is catmint invasive

My master ie. Evening Primrose can show up hundreds of feet away from its mama, and needs very little water to survive. I'm in Conn. twist it off. A great solution for ground cover in a shaded area until it takes over in 5 years. I live in Frostproof Florida. I fell in love with it at the Garden Center. Seek. I am envious. Pretty pink flowers very fragile looking. What ? So we put pretty flowering baskets on top & decorative rock ;). Photo by: Holmes Garden Photos / Alamy Stock Photo, 10 to 12 inches tall, 18 to 24 inches wide. I put Canada in quotes because it's not actually native to north America. You can read more about it in my Privacy Policy. I am so sad. However, most cultivars sold these days are clump forming and bred for disciplined and polished garden performance, and should not be written off. Two perennials you forgot though, are bugleweed (ajuga reptans) a beautiful plant that spreads by runners with bronze coloured leaves and small purples spires reaching only six inches high and Siberian squill (scilla). I have found the only way is to actually dig them up and sift thru all of the dirt to get every little root and even then I still have to dig some up the next year. But mind you never cut off any sucker from a root. Absolutely take over your yarddouble check. They spread like crazy unless contained and need to be divided on a regular basis. So basically anything that will grow here. The environment needs a break. garden. It's invasive and rarely stays where you want it to be. where this species is considered invasive, The 24 Best Plants to Attract Hummingbirds, 24 Purple Flowers to Brighten Your Garden, 20 Drought-Tolerant Plants for Your Garden. This year tried digging the whole thing up. Nepeta has slightly aromatic gray-green foliage with a delicate, lacy appearance. I guess its more about the type of garden you want, not just a garden, Very true. We have beautiful soil so most things grow without any trouble and thrive. They've only had a few months to get established so if I made a rookie mistake planting mint I'd like to nip it in the bud ;) May be bothered by thrips, which are best treated with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Selected as one of Colorado State University's Top Perennial Performers for the 2013 season, praised for its vigor, floriferous habit, and sterling performance as a groundcover. To each their own ~ I saw maybe 6 i'd be mad at myself for planting. What a fabulous example of using a plant to your advantage! Catmint and Lemon Mint, I'm looking at you. Aggressive plants are great for a laissez-faire gardener ;). I think it's useful to know if plants will invade your garden, no matter how pretty they are. Ooh! The second color didn't show up until last year. How can you simply say 'Daisies' , when there are some 23,000 members of the daisy family in the world, not to mention countless cultivars and hybrids. It's great to have people share their actual experience. So I guess I would say Grandma was with your plants awhile and Violets! So sweet and soft at the nursery in pots then they take over your planting bed. But I live in the city so.. no gun. Only a fool or unlearned person would purposely plant them. I cannot believe the advice given in this article.absurd!!!! Hi Kristen! I've probably spent 45 minutes, reading intently! This stuff will break through concrete to survive. Also, I found some wild Violet in a neighbors lawn that was white with purple inside - so pretty, until it took over my entire garden. A long bloom season, handsome foliage, and carefree performance are just a few of the allures of this versatile perennial, Sign up for weekly gardening inspiration and design tips. Happy gardening! It has made a nice canopy over the decades if a runner tries to strike out across the lawn ( rare) I lift it up and secure it to the trellis. I enjoyed your post. As well as blogs like yours where the property is located in the same growing zone. I think I've killed about half of the things on this list- by accident. I should have mentioned that it seems to only be the orange day lilies that are really aggressive. Bought some Becky Daisies from an online nursery which bloom all summer long for me, and wanted more of them. I planted 4 small blooms and now it is literally everywhere! Brightens up a shady spot, but DONT do it!! Catmint 'Purrsian Blue', Garden Caminth 'Purrsian Blue', PP24788. Chameleon plant -hoyttunia - gets my vote too!! Sigh. Nepeta faassenii, 17 to 20 inches tall, 24 to 36 inches wide. Creeping Jenny on CLEARANCE. An influential writer started the lawn fad and got a president to get on board. I'm new to gardening. However, if you love it, you should plant it. Same with mugwort, which looks and smells like chrysanthemums until you realize theres no flower- then its too late. Day Lillies, Iris, Roses, lily of the valley, veronica, Hollyhocks????? In year two, the plant maintains its compact mounding habit