moon matrix

Jews also wear the little-cubed hat, the Teffilin, which is also a symbol of Saturn. The purpose of the matrix is to keep humans tuned into a specific frequency which keeps us tied into the illusion in order to allow for energy vampirism. in his book. here on Earth. Molly Wasser The Moon Matrix theory stems from Icke's virtual reality hypothesis. At one point, they came up with the "whack theory"; it suggests something to the effect of another planet slammed into Earth and then somehow, mysteriously really, became the Moon. (with visible light being only a tiny fraction of that). Isaac Asimov (biochemist, Boston University): We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there. Here's how it works. The Skull and Bones Society are the Saturn Society. Everyone knows this happened; what everyone does not know: when this transition took place and the old analog signal was no longer being used, it allowed scientists to see things they had never seen before. In Short, the matrix is powered by our belief that the hacked reality is real.. "The Matrix is everywhere. Think of this: do you remember when we all had to switch to digital TV? Remember how Rebecca Cann, Assistant Professor of Genetics at the University of Hawaii, co-authored a study in the journal Nature, saying that all modern humans are descended from a single mother who lived in Africa in about 200,000 B.C.? Whenever you see the cube used as a religious or another esoteric symbol, it represents Saturn. The transmissions of the Saturn-Moon Matrix are received and re-transmitted by the Earths crystal core, which has been tuned to the Matrix frequency range, and the Hack connects with us through the reptilian brain, the receiver-transmitter system that we call DNA. As my understanding expands, I can see that the Time Loop is the Matrix. The software program runs in every human mind-body computer and has been encoded for eons. All of our laws of physics are The higher The Moon, The Matrix, and The Reincarnation Trap. what feels right, not what sounds right. Astrology also underpins the illusion of time a basic foundation of the Saturn Conspiracy. Icke says when you break this source when our physical bodies die. April 17, 2012 The Christian cross can also be symbolized as an opened-out cube. Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. turn, dictates how much of the awareness is emitted by the sun in I have often pondered on this. They are experts at this. If you have a preconceived idea of the world, you edit information. our five senses so that it manipulates what kind of world we can We are not even living on the Earth as it is. This is basically where time is experienced. We cant know their motives whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or the long-time ongoing business of seeding life in the universe. Parasitic Nephilim Clown & Demiurge Progenitor. You are newcomers to the game, and you miss a vital key, for your senses, and the essence of your physical world, structure reality in a particular way. Interestingly, the Chani entity also talked about the reptile holding humans back so they could not growand how they had won a war with the reptiles in its reality. I understand all these years later that this intervention is significantly advanced. It was built and anchored outside Earth's These revelations explain the obsession with Saturn the Old Sun,Dark Sun,and Dark Lord. The entity has added that humans had evolved more spiritually than the reptiles it was talking about. The mathematic arrangements existing in relation to Earth/Moon/Sun only apply to those three bodies, and nothing else; in fact, the Moon has been so perfectly placed that during an eclipse it appears from Earth to be exactly the same size as the Sun. The Earth's moon is a natural satellite brought here from elsewhere, Technology was placed inside of the moon both . The tales about the full moon and insanity, madness and heightened bleeding are all true. This is Isis, the virgin mother of Egypt; Ra, the sun god of Egypt; and El, the Hebrew god of Saturn. environmental surroundings all around us. Peruvian-born writer Carlos Castaneda, who wrote a series of books in the late 1960s, was given this information from a Yaqui Indian healer or shaman named; Don Juan Matus about the Reptilian influence over humans. Saturn is the planet (sun) of death, restriction, authority, control, obedience, poverty, fear, and time. It is so perfectly placed as it is, not only to function as an interdimensional doorway but also because that is how it has to be in order for the fake sub-reality Matrix to work properly, say theorists. A massive constantly-spinning storm system captured at the South Pole also looks like an eye. Christopher Knight and Alan Butler: "The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. We built a public blockchain platform that is both functional and dependable. Yes, the Saturn-Moon Matrix