prophet muhammad wives names in order

[53][54] Al-Tha'labi reports that the prophet paid a mahr for her and Ibn Hajar makes reference to Muhammad giving Rayhana a home upon their marriage. Juwairiyabint al-Haris, on the other hand, was only 20 years old. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Sawdah bint Zamah ibn Qays (may Allah be pleased with her) in the tenth year of his Prophethood. At that time, it was almost the last month of ZilHajj. I was more upset about him than about Uthman. Allah Has Bestowed Special Status and Honor on The Wivesthe Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Sawdah bint Zamah ibn Qays 3. From these wives, two bore him children: Khadijah and Maria al-Qibtiyya. [55], After Muhammad's final battle against his Meccan enemies, he diverted his attention to stopping the Banu Mustaliq's raid on Medina. Web630632. According to Merriam-Webster, a concubine is a woman with whom a man cohabits without being married, and has a social status in a household below that of a wife.[3] All of Muhammads concubines were his slaves. [105][106][107], As part of the treaty of Hudaybiyah, Muhammad visited Mecca for the pilgrimage. Web497 CE Shaybah (Abd al-Muttalib) 464 CE Hashim 439 CE Abd Manaf 406 CE Qusayy 373 CE Kilab 340 CE Murrah 307 CE Ka'b 274 CE Lu'ayy 241 CE Ghalib 208 CE Fihr 175 CE Malik 142 CE An-Nadr (Quraysh) [8] 109 CE Kinanah 76 CE Khuzaimah 43 CE Mudrikah 10 CE Ilyas 23 BCE Mudar 56 BCE Nizar 89 BCE Then I got married to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). [2], Muhammad and his family lived in small apartments adjacent to the mosque at Medina. [29] According to Watt, this "conception of incest was bound up with old practices belonging to a lower, communalistic level of familial institutions where a child's paternity was not definitely known; and this lower level was in process being eliminated by Islam. Contracted May 620 but first consummated in April or May 623. [112] The last of Muhammad's wives, Umm Salama lived to hear about the tragedy of Karbala in 680, dying the same year. Women who were married to Islam's founder, Note: Not all sources agree on these exact dates, (concubine; considered a wife by some Muslims), Anwar Al Awlaki, The Life of the Prophet Muhammad, the Makkan Period, CD 5. With the exception of Aisha, Muhammad only married widows, divorces or captives. The widows whom Prophet Muhammad married after Zaynab bint Khuzaymah 6. Yazid Kilabiyya, and Asma bt. Maimunah bint al-Harith: Maimunah married Muhammad in 629. 4. Her father informed him that she suffered from a serious disease, whereupon Muhammad broke off the engagement. Join Quranrecital Academy. (Surat Al-Azhab: 6), The Wives of The Prophet (SAW) were Not ordinary Women. Sirat Ibn Hisham, 3/408-409. Khadija Bint Khuyailid. Also, she offered gifts to Fatima. (Tabaqat Ibn Sad , narrating from al-Waqidi, 8/130). 4, p. 230, Abu Ya'la al-Mawsili, Musnad, vol. [31] While some Muslim historians cite this story as a reason of revelation, citing Quran 4:128, others like Rashid Rida dispute this whole account as "poorly supported", or mursal. Hafsa was the custodian of the autograph-text of the Qur'an, which was actually somewhat different from the standard Qur'an of today. When she refused to marry him, he kept her as a concubine instead. Increasing credibility and sources for conveying his private family life. Asma later married a brother of Umm Salama. Concerning Zaynab bint Jahsh (may Allah be pleased with her)Allah revealed the words (interpretation of the meaning): So when Zayd had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. She was originally a Christian woman and at the same time was a slave. Women have the right to own property, to operate a business, and to receive equal pay for equal work. The following lists of women in Muhammads life are based on the Islamic sources. Khuzayma, Hafsa bt. WebAt the age of 25, Muhammad married his first wife, the widow Khadija bint Khuwaylid. She was a princess from the powerful Christian Taghlib tribe in northern Arabia. She was about 40 and Muhammad was about 25 when they got married. Al-Bukhari (5077) also narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not marry any virgin apart from her. [46], Close to Aisha's age, the two younger wives Hafsa and Zaynab were welcomed into the household. Ramlah was devoted to Muhammad and quick to pick quarrels with people who were not. She was the wife of Ubaydah ibn al-Harith,[44] a faithful Muslim and from the tribe of Al-Muttalib, for which Muhammad had special responsibility. Prophet Muhammad (saw) had 12 wives, 9 were alive at the time of his death. "Mother of the Believers" is a term by which each of Muhammad's wives came to be prefixed over time. As soon as she heard that he was dead, she apostated from Islam. Guillaume/Ishaq 181, 184, 404-405, 551-552, 557, 689., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0. Her plight of being without a man reportedly saddened the Muslims, and after her iddah some Muslims proposed marriage to her; but she declined. 1- Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (b.556 d.619 CE). After being widowed, Khawla asked Muhammad to marry her, but he refused without giving a reason. [Quran33:53]. The prophet Muhammad had 19 or more wives or concubines according to the traditional Islamic sources. The Wives of the Prophet (SAW) have Been called the mothers of The Believers. In the same year, Muhammad signed a peace treaty with his Meccan enemies, the Quraysh effectively ending the state of war between the two parties. (See Zad al-Ma'ad, 1/105-114), It was said that Rayhanah bint Amr al-Nadariyyah (or al-Quraziyyah) was also one of his wives. Web630632. Nearly forty years later, after Muhammad conquered Mecca, Fakhita's husband fled rather than convert to Islam, causing an automatic divorce. 5. Belinda Boyd Suffered from Her Husband's Constant Cheating. He kept her as a concubine despite the objections of his official wives. Mary, the daughter of Imran, was the best among the women (of the world 2- Sawdah bint Zama (b.unknown d.674 CE). House of Muhammad. She was Muhammad's cousin. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger from almighty Allah for guiding the Umaat towards the right path. Her marriage made Khalid take an indecisive attitude at the battle of Uhud. However, with multiple wives, there were a lot more sources to the knowledge, making it more difficult to discredit it. Therefore, his marriages gave more women the opportunity to learn and teach the matters of his private life. Khalilah was just 17 years old when she tied Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) have nine wives or eleven? She died in October 625. She initially fell among the booty of Muhammad's companion Thabit ibn Qays ibn Al-Shammas. House of Muhammad. 19-20, Abu Ya'la al-Mawsili, Musnad, vol. She used to boast about this to the other wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), saying: Your families arranged your marriages but Allah arranged my marriage from above the seven heavens. Narrated by al-Bukhari, 7420. Family. 11 Wives of the Prophet Muhammad Who Are They? Juwayriyah bint al-Harith (may Allah be pleased with her)fell prisoner to the Muslims during the battle of Banul-Mustalaq, and she came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to ask him to help her to manumit herself and buy her freedom. Khuzayma, Hafsa bt. She was the daughter of Muhammad's wife Hind. [7], Orientalist William Montgomery Watt states that all of Muhammad's marriages had the political aspect of strengthening friendly relationships and were based on the Arabian custom. She was born in a 2. However, he did say overtly: 'Glory be to God the Almighty! July 628 (following a proxy wedding earlier in the year). She was the mother of six of his children and a key character in the earliest development of Islam. WebTheir names, in chronological order of marriage, are: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid Sawda bint Zama Aisha bint Abu Bakr Hafsa bint Umar Zaynab bint Khuzayma Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya Zaynab bint Jahsh Juwayriya bint al-Harith Safiyya bint Huyayy Ramla bint Abi Sufyan Maymunah bint al-Harith Family. Required fields are marked *. [6] after which he is believed to have had multiple wives for the reasons explained below. After her death in 619 CE, [4] he married a total of 10 women over the remaining years of his life. Tabaqat Ibn Sad, 8/115. they have divorced them) [al-Ahzab 33:37]. Lady Khadijah Khadijah was the first wife of Muhammad PBUH. Eventually, Safiyyah got rid of her bitterness against Muhammad. [57], Zaynab bint Jahsh was Muhammad's cousin, the daughter of one of his father's sisters. She contributed a major body of information to Islamic law and history. Muslim scholars state she had many good moral qualities. She was married, but since she was very young and couldnt consummate the marriage, she was bought later to the Prophets (PBUH) house when she was older. Amira Sonbol, Rise of Islam: 6th to 9th century, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFSpellberg1994 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFArmstrong1992 (, Freyer Stowasser (1996), p. 88, Oxford University Press, For example Qadi Iyad ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, V. Vacca, Safiyya bt. WebWives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1. The extent of Muhammad's property at the time of his death is unclear. [9] He noted that remarriage was difficult for widows in a society that emphasized virgin marriages. She jumped up in haste and excited the admiration of the Messenger of God, so that he turned away murmuring something that could scarcely be understood. Lady Aisha & Sawdah After the demise of Lady Khadijah, Muhammad- PBUH was very sad and Khadijah left him with four 3. 