every engine since idTech2 we find one closed source binary (doom.exe) and one open source dynamic library (gamex86.dll). Move through the hall and kill the guard. Grab ammo and armor from the right. Ride the lift up. Go to the left of the lift station to find the route. Repeat by killing more seekers and blasting the guardian's blue orb again until the beast dies. Open the repair access gate at this console. Drop down toward the elevator and get inside. Reach the authority systems room where you'll find a health station and some armor under the floor. Don't let them get close! Enter it to proceed to the next level. Defeat the maggot and imp then return to the security station to recover your oxygen then cross the vista hall to the other airlock area. The imp is the enemy you can expect to face the most in Doom 3. Search the catwalk to the left for health and armor but the route is to the right. The cyberdemon will follow you. Find the plasma gun; grabbing the weapon triggers a new sequence. Therefore, allowing him to remain alive is dangerous every second he remains in existence. Plus, some guards ambush from behind and from the front. Objective: Hazard Door Sealed. The reactor room houses a couple of the level's most important items. Don't get caught reloading in a frantic battle. Then again the Vagary possesses strong melee attacks so it's unwise to get at close-range. As you move to the right, a revenant arrives. Proceed to storage first. The Mars City sublevel was one of the first multi-purpose installations built on Mars. Point the rocket launcher at the ground, shoot and jump. There's some cover there but it's well-lit. Return left and get out. At the next room, gather the supplies on the left before entering the door on the right. D3wasm is an experiment to port the id Tech 4 engine (aka. A revenant attacks from the left. When. Enter the subsystem control room and open the security door using the console. Find a storage area to the left (it triggers a demon in the hall) then go to the right. Locate the rocket launcher in its own storage room. Your next objective remains the same either path. Reach the next large room and spot the locked plasma storage door. It's nearly a waste of ammunition. Gather the ammo and move down the other hall and defeat some soldiers. As you move through the hall, be ready for a sudden imp attack and a second if you try and get the armor in the niche ahead. A guard waits on the other side so be ready. The z-sec soldiers frequently carry machine-guns and shotguns; the commandos attack with a close-to-medium range tentacle or a higher-powered chain gun. The Vagary hurls objects at you, which makes it difficult to remain at long-range. Search the room then exit out the far side. Climb the stairs ahead of you and enter the blue light. Annihilate the hell knight with your chain gun. Snag some armor from the shelf and use the health station to mend wounds. Face the arch vile around the corner on the way out. Just don't let them get close. Check the room across from the infirmary for some machinegun ammo. Remain behind the center structure as cover and blast him with the rocket launcher. Use the computer on the other side to unlock the checkpoint. Maneuver down the hall and battle a mixed group of enemies. Approach the console on the right. Credits: See the CREDITS episode from the main menu: Base: From scratch. Defeat a couple enemies inside. The path to the right leads into security operations, where you'll encounter a couple guards and find some armor and health. There's an arch vile roaming the upper floor. Something is throwing explosive barrels at you. Exit and move toward the door into engineering. But the lost souls aren't particularly strong. Only top level personnel have access to the central control room and activation grid for the primary test chamber. If so you'll have to run back to the ladder while battling a large group of imps. Drop down the reactor's center to find the berserk power-up and an exit teleporter. For instance, use against an imp on a balcony or adjacent catwalk. Defeat him and grab his chain gun and nearby ammo. This section compiles map strategies for Doom 3 multiplayer. Fight the maggots during your trek. There are only five rockets in each pack. Go down, retrieve the supplies, then continue up and battle more lost souls. Shoot the orb above the guardian to defeat it. "Doom 3 Engine") to Emscripten / WebAssembly and WebGL, allowing to run games such as Doom 3 inside modern Web Browsers. Don't accidentally step in the fire in the first room. Locate the BFG just on the other side of the rocks near the very edge. Call the lift at the station. Use the computer on the left desk and access the last report to learn of cabinet code 972 for locker #116. Be ready to turn around when you hear their sound. Check your PDAs for the code. Grab Marcus' Stanton's PDA from the desk. Another possessed guard attacks. Face right to spot the approaching platform. Use the console to activate the magnetic field discharge. Go through the door on the left. You've located the scientist. Return to the health station if necessary. The z-sec might duck in and out of cover and when they are in sight, they're a pretty darn good shot. You can't go inside because of toxins. Search the storage room on the right for supplies--though after defeating the imp and bloated zombie inside. To ambush you they are in sight, they 're a pretty good! Instance, use against an imp on a balcony or adjacent catwalk watch for an ambush guard behind you structure... On Mars center structure as cover and blast the enemy you can choose method! Take the brunt of the level 's most important items you receive your from! 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