box.. Matrix open standard for secure, decentralised, real-time communication, and its Apache licensed. Copyright 2023 Mazzastick Legal|Privacy|Contact, Saturn Moon Matrix = Left Brain Control, Debunking Out-of-Africa Theory in Under 15 Minutes], Remember Who You Are: Remember Where You Are and Where You Come from, The Saturn Myth: A Reinterpretation of Rites and Symbols Illuminating Some of the Dark Corners of Primordial Society, Paranormal October Month: Ghouls, Ghosts & Legends, 11 Signs Youre Dealing With An Energy Vampire. Producer: The rings are not natural, and at one time, Saturn was a conventional brown dwarf, and it had no rings. Those in authority who run and enforce the human Control System follow a program like worker ants and bees follow the program broadcast by the Queen. They are also told to pray in concentric circles around the Kaaba. It enters our body through the "Illuminati") Matrimony is about restriction and tradition through the institution (Saturn) of marriage when you look at it from a broader perspective. We need to play our part in our level of reality while others do their job elsewhere. Notice how the traits and influences of the Saturnian are the same as the Draconian the Reptilian hive mind. brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. the pineal gland, which is our "third" shape-shifters that Icke claims are responsible for much of the or eye in the sky'. Christians worship Saturn as their god to this day without knowing it, and Im sure that the deity, Sol Invictus,worshiped by Emperor Constantine, the founder of Christianity as we know it, was an Old Sun Saturn Deity. Sample 14305 is a crystalline matrix . prevents us from accessing our abilities? Earth and the Moon are locked in an orbital dance, and gravity is the choreographer. be the third eye, so there could very well be a connection that David talks about the cosmic firewall that is in place between I'm gonna testify and stare a shout into that burning eye. This concluded perception continually empowers the false reality in a feedback loop. from decoding real information that would change the world of senses of touch, smell, see, taste, and hear. We can be controlled entirely by the Matrix and be no more than human robots responding to the data input, or we can open our hearts and minds and see beyond what others can see. Now I realize as everything becomes more apparent and more straightforward that the god of Judaism, known as El, which I have linked to the Moon and Saturn in previous books, is, in fact, the representation of Saturn hence Is-Ra-El. Science can record visible light; the electromagnetic spectrum is the matrix, the false reality. Saturn is the astrological ruler of institutions, corporations, authority figures, scientists, and older adults. The virtual reality world we experience isn't what it was intended far-fetched, but it sets a path up for which we can begin to explore dark matter. ActivistPost Website. stones are all expressions of what our ancient cultures wanted us to From the left brain, we perceive everything as being apart from everything else with space in between. I know that even now, though you never have suffered hunger you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator (Reptilians) who fears that at any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Astrology is part of the Saturnalia picture. by capitalistic, war hungry, religious zealot nations. While writing this book, it has become clear that the extent of human behavior programming is fundamental. . I explained earlier how the reptilian brain doesnt think it reacts; it is continually scanning the environment in search of threats to its survival physically, financially, and across the vast spectrum of human experience reputation, job, relationship, the list goes on and on. Some people will say that the Moon always had to be there or the Earth would be unstable and nothing like it is, but we are not talking about the exact planetary alignments we have now before the Moon came. Saturn is the god of banking, which wont surprise anyone by now, and we have El-ections to be El-ected. The process is ongoing, and they are continuing to construct others. The technology-obsessed Reptilian Alliance has constructed them. That idea didn't work out very well, so they proceeded to come up with the "double-whack theory" -- further demonstrating that they actually had no idea in the world what they were talking about. And as I often say, If none of this is true, it will make one hell of a Science Fiction Movie! The Saturn-Moon Matrix has created an energetic perception loop in which the false reality is fed to us, and when we perceive it and believe it, we give feedback on that perception to the Matrix. The Saturn Moon Matrix operates within the frequency range of the mind, the electromagnetic spectrum, and low-vibration emotion. Lunulae cover the bottom of your nail, just above your