6- Umm Salamah bint Abu Umayyah (b.596 d.680 CE) Umm Salamah married Prophet Muhammad at the age of twenty nine, after her first husband died from the wounds he received while fighting in the battle of Uhud. To justify marrying her, Muhammad announced new revelations that (1) an adopted son did not count as a real son, so Zaynab was not his daughter-in-law, and (2) as a prophet, he was allowed more than the standard four wives. [29], Muhammad converted friendship of his four friends who later became the four Islamic rulers or successors, into relationship through marriage. He offered to buy her freedom and marry her, and she accepted. Mary, the daughter of Imran, was the best among the women (of the world 2- Sawdah bint Zama (b.unknown d.674 CE). It is fairly certain, however, that none of these unions was ever consummated. His real name is Ramhalbint Abu Sufyan. Another wife, Ramlah, noticed that Muhammad admired Durrah and asked if he intended to marry her. After Abu Bakr had collected the copy, he gave it to Hafsa, who preserved it until Uthman took it, copied it and distributed it in Muslim lands.[111]. Lady Khadijah Khadijah was the first wife of Muhammad PBUH. (See Zad al-Ma'ad, 1/113; Fath al-Bari, hadith no. They are offering to memorize Quran online!The act of memorizing the Quran, Copyright 2023 All rights reserved Quran Recital, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. [29], As Sawda got older, and some time after Muhammad's marriage to Umm Salama,[30] some sources claim that Muhammad wished to divorce Sawda. Web11 wives of Prophet Muhammad Khadija bint Khuwaylid Sawda bint Zaman Aisha Bint Abu Bakr Hafsa bint Umar Zainab bint Khuzayma Hind bint Abi Ummaya Zainab bint Jahsh Juwarriya bint Al-Harith Ramla bint Abu Sufyan Safiyya The First Wife of The Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) And the First Person to Convert to 2. She First Married Hunais Ibn Huzaifa and later Became a Widow. See answer (1) Copy. [8] Scholar of Islamic studies John Esposito points out that some of Muhammad's marriages were aimed at providing a livelihood for widows. Your email address will not be published. She was from a Bedouin tribe who appeared friendly to Muhammad but who had also been friends of the. Khadija Bint Khuyailid. The Prophet (SAW) Was the First to Invite His Beloved Wife Khadijah to Islam. Hafsa (R) was the daughter of the Second Caliph Hazrat Omar (R). This marriage offset some of Muhammad's political humiliation in the Treaty of Hudaybiya by demonstrating that he could command the loyalty of his adversary's own daughter. Then by a proposal Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married Hazrat Zainab bintKhuzaymah with 400 Dirhams Mohrana . She said to him "I wish it was I who was suffering instead of you."[97]. She was taken prisoner during the battle of Bani Qurayzah, and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) chose her for himself and married her, then he divorced her then took her back. [112] The grave of the wives of Muhammed is located at al-Baq Cemetery, Medina. Below Are the Names and Brief Identities of The Women Who had the privilege of being the wife of the beloved Prophet. They cannot be married against their will, and they are allowed to keep their own name when married. Classed as sahih by al-Albani. After The Death of Her First Husband, As-Saqran Ibn Amr, The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Married SawdabintJamaa. He enslaved all the women and selected Rayhana for himself because she was the most beautiful. She was a domestic slave belonging to Zaynab bint Jahsh, who made Muhammad a present of her. Lady Aisha & Sawdah After the demise of Lady Khadijah, Muhammad- PBUH was very sad and Khadijah left him with four 3. However, when he met her in person, he saw that, although attractive, she was "old", and he divorced her immediately. See answer (1) Copy. The wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are: 1. WebThere is a disagreement over the number of the Prophets wives: according to Ibn Hisham in his al-Sira al-nabawiyya, the Prophet had thirteen wives:[6]Khadija (a), Sawda, Aisha, Zaynab bt. [60] Zaynab disapproved of the marriage, and her brothers rejected it, because according to Ibn Sa'd, she was of aristocratic lineage and Zayd was a former slave. Little is known about her apart from the posthumous accounts of Muhammads life ( srah) and teachings ( Hadith ). WebWives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1. Muhammad freed her from her captor Dihya and proposed marriage, which Safiyya accepted. Numan al-Kindiyya. House of Muhammad. Prophet (SAW) married her. Muhammad married her at a time when he was unpopular and bankrupt. I said: Yes. WebShe was Muhammad's only wife as long as she lived. Importance of Rabi Ul Awall (Prophet Birth) and His Habits And His Attitude With Non-Muslims With His Wives Online Quran Academy For Kids - Learn Quran Online with Qtstutor, Arabic Language Spoken in 23 Different Country in the world, Remarkable Hazrat Yunus and the whale story in Quran-10th Para. Lady Aisha & Sawdah After the demise of Lady Khadijah, Muhammad- PBUH was very sad and Khadijah left him with four 3. Upon being enslaved, Juwayriyya went to Muhammad requesting that she - as the daughter of the lord of the Mustaliq - be released, however, he refused. He said: I will think about it. She was the daughter of Muhammad's wealthy friend Umar. She was one of several slaves whom the Governor of Egypt sent as a present to Muhammad. [104] Muhammad dispatched 'Amr bin Omaiyah Ad-Damri with a letter to the Negus (king), asking him for Umm Habiba's handthat was in Muharram, in the seventh year of Al-Hijra. She was a notable teacher of Islamic law and a partisan of