pathfinder kingdom building spreadsheet

Stability: Stability refers to the physical and social well-being of the kingdom, from the health and security of its citizenry to the vitality of its natural resources and its ability to maximize their use. Like benefits, most vacancy penalties are constant, last as long as that role is vacant, and dont stack with themselves. Edicts are the official pronouncements by your government about how you are running the kingdom that turn. Free Pathfinder Gaming Materials. :). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, I realize it is missing in UC (or at least from the prd's UC entries), but the "Brothel" building is referenced a number of times (in the discounted entry for multiple buildings): Brothel (4 BP; must be adjacent to 1 house): A place to Example: Jessica and the other leaders need to keep BP in the kingdom for future plans, so they skip Step 1 of the Income phase. storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress, but excluding any content that is Product Identity of Paizo Publishing, Inc. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not Just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your spreadsheet! Here's a form fillable, auto-calculating sheet for Kingdom Building. I think "Paizo community" is a perfect description. Alignment: Like a PC, your kingdom has an alignment, which you decide when you form the kingdom. I don't have Excel at home but I should be able to fix any problems I find when converting. Step 1Determine Kingdom Stability: Attempt a Stability check. Determine which hexes belong to each daughter kingdom. Support Material. See the Preparation Cost column on Table: Terrain and Terrain Improvements to determine how many BP this requires. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. | Heroes and Monsters SRD Pathfinder Beginner Box Rulebooks Second Edition Rulebooks Official Digital Toolset Online System Reference Downloads First Edition Rulebooks Adventures Adventure Path Standalone Adventures Organized Play Scenarios First Edition Adventures Setting Accessories Cards Maps Pawns Pathfinder Battles Unpainted Miniatures Dice Digital Tools Who makes each roll depends on the players in your group and what roles they want to play. ft bedroom - 250 sq. | OGN Articles It might be worth noting on the "How to Use" sheet that the "Bonus" column requires inputting the total ability score bonus, and will halve it appropriately for the leadership positions (Consort and Heir, I think) where it gets halved. You may assume any leadership role (including Ruler) for your colony or vassal state, but any benefit you provide in this role is 1 less than normal; if you do so, you must spend 7 days that month performing duties appropriate to that leadership role in addition to the 7 days spent for Viceroy duties. Vacancy Penalty: Stability decreases by 2. Likewise, the rules assume that the leaders are working together, not competing with each other or working at odds. When the kingdom building rules were posted to, I couldn't help myself and had to look at them to see how they addressed the few problems many people were having with things like deposits/withdrawals and magic items. With F9 i'm only currently updating calculations, how do i exactly generate random Events? Just wanted to post a thread where people can post useful tools for Kingdom Building in the 2nd Edition version of Kingmaker. Step 6Create Army Units: You may create, expand, equip, or repair army units (see Mass Combat). For example, you may decide to have low or high taxes, to have more or fewer holidays, and how much effort to put into improving the kingdom's infrastructure. Looks like I was right! Don't know (haven't looked) what RAW says, but the whole cistern thing could Thanks for the suggestion, Niilo! Given that nobody had really started converting the spreadsheet to the UC rules and with the founding of our campaign's kingdom imminent, I pretty much HAD to just suck it up and work on the spreadsheet myself. Kingdom checks automatically fail on a natural 1 and automatically succeed on a natural 20. Brothel (4 BP; must be adjacent to 1 house): A place to pay for companionship of any sort. The kingdom gains no benefits from the Holiday edict. As the kingdom grows, the party gains experience points the first time it reaches each of the following milestones. Leader Statistics: The statistics for the different roles are presented as follows. Benefit(s): Add your Charisma modifier or Strength modifier to Stability. He organizes regular patrols and works with the General to respond to threats that militias and adventurers cant deal with alone. Oligarchy: A group of councilors, guild masters, aristocrats, and other wealthy and powerful individuals meet in council to lead the kingdom and direct its policies. Works like a charm! The first House, Mansion, Noble Villa, or Tenement your kingdom builds each turn does not count against that limit. 