but . Over ny 9 years Ive tried many different varieties of plants. Such a shame since they only bloom in the spring. I want to buy this their leaves and flowers are v attractive - training them high prevents them taking over the garden bed and they still provide giant fruit while providing a bit of shade. I can't get rid of them. Im sure when my son is older Ill be able to handle the maintenance that some of these plants require. The front yard is an eighth of an acre, not huge but more than big enough! I can relate. If you like roses we have had great success with Morden varieties (as in Morden, Manitoba) in our Saskatchewan gardens. It. Zones. Catmint can become invasive in moist, warm conditions. Those are my pains in the garden. When I do a second post on the subject, I'll have to include that trick in there. Love Sweet Mint and we use a lot in our sweet tea. Faassen's catmint Faassen's catmint (Nepeta X faassenii) is the most commonly grown species. My unintentional invader: Verbena Bonariensis. In the right application they can be lovely (such as naturalizing an area that you may not have time to maintain and don't want to mow) Many of them used in conjunction with each other provide nice textural contrasts as well as beautiful flowers and can keep each other in bounds. Lucky for you that you can mow them. Now it's a jungle out there. This has been an interesting and fun post and comments. Enjoyed your post! I'm a complete gardening novice & all this info leaves me rather breathless, wondering what I should try to beautify the small strips of space in front of my newly rented duplex in Vancouver, USA. I never dreamed this post would go viral!! I love daylilies. Aquilegia (colombine) How to Propagate Catmint. Why do you bother having a garden? Given the right growing conditions, catmint is unlikely to need fertilizing, and applying it can even result in floppy stems and fewer flowers. I Love gardening. The scent of Muguet de Bois (Lily of the Valley) is one of my favourite childhood memories let's try to remember we share this Earth with others, and let's try to not destroy species who've been here for millions of years! We too are still fighting them 5 years later. Unfortunately, the government allows weevils from Europe to combat it and they attack beneficial thistles as well. Some succeeded, some didn't. I immediately asked management if I could plant a garden as I was use to having a pretty garden at my hone. She planted 10 shoots. There were one or two that surprised me - mint (I am a seasoned landscaper). I'm with Diane. What do you think is the most inexpenive, fast growing/spreading plant? She also has a few of my other invasive perennials. Neighbors like to receive the ones that even I find out of bounds. Now that i own the property, i can't get rid of it. Feverfew Same with the Violets. You have totally blown this flower gardeners mind!!! However, some plants that seem innocent take over the garden and quickly spiral out of control. Bees do love them so don't plant close to your doorway. If you join the. Basic care of catmint is easy. This way, they dont get overly bushy. Thanks so much for your kind comment! I have bittersweet nightshade vine EVERYWHERE in my yard. I loved gardening but seem to have a brown thumb! Spreads like fire and stinks too!! Flocks have taken over my beds. I had some where the sump pump drains from our basement and all but one plant has died. Thanks! The minty flavored leaves of catmint are commonly used in herbal teas and are thought to have various health benefits. I think if you keep up on trimming them back then they do not take over. Everywhere. I've never minded taking a day to clean up overgrowth of raspberries & many other plants on this list; the reward is worth that. Courtesy of my bird seed feeder. And yes your ability to manage any particular one. Pronounced "NEP-it-uh". One of your hated flowers, the daisy, is one of my favorites, but I haven't found it to be very invasive. However, it will spread to your lawn and is very difficult to get out. I love your grandma's saying and the story of your Virginia creeper. I've never heard of pink lily of the valley! 50 years later it is the ivy that ate the forest. As far as the short-bloomed flowers, they are so beautiful even if they are temporary, that may make them worthwhile! You need to buy the CONCENTRATED version of two herbicides: Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer and Bayer Advanced Poison Ivy & Brush killer. And w/stay there! This article was written to be slightly humorous and for the person who is new to perennial gardening and might not realize how much work it can be. I'd love to have rhubarb but no success in east Texas. The true catmint species described above is a big invasive plant. Your blog is very nice. You're kidding me! Just warning about the vincas and the st. johns wort Hopefully you have luck with that! Noooooo its jumps out anyway! ps) this thread has been going