nwn sou shield guardian

When facing multiple strong enemies, try to lure them one by one into a hallway and then shut the door behind them. The sword is located in a room in the eastern passage of the crypt, on some skeletal remains. He will ask for 200 gold, but you can talk him down to 150. Once you are in the emporium, speak with the stone butler. Arrow of Death: When the arcane archer reaches the 10th level, he or she can fire a single, lethal arrow once per day. Your character must also be evil, for obvious reasons. Once the cavern is clear, head to the north cave, where Tymofarrar awaits. Even if you kill Tymofarrar, she will attack you. Petition for judicial review will put new first minister Humza Yousaf on collision course with Westminster. Primarily, you can choose what equipment they will use. But it can't hurt to familiarize yourself with them at some basic level, especially when creating a character. There is an easy way to turn the tables, though: Elves and characters with decent search skill can find two secret doors on either side of the small hallway just past the opening room, allowing you to get to the archers quickly. This will not work, however, when engaged in combat. He shouldn't be too much of a challenge--he's only sixth level--but he does have the standard monk feats like stunning fist, improved knockdown, and flurry of blows. He will also give you an inkwell. A. In the center of the forest, you'll come upon a small group of bandits, who will be talking about taking something back to the cave. The first favored enemy is selected at the first level, and the second is selected at the fourth level. Help him defend himself, and then speak with him. Consult the maps below for the transportation locations from the tower to the plane of shadow. Before attacking the kobolds, talk to their leader, Urko. With the desert's fury in hand, it's time to head into the Tomb of Kel-Garas. So here's a very, very basic tutorial regarding some of the terms used in this guide. The walkway leading out of the front room is a tough undead--you have skeletal archers on either side of the chamber attacking you as you cross. The maximum level for the arcane archer prestige class is 10. With your SoU-Hero you will just fly through the OC, which is already not very hard. . As you enter this area, you will be attacked by basilisks. See the appropriate areas for those quests (gnoll caves and Hilltop Foothills, respectively) for details. Note that you can avoid it all together, if you want, by following the side passages. A False Helmite elite is guardian the room here. When the tomb is cleared, open the coffin and get your reward: a sash of shimmering (+12 spell resistance). Remove the arrow and cleanse the wound, and this will stop the bears from attacking you in the foothills. When the pillar puzzle is solved, the portal will open. The phylactery of ice helps level the playing field. To obtain shadow gems, kill the shadovar as they appear. Kill everyone, then search the chests in the northeast corner. Karsus will explain why he is being punished and allow you to read his confessions. If you allow them to actually leave with Mara, they will kill her once they leave the tavern. Although the skeleton blackguard you are about to face is only seventh level, he is incredibly tough. If you can decipher the writing, you will learn that you need to cast spells on the orb. If you decide to free the slaves, you must clear a path to the exit for them. The library is located in the east fragment. Go there, and enter the farmhouse. Your biggest problem will be getting your henchman to cross safely, without stopping to attack the indestructible statues--if your henchman keeps dying in the room, change the attack settings so that he or she doesn't attack.. Put away your weapon before entering or they will attack you. Email news@gamespot.com. Go through the door and flip the lever to activate the poison trap, then grab one of the elven trap protective helmets from the nearby chest (the weapons racks contain a +1 longbow and a scroll of ghostly visage). Basically, kill all the gnolls in the area for experience, then leave. If you've activated the trap, put on the protective helmet and stand on the pressure plate near the door. The kobold prisoners will assist you, should you decide to attack the gnolls. Now go to the other three fragments of Undrentide (the east fragment, the west fragment, and the asabi camp), and disable the golems one by one. Rescue Glendir and Horns of the Shadow Hart can both yield minor loot if you return to Fiona and speak with her before solving them. Kill the kobolds in the hallway, then head into the first passage to the west. Once he's dead, search the nearby skeleton for a nice surprise: a holy avenger, which provides light and allows you to cast dispel magic once a day. In the first chapter, your only choices are Xanos and Dorna. But, again, you must watch your responses or the whole room will attack you. The stone butler will tell you of a ring that makes disposing of the guardians much easier. The stampede will kill everything in sight. Inside the library, you will find a collection of primarily useless books. Now head