918. Sensational Crime (Settlement, Continuous) A serial killer, arsonist, or daring bandit plagues your kingdom. Thanks, again, Kord! Abdicating a position increases Unrest by 1 and requires a Loyalty check; if the check fails, the vacancy penalty applies for 1 turn while the new leader transitions into that role. The Spymaster observes the kingdoms criminal elements and underworld and spies on other kingdoms. Build points dont have a precise exchange rate to gold pieces because they dont represent exact amounts of specific resources. Step 4Collect Taxes: Attempt an Economy check, divide the result by 3 (round down), and add a number of BP to your Treasury equal to the result. Modifiers: Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law 3, Productivity +1. I hope you guys enjoy the new version. Excellent sheet, one small bug, cistern adds to population. Looking forward to the final product! A kingdoms alignment rarely changes, though at the GMs option, it can shift through the actions of its rulers or its people. This section uses kingdom as a universal term to represent all kinds of domains, regardless of size, form of government, and gender of the ruler. Your capital city primarily comes into play if your kingdom loses hexes. When a building is completed, apply its modifiers to your kingdom sheet. Category: PDF Log in Page Discussion Read View source View history Benefit(s): This explains the benefit to your kingdom if you have a character in this role. With building a kingdom, you begin by founding a small settlementsuch as a village or townand expand your territory outward, claiming nearby hexes, founding additional settlements, and constructing buildings within those settlements. I've changed the credit to the "Paizo community", but if you have any suggestions on how to best credit people for it, I'm all ears! Benefit(s): Add half your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier to Economy. Cohorts, followers, and even intelligent familiars or similar companions can fill leadership roles, and you may want to consider inviting allied NPCs to become rulers, such as asking a friendly ranger you rescued to become the kingdoms Marshal. Thanks for being awesome! The relevant skills for each leadership role are as follows. I'm sorry :( Once I get the optional rules for the kingdom building side added in, this will probably be the next thing I tackle. Divide the treasury in a fair manner (such as proportionate to population or Size), and divide any other mobile assets (such as armies). Honestly, though, it's the most effective way I could come up with to display the information I thought was necessary. I can see how useful it would be, though, so I'll be sure to add it to my to do list and see what I can find out about it. | GumshoeSRD I still have some stuff I would like to add in future updates, but let me know what you think, what you're missing, what's broken, etc. I just finished the last work on my version of the kingdom sheet and it should now be feature complete. Magocracy: An individual or group with potent magical power leads the kingdom and promotes the spread of magical and mundane knowledge and education. If this changes the patrons attitude to hostile, it leads to war against your rebellious kingdom. I didn't see one on here so I took the time to make it for my home game. You may only take advantage of this if you dont have a sponsor; it represents your people seeing the hard work youre directly putting in and being inspired to do the same to get the kingdom off the ground. But consumption is automatically listed as 1 on the Army tab, and in the Overall is listed as 4. I had the idea to test this out on Google Docs as well. Once that's all done, delete these extra lines up top, and it's ready to use! You may abandon any number of hexes to reduce your kingdoms Size (which you may wish to do to manage Consumption). The form of government you choose can help establish the flavor and feel of the kingdom and also adjust its settlements modifiers. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) NOTE that this is based on the Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Managementand NOT the system listed in Kingmaker book 1. Let me know if there are any issues, its my first time making a self calculating sheet. Loyalty: Loyalty refers to the sense of goodwill among your people, their ability to live peaceably together even in times of crisis, and to fight for one another when needed. The Magister guides the kingdoms higher learning and magic, promoting education and knowledge among the citizens and representing the interests of magic, science, and academia. Download Links (version 4.2): of Step 5Create and Improve Settlements: You may create a settlement in a claimed hex (see Founding a Settlement). I'll be sure to add this to the instruction sheet (which I really haven't touched at all yet) and try to make it a little clearer that this is being done automatically. Obviously, a lot has actually been changed and refined so I felt compelled to use the new rules. If not, I will gift you a copy if you are willing to add the rules to the spreadsheet. As the leaders, you use your power and influence to direct the economic and constructive activity of your kingdom, deciding what gets built, when, and where. I'll probably post those here at some point if I can make them a little less ugly. For every full 4,000 gp in value of the deposit, increase your kingdoms BP by 1. Oh, and I don't know if it's worth the effort, but an OpenOffice version would be great. If you claim a hex that reestablishes a connection to a leaderless secondary territory, you regain the benefits of the territorys terrain improvements. the Legendary games site & purchase the product myself This section presents rules for building a kingdom and waging war that focus on the larger tactics of city planning and troop strategy rather than managing details of individual settlers and soldiers. Otherwise, I'll probably still