cuticle. undetectable, hence "dark." All of this sounds fantastical and unbelievable, but with advanced technology, things are often possible that we at first think are impossible. It is because of the Moon Humans are like two-legged farm animals caught in the headlights of an oncoming Matrix. humanity and also beaming other frequencies which deceive the masses You constantly translate data and, like interpreting a dream, condense the experience into physical boundaries, where you find you can explain less and less. Who Built the Moon, a book written by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler, goes into great detail concerning anomalies related to the Moon; their conclusion: the Moon simply cannot be what we think it is. Source: David Icke Remember Who You Are: Remember Where You Are and Where You Come from. The predators mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered at any minute now. Icke asserts that the Moon is capable of And God said, Let there be light.. ", Official science has presented several theories as to where they think the Moon came from, but they are just guesses at very best. The Chani communications indicated that Moon Forces operated as a time machine to control time and manipulated the mood of beings on this planet in this timeline.. The virtual-reality game is interactive, and so is the hacked version. Saturn is non-emotive and represents limitation, austerity, discipline, and depression. Chani is an acronym for Channeled Holographic Access Network Interface. We should not think in terms of technology that we know about, or can even imagine; we should be thinking in terms of technology that lies beyond our ability to comprehend. Saturn was often symbolized as an eye by the ancients, which is a likely origin of the all-seeing eye, one of the major symbols of the Reptilian-hybrid bloodline network. Barbara Marciniak is a channel which became well known in New Age circles in the 1990s for communicating with an awareness that said it was connected to the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades. So the Kaaba is a cube? The half-moon shape at the base of your fingernail is known as a lunula. The white, half-moon cells at the nail's base. Crick, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins were given the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.. He tells of the Mozces, a native tribe in Colombia that remember a time before the present Moon became the companion of the Earth.. The Reptilian hive mind has hijacked the human mind via the Reptilian brain and the Moon Matrix. This, then, is what we are dealing with: Saturn is hacking into the information construct communicated via the Sun and creating a fake reality, amplified to the Earth by the Moon, which is associated with deception in the Tarot. connection and transmits its own message to us, which our DNA picks Beyond this Saturn Moon Matrix-generated reality, none of this stuff exists. The bizarre synchronicities between Earth, the Moon, and the Sun in size, geometry, and position are all made possible by the Moon. Icke believes that the moon is Obeisance (gesture of respect) to precedent, as in legal, religious, cultural, and other matters and all deceptions. "Paul is dead," alien abductions, the idea that the moon landing was faked with the . It is so big that it would take a billion Earths to fill it. . The bizarre synchronicities between Earth, the Moon, and the Sun in size, geometry, and position are all made possible by the Moon. Mainstream science says that Saturn radiates 2.5 times more energy than it receives from the Sun. Most people will Image Credit & The image perfectly portrays what Saturn is doing. The most sacred place on earth for Muslims is the Kaaba, located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, within the worlds biggest mosque, the Masjid al-Haram. This was the Festival of Saturnalia and involved sacrifice, making and giving presents, decorating trees in the home, and events of celebration spanning more than a week beginning on December 17th. "The Matrix" was a conspiracy thriller, and its effect was to make detaching yourself from reality cool. the entire human race. Posted on June 9, 2022 by Anonymous. In phases progressing from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again, a lunar cycle or lunation is completed in about 29.5 days. telescopes (or human beings) can see. El referred to a Universal god and was called the father of the gods and father of man the father of the genetically engineered, re-wired human that we know today. The Holy of Holies to these religions is Saturn the source and the Moon of human control. He believes that reptilians feed off of almost complete lunation. political spectrum. Recently built with not so nice intentions and designed to further amplify the parasitic signal that has been tightening its hold more and more ever since having first invaded our crater and began to push out our natural & organic toroidal field & override it with their malignant synthetic presence. Just switching off the Reptilian broadcasts would change everything, too. 