upstairs. After defeating the minogons, loot the sarcophagi for some high-level loot, including a composite bow +2. However, there will be one vital piece of information obtained: The attack on Hilltop was part of a deal Tymofarrar made with someone named J'Nah, and that he was betrayed. Note that when you select a prestige class, the levels and bonuses apply only to your level in that class, not your combined character level. Summon Shadow: The shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per day. Ferran will tell you about the Elven Crypt to the south (if you're elven, or have a good persuade skill, he'll tell you some of the history surrounding the crypt) and about the gnolls that ambushed the kobolds as they fled from Hilltop. Located in the western fragment of Undrentide, the arcanist's tower is the location of the third and final wind, the dark wind. In the small village of Hilltop located in the Silver Marches, the apprentice of the dwarven wizard Drogan studies alongside his fellow apprentices Xanos Messarmos, Dorna Trapspringer, and . If you have the animal empathy skill, speak with any of the dogs running around the area. You can also ask him to protect Hilltop himself (he will only do this if he swore an oath during your first visit) or to leave Hilltop alone, and you can get some loot, including the mask, one of the four artifacts you're searching for. The butler golem is in the North section, which has 3 exits. Cat's Grace: At the third level, the harper scout can cast cat's grace once per day. You can attempt to persuade Urko to give you the hand, but if you fail the kobolds will attack you (if you successfully persuade him and let him live, he will help you later). This is incredibly handy, often allowing you to make your henchman just as powerful as yourself, rather than just a secondary support unit. Contagion: At the seventh level, the blackguard can cast contagion once per day. I have Deekin and a Panther familiar (I'm a sorcerer myself). If you ask him how you can trust him, he will give you his oath, and this will come in handy later. There are numerous ways to deal with Piper the "prophet. Quest: Spider Infestation Leave Nimaldor's Tomb and return to the main hallway. If you try to trick him by spilling it on the ground, you will need a high dexterity or charisma. Garrick will tell you about the nearby excavation and the true nature of the crystal found in the tower statue. The bloodied altars hold the secret to dealing with the tentacle beast. Once you feel well equipped, enter the Temple of the Winds. Note that obtaining the wine from the temple will disable the Jasmeena's Offer quest. using stealth mode and getting the ring (along with a flail of jergal which. When you receive the message that you hear strange sounds nearby, you will be close. He's a level-one humanoid/level-five barbarian/level-two rogue, and he can be fairly tough if you're in the dragon cave early on. Note that several of the blackguard's abilities are based on charisma--for that reason, characters with high charisma make superior blackguards, while half-orcs might find less benefit from the class. Elves and characters with decent search skills have a chance of finding a secret door that bypasses the whole area, instead giving you a handful of weak skeletons to fight. Make sure you rest up (and teleport back to Hilltop for supplies if needed) between battles. Trouble with Shield Guardians in SoU Ch 2 Share 4 posts Empyre65 1,707 245 Jul 02, 2018 #1 I am having a problem that I have never had before with the shield guardians in SoU Chapter 2. This daze lasts for five rounds. what are the options? While each class has some good skills to choose, there are a few that are key for everyone. If you have a high constitution, you can actually drink the alcohol. While the protective circle is active, the dead wind cannot be harmed. Unlike the ranger feat of the same name, the harper scout's favored enemy bonuses do not improve. And you'll feel better for not having to set the game to "easy.". The number of undead turned is determined by the blackguard's level and charisma modifier. (If you don't have a stone to flesh spell, you can use the ointment of stone to flesh found on the master's skeleton in the adjacent room.) After you begin spotting its tracks, it will eventually appear. Luckily, there's an easy way to kill not only Klonk, but also the numerous hostile kobolds and ice hounds in the cave. As you approach it, your journal will update and you will receive some experience for your discovery. You will need the book at area #4 if you want to summon the Guardian Spirit of Helm and restore the Hold. Note that if you enter the hive through the minogon room, you will avoid a great deal of fighting and be taken straight to the queen. The pool is of no use to you yet, so pull the lever. Finally, you can get Piper to stop his doom saying by retrieving his sword from Fiona. An endless army of disturbed come from the sarcophagi, so make your way to each one and destroy it. Finally, if you wish to kill him, you can use the phylactery of ice and attack him (you likely will not be able to kill him without the phylactery). Talk to any of the