for over a year!! So yes, unless you can have a spot dedicated to one of these particular plants, don't plant them in the ground. I guess it's more pain than it's worth. I love having raspberries and I love that they send up volunteers because there is always a friend to give them to. Then I shall slay the mother ship plant. . During winter we do cut them down to the ground but they do come back every year. The reality is that too many people are focused on the beauty of the plant and not how it cooperates in its setting. Catmint doesn't need any fertilizer. As you mention in this interesting article, one of the facts that you point out, is the fast and tenasious widespreading of some of this plants. I kind of want them to spread so I'll have some to share. Thank you for the tips about the mint and the hollyhocks! I agree with some, but not all. Common Name: Catmint, Catnip. However almost nobody sells it, unless you buy it or trade for it at a gardening club. On lily of the valley, I totally agree it is invasive, hard to pull up and not even pretty! Note: Kristen, read the sentences you wrote about affiliate links. Besides bindweed, I have a problem with the neighbors five cats using my garden as their bathroom. Unless you can eat them faster than they can propagate. Some of the criticism is fair. My husband has resorted to hitting each one with a little poisontedious job but may work. It reaches three feet tall, producing sparse white flowers. I have quite a big garden and that is my problem. Gardeners should keep in mind that one gardener's regret can be another's delight. Thanks for a great article. I bought it at Lowes about 20 years ago. They still need dividing every few years, though, and you can run out of places to put them or people to give them to. Wish I'd known this info as a young gardener 30 years ago. It's weird, because it seems like any other kind of day lily doesn't seem to have a spreading problem. Nepeta faassenii, 12 to 18 inches tall, 18 to 20 inches wide. From 1 plant. Thanks so much for commenting, it totally made my day. Pretty, but hard to get rid of. So many plants that are not native to north America have pushed out native plants to our detriment. I moved. EVERYWHERE! I was surprised to see ferns growing out of other pots so I would just yank them out. I love your site. If you're a cat lover, you might be wondering if catmint is invasive. I live in a totally different zone, so have local unique problems. I love all of these. Perennial plants are a good investment. It grows to a height of three feet and bears few white blooms. I planted a flower that looks like a daylily but the purple blooms bloom only in the mornings and I planted it a few years ago now it's has taken over my whole yard. I'm very fortunate to have 4 acres. They would come up and bloom just as the bleeding hearts would cascade over them. ! Soil not great. Some of the catmints can reseed themselves readily and can become weedy in that way, but there are some . I keep most of the daisies on the south side which is separate from my other beds by quite a bit. What's that saying, 'forewarned is forearmed'? I have very rocky, thin soil, without all these "regretable" plants, I wouldn't have much! Please include morning glories. The bad news: it will grow in practically any light or soil condition. You're right about the basket. The 24 Best Plants to Attract Hummingbirds If you really enjoy gardening and don't mind moving and /or sharing plants, some of the ones on your list will make great additions in my opinion. PS tried in northern Alberta and the Okanagan. as a companion plant to deter bugswell let me tell ya, THAT 1 spearmint plant has taken over the entire bed almost! My mom has an area of lily of the valley that's been there over 50 yrs. They make great gifts/sharing.and my "invasive" flowers weed much easier than the real "weeds" Do not say the plant is bad just because you do not want to / have the time to maintain it. My garden has been on garden tours and I can't agree with you more about some of the plants on your list. But be patient, because this WILL work! However, we have some you don't list that can take over our entire garden in one year. I agree with Cindy and Debbie. All Rights Reserved. You just get to know one well because of some incredible talent, and then it shows you another trick. I love my wisteria though. And that what is a perennial was very well behaved in my garden bed for about 5 years, then it became possessed and raced around my walls into other beds. I wish I could see your garden, it sounds amazing! Flower FarmingShifting Roots Essential Gardening Supplies It won't die the roots are so hard to pull up. I have had a problem with arium itallicum. I planted it and soon realized how 'happy' aka invasive it is! 