pick it up at some point for our home game. During the Upkeep Phase, Unrest increases by 1. These look amazing! The workbook now includes enough functionality to keep track of your armies. Thanks! Benefit (s) a method moving from one floor of the building to another without using stairs. I haven't started using this, but I probably will at some point. Kingdom Building. Example: The GM rolls on one of the event tables and determines that a monster is attacking one of the kingdoms hexes. First things first - the kingdom building rules assume that the PCs are building a kingdom. The army I created was a Large army made up of CR 1 Fighters making them ACR 3 (Base CR of 1, plus 2 for Large size). Many PCs are content to live as mercenaries or treasure hunters, no interest in being responsible for the health and well-being of subjects; for these characters, a kingdom is simply a place they pass through on the way to the next adventure. My group's next game is this Sunday so I'll probably be working on the sheet again, I'd like to tackle quite a bit this week and I'll probably have armies added back in by the weekend. The leaders provide bonuses on rolls you make to manage the kingdoms economy and other important issues. Step 2Claim and Abandon Hexes: For your kingdom to grow, you must claim additional hexes. It's already on my to do list, but I'll probably want to wait until everything from Ultimate Campaign has been incorporated before I start on it. I was just making sure it didn't say anything crazy in the front of the book like "This Legendary Games game product contains no Open Game Content. While maintaining two sheets is a little trickier than only having one, I'd hate to see the UCam sheet be ignored in favour of the expansion. Ill test the auto calculations and stuff tomorrow when I have my laptop but the only thing I notice is that the text for Size at the top is kinda janked out and has a large gap between the S and the ize but that could just be a mobile issue. If your kingdoms Unrest ever reaches 20, the kingdom falls into anarchy. I haven't had a chance to look over Ultimate Rulership, yet, but I'm definitely going to have to "finish" the Ultimate Campaign material before I can see myself getting started on incorporating the Ultimate Rulership material. A subreddit for anything related to the Pathfinder Second Edition tabletop role-playing game. Benefit(s): Add half your Charisma modifier to Loyalty. For example, if you rebuff the queens envoy, your citizens may see this as a snub against the queen and rebel. Didn't find this in my search lol. This should be listed as Consumption 5 (Army Consumption 1 + 4 Ranged Support for a Large Army). 7 This is a large system of caves and underground passages and can be found in any terrain type except Marsh. Other events may also happen during this phase, such as independence or unification. Ruling a kingdom is a complex and difficult task, one undertaken only by the very ambitious. Not mine, but I found in my obsessive dive into kingmaker. For example, if the kingdom doesnt have a ruler for a turn, Unrest increases by 4 and doesnt automatically return to its previous level when you eventually fill the vacant Ruler role. All other roles are optional, though leaving certain roles vacant gives your kingdom penalties. Disclaimer: This spreadsheet keeps track of up to 10 cities / districts and connects them all to the main kingdom sheet, but doesn't keep track of BP purchases (you'll have to do that on your own). Will test it more thoroughly with a trial game tomorrow! Your kingdoms initial Stability is 0 plus your kingdoms alignment and leadership modifiers. You cannot take 10 or take 20 on a kingdom check. If a character in a role is killed or permanently incapacitated during a turn and not restored to health by the start of the next kingdom turn, that role counts as vacant for that next turn, after which a replacement can be appointed to the role. Running a kingdom is more fun if all the players are involved and each is responsible for making some of the kingdom checks. Thanks! Running a kingdom takes place over a series of turns, similar to how combat takes place over a series of rounds. Found an error in City overview, the waterfront and districts counter only reference to tab: city 1. The game statistics for the types of buildings. Before you can claim it, the hex must first be explored, then cleared of monsters and dangerous hazards (see Steps 2 and 3 of Founding a Settlement for more details). Whether you acquire these funds on your own or with the help of an influential NPC is decided by the GM, and sets the tone for much of the campaign. The Kingdom Excel Sheet was designed to support players and GM while playing the Kingmaker campaing and raising an empire, which they have to manage, expand and defend. a wealthy queen may want to tame some of the wilderness on her kingdoms borders, or a merchants guild may want to construct a trading post to increase trade with distant lands. Thank you again, especially for the Google comp. Whenever you act as the Ruler for the turn, you must succeed at a Loyalty check during the kingdoms Upkeep Phase or Unrest increases by 1. This is mostly because I don't have any work done yet on the army sheets and I wanted the box to allow manual adjustments for things like Stockyards. If you want to designate a different settlement as the capital, you may do so in Step 7 of the Edict Phase. Table: Improvement Edicts tells you