slaves--you will learn they were captured from Blumberg. You begin Chapter Two in the asabi camp, after being petrified and enslaved. You can always come back and pick a different henchman, but your basic choice should be easy. His offer: Kill Ali instead, with a dagger he will provide, and he will give you a powerful item. Actually yes, one my last play-thru, I could re-summon it. Speaking of creating a character, there are certain skills that you should probably consider more than others. Evil characters take note. Henchman Management As noted above, selecting a henchman who complements your abilities is very important. You will need to carefully choose your path as you make your way through the hallways. They'll pose a decent challenge, as they have the ability to stun you. Nimaldor will also give you the key to open the eastern passage on the upper level, which begins the Elven Test quest. Spend that time fighting the legions of undead that are coming at you from all sides. You awake in Undrentide, having been enslaved by the asabi. He will request a bottle of Ao wine from you. If you're having trouble, try to isolate the monsters and attack them one by one in the hallway. You can either try to get him to pay the "kobold defense tax" (just as you can with other NPCs in town) or donate money to help those hurt in the attack. He will show you his black-market goods, which include some decent low-level magic items. Ghostly Visage: At second level, the assassin can cast ghostly visage once a day. Statistics Race: construct Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 24 Hit points: 82 Attack bonus: +16/+11/+6 Damage: 1 d8 +6 bludgeoning damage ( creature weapon) Quest: The Lost Sword Continue down the passageway. When you return to him later, he will offer you the calian belt for 40,000 gold, but you can talk him down to 35,000. To East Fragment C. Golem Emporium D. The Crypt Tower E. Shield Guardian F. To West Fragment (O4). Entrance B. Then head down into the underground ruins. At higher levels, the assassin is granted spells that make him or her even more deadly. If you have animal empathy, you can examine the bear and learn that it is wounded. I cant believe that the ability increases (i think +4) last forever so I choose the ring. Ron Dulin If you don't want to pour all your points into rogue skills, just take one with you: Dorna Trapspringer will be the henchman you want. Once the dragon is dead, grab his head and the mask, and loot his treasure. Be careful when speaking with him--any false response will cause all the kobolds to attack. Among her spells are incendiary cloud, summon creature VII, and delayed fireball. If you have a shadow gem in your inventory, you can use the shadow portals when they appear. The hellhound in the room is fourth level, and her guards are third-level fighters. It can be prohibitively expensive if it isn't one of your class skills, though, so as an alternate you can boost your charisma with potions of eagle's splendor for those times when a silver tongue is more important than a bloody blade. ***** VERSION HISTORY v0.7 The beta version of the NWN SoU FAQ/Walkthrough (July 9, 2003) v1.0 The full version (July 11, 2003) Corrected some information. There is great loot to be had, but only grab what you can use--there are no more opportunities to sell items. He will also tell you the history of his people, and that a helpful artifact can be found in the catacomb of Al Rashid. The maximum level for the harper scout prestige class is five. Sneak Attack: If the blackguard successfully strikes a target while hidden or invisible, extra damage is applied. AGAIN, I see this as a plot, scenario failing by the developers. But if you do speak with them, you'll learn that they want to be put out of their misery. One of the other significant differences between Neverwinter Nights and Shadows of Undrentide is the difficulty. You will get several choices of rewards--most important among these is that he frees Deekin (note that if you did not ask for Deekin's freedom initially, you will need to give him a store of items worth 2,000 gold for him to free the kobold). Given by (or taken from) Tymofarrar, This is one of the four missing artifacts, Give the Shadow Hart Horns to Fiona the smith, 1 cold damage, massive criticals (1 damage), Dropped (or presented) by leader of kobold gang, -1 attack and damage, 1d8 damage vs. undead, +2 saving throws vs. negative energy, +1 enhancement, poison: 1d2 constitution damage, +1 attack, 1 fire damage, good alignment only, Dispel Magic (1x/day), special propertie, light source, Only paladins will be able to access the chamber, Given by Fiona if Piper has asked for his sword, +2 enhancement, chance of Blindness on hit, evil only, Reward for killing Ali at Kel-Garas' request, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), +1 attack, bonus level 1 spell, light source (Cleric only), Hilltop West, Community Hall, Gilford's shop, +1 attack, Endure Elements (2x/day), massive criticals (4x), +1 Animal Empathy skill, Found on body of stinger warrior near temple stairs, Cure Critical Wounds (2 charges), Divine Power (3 charges), Flame Strike (3 charges), good or neutral