'Cat's Pajamas' will be the most well-behaved catmint you've ever seen. Sadly I have a terrible problem with daylillies. * Required | We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. I'm all for brutal honesty when sharing plant experiences, but as someone in the industry who works very hard at producing plants that perform well for gardeners it is frustrating to see good plants being unfairly lumped in with bad. I picked a piece of it off and placed it in the back of my side garden where maybe the shade will hold it back a little. Princess lillies. Literally every plant on this list is adored by native pollinators ? I also have a yard that is overrun with ferns, lady of the valley and bellflower that I have been picking non-stop for three years, so it does make me a bit more salty. This plant should be banned from cultivation everywhere. I really like some of these but if I really feel I need them then they'll go in planters. Once they are established they produce so many blooms on one plant that they bloom for weeks. of water with 4 oz of the Bayer product and 2 oz of the Spectracide product. I hope people arent influenced against some of these plants, just in order to keep down maintenance in the garden. Thank you for your bravery in standing up. I live in Nebraska (zone 5). Once established, it begins flowering in late spring or early summer (depending on where you live) and will continue to bloom right into fall if sheared. However, if those other plants aren't super established, it might take over. That goes for many trees too. I've planted many & had no issues. I'm in zone 2b - 3. Simply use a spade to separate rooted sections of an established plant and then replant the divisions, spacing them about a foot apart. Most of the ground covers will survive that first winter under heavy mulchjust went through this process--and its a chore for sure! It needs regular water in the summer. My father told me I was crazy, but I said the cold weather will kill them. Where I planted them they are perfect, where they have jumped Not So Much. Once plants are a few inches (8 cm.) Ugh. Ha! 14 to 18 inches tall, 18 to 30 inches wide. And its in my garden beds so it would have to all be killed in the spring, when its pouring outside. Catnip vs. Catmint . The "wild" type of daylily, the Orange one, is invasive and will take over the hybrid ones until they are all Orange. It is that invasive, 30 Perennials Youll Regret Planting in Your Zone 3 Garden. Funny how some of your choices I also have trouble with and some I have trouble trying to make spread! 10. Should the bottom be cut out to allow for drainage and to allow for root developement? Thin roots that easily break and will regrow plant if not pulled up completely. 2. I remember them as a child. It has completely taken over my lawn and now it is spreading to my lawn! When a plants other name is Speedwell, you know its going to overtake your garden in short order. Perhaps this is just my ground though. However, in my case, I welcome them especially the Sunflowers. Never cut the sucker at the ground or root. This has been a 10 year project and I figure within 10 years our forest will finally be ivy free and healthy. Dont plant Ivy! It was specifically created in 1978 for the harsh Canadian Winters (Zone 3). Best you do your own research on making your own but it basically involves baking regular birdseed. We finally put bricks around the feeders and filled in between them with a concrete filler. I want to spare beginner gardeners some heartache until they gain the knowledge and experience to keep up with more aggressive plants. I've lost track of how many plants I've accidentally scorched cause the tag says full sun, but the poor plant can't handle it here. I agree with the other gals. Far from my garden, I have a place with bees. I have arthritis. I will say my beautiful Campanula is a beast and spreads by root and seed and smoothers anything within reach. Soil pH requirements: 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic) 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral) 7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline) Patent Information: Non-patented. . This is click-worthy, but a negative message overall. I'd add anything in the amaranth family, and prickly pear cactus. I got an "Explorer Series" rose hybrid last year from Canadian Tire -- the "John Cabot" rose. This new hybrid may be the most flamboyant yet. Just sweep once in a while. I absolutely did not plant it I did the same thing!! Thought very pretty, it popped up everywhere and was impossible to control. Thanks for all this information and I enjoyed the pictures too. My yarrow & daisies behave nicely, but my raspberries are out of control! Next spring it was sort of trimmed back. Finally, no more sprouting seeds. Shamrocks are beautiful indoor container plants but become an invasive headache if planted outdoors. In addition to this I have tomato pants, herbs, lettuce and greens all growing in their own pots and arranged very nicely on my patio. This is the most crazy info I've ever read. Oh no, that sounds awful! I had to laugh when