the maximum number of buildings you can construct in your kingdom per turn. This was left over from the pre-Ultimate Campaign version of the sheet. The Grand Diplomat is the head of all of the kingdoms diplomats, envoys, and ambassadors. Unless otherwise stated, the DC of a kingdom check is the Control DC. The cities, roads, farms, and buildings belong to the citizens who build them and use them to live and work every day, and those acts of living and working create more BP for the kingdom. I'll probably focus on getting armies and mass combat implemented next and post a "4.2" as soon as that's done. Thanks for catching this! I also haven't picked up a copy of it yet, so I have no idea how much work this is going to be :) Thanks, redcelt32! I hope to get the Event Generator added back in at some point, so thanks for "voting"; I'll bump it up on my list of priorities :). This modifier goes away if you claim a hex that reconnects the secondary territory to the primary territory. Step 1Assign Leadership: Assign PCs or NPCs to any vacant leadership roles or change the roles being filled by particular PCs or closely allied NPCs (see Leadership Roles). Pathfinder Reference Document) as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). Warm Up a Room With the Look, Feel and Memories of Knitting. I can afford my ever growing Visa bill& all will be well! Each leadership role provides bonuses to kingdom statistics based on one of the leaders ability scores. ^_^. . Thanks, Psi51! Treat leaders who change roles as changing roles within the same kingdom. Both spellings are used in what I read. Benefit(s): Add your Charisma modifier or Wisdom modifier to Stability. Damn Red - I wish I'd have thought of that 1st! If this section gives you a choice of two ability scores, use whichever is highest. Now - all I have to do is wait my first paycheck from my new job, so that I am immensely proud to be the current caretaker of that sheet, but I absolutely refuse to claim it's "mine". Some players may not want to make any of these rolls. These are tracked on a kingdom sheet, like a characters statistics are on a character sheet. For example, the Royal Enforcer decreases Unrest by 1 at every Upkeep Phase. They are of less use to GMs, who can, quite literally, put whatever they want where they want it. Thanks again, Mordam! During the Upkeep Phase, Unrest increases by 1. Your kingdoms Consumption is equal to its Size, modified by settlements and terrain improvements (such as Farms and Fisheries). If your Treasury is negative after paying Consumption, Unrest increases by 2. Then, to claim the hex, spend 1 BP; this establishes the hex as part of your kingdom and increases your kingdoms Size by 1. Benefit(s): Add your Intelligence modifier or Wisdom modifier to Economy. Store Handout. Current Control DC: 20 (20 + 0 hexes) Population: None yet. Shop the Open Gaming Store! When I discovered that Berhagen and Zoetrope had made an awesome spreadsheet, especially one that incorporated Book of the River Nations, which I had already purchased, I was incredibly relieved. You may choose one of the following as the kingdoms government. Your kingdoms initial Loyalty is 0 plus your kingdoms alignment and any modifiers from your kingdoms leadership role. Failure to complete your duties during a turn means treating the role as thought its vacant. Also, I don't currently have a way to make note of multiple Siege Engines within an army so the Consumption for those will have to be tracked manually, as well (although the one-time OM bonus will be calculated in). Everything else will have to be tracked manually, at least for now. For example, you cant really equate the productivity of a blacksmith with that of a stable, as their goods are used for different things and arent produced at the same rate, but both of them contribute to a kingdoms overall economy. The Warden is responsible for enforcing laws in larger settlements, as well as ensuring the safety of the kingdom leaders. Minor thing that I came across which threw me off: I was converting my hardcopy kingdom sheet into the spreadsheet, and one figure kept calculating "incorrectly". 6 If the hex contains any rivers, double the listed cost to reflect the need to build bridges. Just for the record, I would love to see Ultimate Rulership included! If you'd like, you can use the pre-Ultimate Campaign sheet to generate events. Brad, do you have a copy of Ultimate Rulership? With the Rulers permission, the Consort may perform any of the Rulers duties, allowing the Ruler to effectively act in two places at once. Your Treasury can fall below 0 (meaning your kingdoms costs exceed its savings and it is operating in debt), but this increases Unrest (see Upkeep Phase). , Noble Villa, or repair Army Units ( see Mass combat ) the Cost... Is negative after paying Consumption, Unrest increases by 2 be tracked manually, at for... As changing roles within the same kingdom, the party gains experience points the first time making a calculating. With to display the information I thought was necessary all other roles are presented as follows these are on... Other important issues game License version 1.0a Section 1 ( d ) whole cistern thing could Thanks for the,! Section 1 ( d ) to threats that militias and adventurers cant deal with alone kingdom gains benefits... Hexes: for your kingdom builds each turn does not count against that limit reestablishes a to. 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