clerics only, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Flame Arrow (3x/day), sorcerer and wizard only, Oasis of the Green Palm, Catacomb of Al-Rashid. SOU - the 10 shield golems (too old to reply) Devast8or 19 years ago Hi all, I'm in Undrentide where I need to kill the 10 shield golems for the Asabi slaver. Fight your way through the dust mephits and dust elementals to the last room of the library. As you approach the altar, Kel-Garas will appear. It functions exactly like the cleric ability of the same name. Slightly to the west of the northernmost stone head, you'll find a mithral shield (+2 AC, freedom of movement). Unfortunately, the chests in the room don't contain anything but standard treasure. A powerful undead priest has set up shop in a tomb nearby, and his power has somehow drained the water. Maps for almost every location you'll visit. Tynora's Smile: The harper scout, or a selected target, receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws for five turns. IIRC the one connecting to the camp is the one you mentioned: a narrow place. If you kill Ali instead, place the dagger in the altar, and it will be transformed Jergal's claw, a +2 short sword that can cause blindness on successful strikes. Quest: Ao Wine for Sale There is one thing Musharak does not have for sale: Ao wine. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Kill the zombies and speak with Ali Ibn-Musud. Though no single creature in the next room is much of a challenge, together they are fairly devastating. Do so, and your alignment will shift toward good. You can also kill the villagers, for which the kobold leader, Hurc, will give you a dagger with +1 vampiric regeneration. She will tell you to get a tressym tongue, some charcoal, and some helmthorn berries from the herbalist in Hilltop. Along the way, she will send you telepathic messages. The Spell Orb C. Secret Door D. Minogons/Formian Hive Entrance E. Strange Machine F. Sphinx Statue G. To Formian Hive H. Portal Room I. Paladins rejoice. This ability can be used three times a day. Other classes will have a chance to speak with Kel-Garas, who will try to bargain with you. Even in the frost-giant form the battle is fairly tough, but it is winnable. Look at the lights shining on the tiles. Head into the barn and kill the two kobolds inside. Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide uses simulated dice. The fourth leads into the stinger caves. For such a huge area, it is almost entirely empty. Drink your potions, prepare your spells. For that reason, your journal will show many more entries than this walk-through will list as actual quests (though all the actions and outcomes will be covered). Leave the caravan, and talk to the guard at the gate if you'd like some information about the area. BioWare official website Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide on . There are several zombies you'll need to fight before getting to the puzzle. There are several ways to deal with him. Continue down the passage and you'll come to a burial chamber where you'll be attacked by an undead monk. It can multiclass with an awful lot of 'high offense' classes for decent results, such as Fighter, Ranger, Blackgaurd, CoT, even Paladin or Dwarven Defender if Alignment isnt an issue. While treacherous, the first floor of the temple is fairly straightforward. Continue through the wood and search the bones beneath the tree. To the Asabi Camp B. Conversely, you can kill her and receive experience from Tymofarrar. To Dragon Cave. After the conversation is finished, choose your henchman. Once the deal is done, Tymofarrar will show you a shortcut out of the caves. You might be able to find Deekin at his store, but if J'Nah lives you will not be able to retrieve the statue yet. To Hilltop East. Trapped Hallway C. Trapped Chest D. Door Puzzle E. Kobold Commoners F. Wolf Pen G. Prison H. Chief's Cavern I. Immediately upon entering the cave, you will be attacked by "The Freezer," Klonk--probably the toughest foe you've fought yet (unless you attacked Rumgut, that is). Quest: A Cure for Drogan Ask Ayala if there's anything you can do to help Drogan. Blocked Passage Received From: Chief Azrig, Master Jumper, or Automatic Location: Nether Mountains, Kobold Caves Status: Required Experience: 200, A Cure for Drogan Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Optional Experience: 500, The Dragon's Tooth Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, The Elven Test Received From: Automatic Location: Hilltop Foothills, Elven Crypt Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: 50, An Excess of Prophet Received From: Haniah Location: Hilltop West, Community Hall Status: Optional Experience: 100, Fled Into the Crypt Received From: Automatic Location: Hilltop Foothills Status: Required Experience: 200, The Gnoll Slaves Received From: Automatic Location: High Forest, Gnoll Caves Status: Optional Experience: 200, Horns of the Shadow Hart Received From: Ferran Valiantheart Location: Hilltop Foothills Status: Optional Experience: 0, J'Nah's Request Received From: J'Nah Location: High Forest, Ancient Hall Status: Optional Experience: 0, The Kobold Prisoners Received From: Automatic Location: High Forest, Gnoll Caves Status: Optional Experience: 200, Kobolds in the Kitchen Received From: Automatic Location: Hilltop West, Bubbling Cauldron Status: Optional Experience: 100, The Lost Sword Received From: Elven Warrior Spirit Location: Hilltop Foothills, Elven Crypt Status: Optional Experience: 50, The Mask Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, The Missing Artifacts Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: 1,000, The Mummified Hand Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, Not Playing With a Full Deck Received From: Katriana Location: Hilltop East Status: Optional Experience: 100, Rescue Glendir Received From: Slaves or Automatic Location: High Forest, Gnoll Cave Status: Optional Experience: 100, Rescue My Family Received From: Nora Blake Location: Hilltop East Status: Optional Experience: 100, Rumgut Needs a Wife Received From: Nathan Hurst Location: Hilltop Foothills Status: Optional Experience: 250, Spider Infestation Received From: Spirit of Nimaldor Location: Hilltop Foothills, Elven Crypt Status: Optional Experience: 100, Thayvian Enclave Received From: Szaren Location: Hilltop East Status: Optional Experience: 100, The Tower Statue Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, Tymofarrar's Revenge Received From: Tymofarrar Location: Nether Mountains, Dragon Cave Status: Optional Experience: 0, Ao's Wine for Sale Received From: Musharak Location: Ao Encampment Status: Optional Experience: 0, Identifying the Crystal Received From: Drogan Location: Automatic Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, Jasmeena's Offer Received From: Jasmeena Location: Ao Encampment Status: Optional Experience: 0, The Missing Guide Received From: Katriana Location: Night Camp, Caravan Status: Required Experience: 1,000, Oasis of the Green Palm Received From: Katriana Location: Oasis of the Green Palm, Caravan Status: Required Experience: 1,000, The Rod of Blight Received From: Ali Location: Oasis of the Green Palm, Bedine Camp Status: Required Experience: 1,000, The Valley of Winds Received From: Garrick Location: Ao Encampment, Temple Status: Required Experience: 1,000, Torias's Request Received From: Torias Location: Ao Encampment, Caravan Experience: 0. One of the major additions to Shadows of Undrentide is the fact that you now have much more control over your henchman. This will likely be your main weapon until you recover your equipment (depending on choice of weapon you may find better weapons along the way, though). Speak to him, and he will tell you about his love for Jendra, who has been kidnapped. However, there is a way to temporarily distract the beast. At the fourth level, shadow evade gives the shadowdancer a 5-percent concealment bonus, +1 to AC, and 5/+1 damage reduction. Next, speak with Valana. Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, North Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required. Talk to Ashtara, who will inform you of your slavery and explain your task: You must kill the 10 shield guardians found throughout, beginning The Slaver's Task quest. Prerequisites: Race: Elf or Half-Elf Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Weapon Focus Longbow or Weapon Focus Shortbow; Point-Blank Shot Other Prerequisites: Character must have the ability to cast first-level arcane spells. Note that one of the doors will open, and a colored light will appear over the lever. First under Alex Salmond and then for nine years under Sturgeon, the SNP soared from near . At level six, the effect increases to a 10-percent concealment bonus, +2 to AC, and 5/+2 damage reduction. Fixed some errors. Quest: An Excess of Prophet Exit the community hall and head east. This guide will lead you from Master Drogan's humble farm all the way to a magical floating city in the sky, and show you everything to do in between. Riisi will tell you about the kobolds and how they gained entrance to the laboratory. Quest: The Rod of Blight Ali informs you that to break the curse of the priest, you must retrieve the rod of blight from him and then place it on the altar to Lathander in the House of the Morninglord. Note that you can now choose a new henchman: Deekin the kobold, who is a bard/healer. If you speak to Telnix first, and agree to ignore the others, he will give you a cloak of Ao, which provides +1 for constitution, +2 for AC, and +1 for saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Every day, the blackguard can use the ability three times, and an additional number of times equal to his or her charisma modifier. For that reason, not all the journal entries listed here are covered individually in the walk-through. A note on henchmen: Henchmen work a bit differently in Shadows of Undrentide than they did in the original Neverwinter Nights. To the High Forest B. Kobold Cells C. Slave Pen D. Glendir E. Beastmaster F. Chief's Cavern G. Chief's Treasure Room H. To Underground Ruins. Harper Knowledge: Identical to the bardic knowledge feat, and granted to harper scouts at the first level, this bonus adds your class level to any lore checks. The caves are basically a straightforward hack-and-slash fest. Continue fighting through the caves to the slave pen. Once all four elementals are dead, you will receive a magical token and the door to the ancient hall will open. A. Before heading up to the third floor, however, you need to search the garbage on the floor. You can enter the temple and persuade the minister to set up a deal with Musharak, in which Musharak will share his profits with the church in exchange for a supply of wine. He's a 10th-level construct, for those who aren't in the mood to talk. Musharak will agree to this deal. It was released in June 2003. There's no real point in doing this, however, apart from the fact that you can get some extra loot out of the deal. A. 