I passed by the mint photo! Catnip is extremely drought tolerant, but prefers some afternoon shade in hotter, southern climates. You can even dig that pot into the ground if you'd really like to keep it in the one area. Save yourself the headache and plant the annual version from seed instead. Nepeta Walker's Low (Walker's Low Catmint) is a robust variety with dark lavender-blue flowers in late spring and aromatic gray-green foliage. Our neighbor invited us to have ice tea on their back porch covered by Virginia Creeper. Its billowing foliage is topped with spikes of flowers in early summer with repeat blooms throughout the season. I've had more birds, butterflies, and bees on the European "bull" thistle than practically any other plant. RELATED: They look good in certain areas but other places they are are a pain. UGH! I feel lucky to be growing my ONE daisy in my greenhouse! It takes over the garden, lawn, and woods out back. Various shades of lavender-blue, pink, violet, or white, often enhanced by darker calyces. Very annoying as it runs and pops up everywhere. I'm working on getting my new yard in shape. I live in Los Angeles along the coast. Plant them with proper gaps and sunlight. wonderful page - agree with both the yays and the nays; it's where you plant things that matter. Please do not plant Scotch Broom! Oh wow, you know things are bad when you'd rather have mint! Appreciate your advice on some of these others (especially Veronica. Id love to hear about your perennial gardening regrets. (What possessed them, I don't know! When I got it was only about a foot high. Irises are so gorgeous, but it seems like they last for 2 days and then theyre done. So I need to put them somewhere outside of the yard. The foremost landscape designers and architects are gifted in working with drifting populations of spreading perennial and shrub species. Catmint Plants. I think it depends a great deal on where you live and what kind of soil, rainfall etc. Another plant I'm looking for, for the same reason, is money plant. Spiderwort is the worst for me also! I'd love to see your pics! You can always just embrace the overgrowth. I tried to put disclaimers on it, and if you've read the comments, there are many people who disagree with what I've written, to which I've often replied--if you love it, plant it. The spiderwort is everywhere in my beds and lawn. We live in Zone 5 (about an hour West of Chicago) and many of the flowers you named (Daisies, Holly Hocks) are difficult to grow here. (For a 2-gallon sprayer, just double those quantities.) That's why fine gardens are filled with them. But the birds eat the berries that come from the "hood" in late summer and have dropped them in places I don't care for them to be. I have many of these plants in my garden and I have to agree on some, but some not so much. English Ivy is considered a noxious weed here in the Pacific Northwest. The anemone in the picture is Japanese anemone, often sold as a hybrid ("Honorine Jobert"). So, while pollinating the flowers of your catmint, bees could displace some seeds and spread them around your garden where they'll grow. I would rather have daisies, dandelions, mint and clovers. Despererate about it when looking at my veggies garden. Catmint is not considered invasive, though catnip, its close relative, can be weedy and somewhat invasive in the right growing conditions. Catmint is a wonderful perennial flower with aromatic foliage, and a good choice for the cottage garden. Hallelujah! In general, most garden catmints share catnip traits and preferences for drained soil and full sun. Humorously written! If you plant Ivy near your house, it climbs all over your house. Please educate yourself about plant selection, garden design, and ecological landscaping from reputable sources and stop influencing peoples relationship with nature with misinformation. From spring (after the last threat of frost has passed) through early fall. Thank you! I have most of the rest of these-and they are pretty mannerly, in my yard- but we have tons of room. The tough plants are easy to grow and low maintenance, use them in borders with other perennials or as an informal edging as an alternative to lavender. And her sense of humor. Thank you. My Lemon Mint has not really taken off like this article said it does. If you love something on this list, you should still plant it. I read somewhere that each day lily blossom only lasts one day. I tell people isn't it pretty? In Texas we can solarize, dont know where you are, so dont know if that would work. While mint invading your garden is a nuisance, its is not so terrible if it invades your lawn unless youre married to the idea of a one-species lawn(not the most environmentally-friendly idea). I dug them out last year and this year they came back with a vengeance. Leave it alone for s minute and its from the devil. Shes telling us what she doesnt like. 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