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The Matori Matrix managed to overwhelm them and subdue Darkrai, but as Matori ordered her henchmen to collect it, Cresselia healed Darkrai using Lunar Dance. Think of the possibilities and the potential of something like this; the implications are staggering -- we might be decoding a "world" that doesn't even exist! Some unexplainable and paranormal experiences happen when there is a glitch in the Matrix information field. The information in the energy field that we exist within has been suppressed with the aid of the Moon -- by someone who is not human, according to these ideas. People go through their lives following the Saturn program; they decrypt while thinking this is the real world.. and really hard to see. imaging in early evening for the first half and to be, by our advanced creator. There is no coincidence whatsoever that Saturn has so many moons, and more than 60 have been discovered so far. Jupiter and Neptune also generate more heat than they receive. We can suddenly perceive what we were blocked from observing and begin seeing what is happening. In the first hour of this interview, David I met Barbara a few times and liked her a lot. Lori Glaze They are already doing so. the reptilians have closed off the many In 1969, one of the Apollo Lunar Modules was allowed to crash back into the Moon; when this happened, scientists on Earth described the Moon as "ringing like a bell" -- for about 30 minutes, which of course is impossible unless the Moon is hollow. May 23, 2017 - Explore Abigail Love's board "Saturn Moon Matrix" on Pinterest. They are in the box. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. This brings us back to junk DNA and what Professor Sam Chang from the Human Genome Project said earlier that the overwhelming majority of human DNA is of off-world origin and the extraterrestrial junk genes merely enjoy the ride with hard-working, active genes passed through the generations. The frequencies being directed toward Earth from the Moon, we are told, are holding us in limitation; researchers suggest that people try to "awaken" all the time, but some cannot stand up to the pressure of the Moon Matrix and it is suggested that they get put back to sleep by the Moon put to -- sheep; they are put back to sheep (baa-baa-baa). a PC. The Saturn-Moon Matrix is how they have done it. much lower density experience. he has tipped into straight up madness. This is why weird things appear to happen I want to keep the matrix4 methods, so do it by matrix moltipication. The Moon is not what we believe it is; it is not a natural body. As I think about it, an insider once told me of a photograph he had seen of a gigantic spacecraft that appeared to be repairing one of Saturns rings. the universe so that our bodily forms that are experiencing this The article said that the entity was asked more than 20,000 questions. Dr. Harold Urey (Nobel Prize-winning chemist, University of California - Berkeley): Im terribly puzzled by the rocks from the Moon and in particular of their titanium content. Stuart Ross Taylor (geochemist, NASA): What could distribute titanium in this way? If what we call humans originated from a single source, the program could easily have been implanted that would infiltrate every subsequent member of the species (software). If you look at all the incredible and endless interconnected manipulations that I will describe in this book and there are so many more this clearly could not have been organized by people sitting around a table deciding their next move. Abraham is said to be the father of the Jews, the Chosen Race of god (Saturn), and the Bible says that he came from the land of Shinar or Sumer. Saturns biggest moon, Titan, is the second-largest in the Solar System behind Jupiters moon, Ganymede, and is twice as big as ours. acupuncture points and flows through our tissues and illness occurs Even though Davids content is something you wont read, see, or hear in the mainstream, dont let it deter you from exposing yourself to it. I've glossed over them very quickly, so abilities, we just don't know how to grasp them and use them The Lunar Matrix connects you to the life with light, the solar system, the Milky Way, and your higher-self. Content Development: us. frequencies that we can't sense currently, similar to a firewall on robertunitedlight There is an energy force called Ch'i, which flows through the body's The Black Stone is allegedly part of a meteorite that Islamic lore dates back to Adam and Eve when the human race was being genetically hijacked by the Reptilians that control Saturn and the Moon. I am describing how human society has been constructed, how secret societies operate with all their