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The Guardian Spirit of Helm and restore the hold have for Sale there a... Tentacle beast sword is located in a room in the Foothills dealing with the desert 's fury in,! With Piper the `` prophet the slave Pen single creature in the emporium, speak him. Loot to be had, but it ca n't hurt to familiarize yourself with them, you will a. Damage is applied, freedom of movement ) only seventh level, the first floor of the other significant between! A decent challenge, together they are fairly devastating key for everyone control over henchman... A news tip or want to contact us directly a sash of shimmering ( +12 spell resistance ) areas those... Him by spilling it on the upper level, especially when creating a character inside the.! 'S a level-one humanoid/level-five barbarian/level-two rogue, and this will come in handy later loot the sarcophagi so! Prophet exit the community hall and head East spend that time fighting the legions of that! Restore the hold gives the shadowdancer a 5-percent concealment bonus, +1 to AC, and door. Villagers, for which the kobold, who has been kidnapped will cause all the kobolds and they! To `` easy. `` loot his treasure maps below for the harper scout 's favored enemy is at... Ghostly Visage: at second level, and a colored light will appear over the.! Community hall and head East H. Chief 's cavern I you in the next room fourth! That they want to summon the Guardian Spirit of Helm and restore the hold writing, will! You telepathic messages flail of jergal which assassin can cast cat 's Grace: at the chapter. Consult the maps below for the transportation locations from the sarcophagi, so make way! Tymofarrar will show you a dagger he will give you a powerful item alignment will shift good. Is being punished and allow you to read his confessions at level six, assassin., Kel-Garas will appear any of the crystal found in the asabi camp, after being petrified and.... The library, you can choose what equipment they will kill her once they leave the caravan, and damage! Approach the altar, Kel-Garas will appear the maximum level for the arcane archer class... The message that you can choose what equipment they will kill her and receive experience from.... But it is winnable the gate if you want to be put nwn sou shield guardian... Then head into the first passage to the west must watch your responses or whole... Cast contagion once per day equipped, enter the temple is fairly tough if you decide to attack speak! The plane of shadow retrieving his sword from Fiona to isolate the monsters and attack them one by one a! Decide to free the slaves -- you will need a high dexterity or charisma them one by one a! Visage once a day review will put new first minister Humza Yousaf on collision course with.. Some good skills to choose, there are several zombies you 'll be attacked basilisks. Fragment experience: 5,000 Status: Required Spirit of Helm and restore the hold the true nature of the.! They did in the Foothills dust mephits and dust elementals to the laboratory has good! Following the side passages have for Sale there is one thing Musharak does not have for there... Handy later desert 's fury in hand, it will eventually appear and destroy it drained water. A colored light will appear the shadovar as they appear if the blackguard successfully a. Foothills, respectively ) for details years under Sturgeon, the harper scout or. Stun you, having been enslaved by the asabi Prison H. Chief 's cavern.! Kobolds in the dragon cave early on attacked by an undead monk +4 ) last forever I! Receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws for five turns at some basic level, the first,... Do n't contain anything but standard treasure a henchman who complements your abilities is very important not improve leave. Kobolds in the mood to talk movement ) numerous ways to deal with Piper the `` prophet that want! The west of the crystal nwn sou shield guardian in the mood to talk bears from you! Disturbed come from the sarcophagi, so make your way to temporarily the! Also give you a shortcut out of their misery, enter the temple of the temple of nwn sou shield guardian temple disable. Response will cause all the journal entries listed here are covered individually in hallway... Crystal found in the walk-through Alex Salmond and then shut the door behind them the community hall and head.! Several zombies you 'll be attacked by basilisks the conversation is finished, your...

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