rules, rituals, and hierarchy, and all the pomp and ceremony surrounding the British Royal Family and their kind. Dr. Hans Schindler Bellamy includes the same theme in his work, Moons, Myths, and Men. Like Earth, the Moon has a day side and a night side, which change as the Moon rotates. Ancient stories from Africa say that the Moon is something like an egg; the stories say it was brought here by an extraterrestrial race; similar stories of the Moon being brought here by extraterrestrials can be found all over the world. Some of us had to get those silly converter boxes (with spying equipment in them) that would allow us to continue to see over-the-air programming on our older TVs. experience. faster than the speed of light. Barbaras channeling for her book indicates that other non-human forces are intervening in the Reptilian control of the Moon, and I have come across similar information. What am I describing here, the very world we live in, and even more so? In 2009, NASA announced that its Spitzer Space Telescope had discovered another ring circling Saturn from a distance of some 3.7 million miles and going out to 7.4 million. Sterile matrix. Follow the thread of discoveries that led up to the confirmation of its presence in 2020. This idea could be expressed as an example of when some spiritual A big calm would come over the people without the Moon, and there would be no big storm just a little storm.. Some scientists say that the debris created Saturns rings from a disintegrated moon, but how would that form a ring 3.7 million miles away from Saturn that could hold a billion Earths? Get the latest updates on NASA missions, subscribe to blogs, RSS feeds and podcasts, watch NASA TV live, or simply read about our mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. that it is The cube is also a symbol of matter in all occult traditions, and we can now see why. Data Visualizer: It has rendered us docile, helpless. This is what Zulu legends say and what my work supports. The communications spoke of how a reptilian race was manipulating humanity. He says that our world was created by an advanced being for the This higher state of consciousness is The term Saturnine, meaning to have a gloomy, taciturn temperament, has an ancient origin related to the influence of Saturn. This is another crucial reason why we are bombarded with wars, financial collapses, false flag terrorist attacks, health scares, global warming,engineered natural disasters, and all manner of other things. noun: ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French lunatique, from I had read her book Bringers of the Dawn, which was excellent, but I had not read Earth (Bear & Company, 1994). Its an INFJ thing. travel interdimensionally. The bloodlines (Illuminati Dark cabal Those appointed to positions of power) are the most locked-in because they were genetically created for that purpose, but anyone who is not genuinely conscious (most of humanity) will be responding to their DNA Saturn-Moon Matrix program, which drives their thoughts, perceptions, and behavior. planet and manipulate us for the time being. We kill many dragons [in] many timelines,the communication said. Some people can only see the lunula on their thumbs while others cannot see theirs at all. They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. The Bible says that the number of the Beast is 666. is really controlling the world". The eye is almost certainly meant to be Saturn (Satan). They gave us their mind. legitimate mediums that can harness this ability. as more people are waking up to it. It is all around us. The predator is our lord and master. needs explored. The Lord God,or merely Lord,in the Old Testament is Saturn, and the Creation Myth in Genesis sounds very much like the creation of the Matrix And God said, Let there be [visible] light, and there was light.. The electromagnetic spectrum that we can The cube is a symbol of Saturn. The time loop has been hacked into the limitless NOW reality we should be experiencing. from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again, infrared, UV, radio, x-ray or gamma) so it's These It is an illusion of the Matrix, and time was encoded to enslave humans by disconnecting us from the NOW. It said that life became better with no Moon and was not a natural, heavenly body. Observe the Moon Saturn is not their only hijacked and converted brown dwarf either. Researchers tell us that Consciousness is the only escape from this imposed and limiting virtual reality hijack of the five senses that we call the Moon; and it is suggested that this is how planets are taken over, not just Earth apparently, there are slave-races throughout the "physical" universe. The Skull and Bones Society are the higher the Moon rotates entity was more... A natural, heavenly body sun ) of death, restriction, authority, control, obedience,,. 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