Ali. This marriage lasted for 25 years. Her family resisted the Muslim invasion of Mecca. Ayesha Siddique was The Third Wife of The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and The Daughter of The Famous Shahabi (Companion)Hazrat Abu Bokar(SAW). The First Wife of The Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) And the First Person to Convert to Islam, A Woman, and A Successful Businessman. The way in which the wives of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) dealt with the inherent jealousy of women, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in [86] According to Al-Bayhaqi, Safiyyah was initially angry at Muhammad as both her father and husband had been killed. WebThe Wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Brief History 1. Throughout the years of his youth, Muhammad only married one woman, even though the sexuality of man is at its peak during this period. When The Companion Abdullah Bin Sahash (R) Was Martyred in The Battle of Uhud. Umar ibn al-Khattab said: I met Uthman ibn Affan and offered Hafsah to him in marriage. Muhammad's life is traditionally delineated by two epochs: pre-hijrah Mecca, a city in western Arabia, from the year 570 to 622 CE, and post-hijrah in Medina, from 622 until his death in 632. 3. He said: Nothing prevented me from responding to your offer but the fact that I knew that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had mentioned her, and I did not want to disclose the secret of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). After Khawla's death, the family tried to substitute Sharaf. [14] According to an account by Anas bin Malik, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." [66], One of the captives from the skirmish with the Banu Mustaliq was Juwayriyya bint Al-Harith, who was the daughter of the tribe's chieftain. Nothing is known about this woman except that Muhammad contracted marriage with her but divorced her before consummation. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them (i.e. [78] When it became known that tribes persons of Mustaliq were kinsmen of the prophet of Islam through marriage, the Muslims began releasing their captives. [7] Spreading the message by uniting different clans through marriage. Umm Salamah bint Abi Umayyah (RA) Juwayriyah bint al-Haarith (RA) Zaynab bint Jahsh (RA) Umm Habeebah bint Abi Sufyaan (RA) Maymoonah bint al-Haarith (RA) Safiyyah bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab (RA) How Many Wives of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW? He saw her as a baby crawling around and remarked, "If I am alive when she grows up, I will marry her." Hafsah bint Umar 5. 5114). She was a middle-class widow from Mecca who proposed marriage to Muhammad. Muhammad said that Allah had wedded him in Heaven to the Virgin Mary, who was one of the four perfect women. Little is known about her apart from the posthumous accounts of Muhammads life ( srah) and teachings ( Hadith ). It belongs to the group of languages known, Hazrat Yunus and the whale story is counted among the prophets who have been mentioned in the Holy Quran, and, Quran MemorizationIntention for Quran memorization? [59] However, after marriage the sponsored children lost their inheritance rights and were henceforth known as the children of their biological parents. She First Married As-Saqran Ibn Amr who was killed in The Battle ofJalula. In 1967, Muhammad married Belinda Boyd, who unlike his previous wife converted to Islam and changed her name to Khalilah Ali. [7] Moreover, he undertook the financial responsibilities of his large family, without having large resources. None other than the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA, who was the nearest and dearest to the Messenger of Allah. She was a princess from Yemen whose family hoped the marriage alliance would ward off a military invasion from Medina. [25] During their marriage, Khadija purchased the slave Zayd ibn Harithah, then adopted the young man as her son at Muhammad's request. 6. By marrying her, Muhammad also established kinship ties with the banu Makhzum, his previous opponents. So the Prophet (sallAllahu'alayhi wasallam) called 'a'isha "Homayraa'" (little reddish, and Arab called a white woman to be red not to be confused with the whiteness of leprosy) and he called her like that petting her. She herself said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine. Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3894; Muslim, 1422. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah 6. Yazid Kilabiyya, and Asma bt. The wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are: Web497 CE Shaybah (Abd al-Muttalib) 464 CE Hashim 439 CE Abd Manaf 406 CE Qusayy 373 CE Kilab 340 CE Murrah 307 CE Ka'b 274 CE Lu'ayy 241 CE Ghalib 208 CE Fihr 175 CE Malik 142 CE An-Nadr (Quraysh) [8] 109 CE Kinanah 76 CE Khuzaimah 43 CE Mudrikah 10 CE Ilyas 23 BCE Mudar 56 BCE Nizar 89 BCE He considered divorcing her when, as the oldest and plainest of his wives (described as "fat and very slow"), she no longer attracted him, but she persuaded him to keep her in the house in exchange for never sleeping with her again (she gave up her turn to Aisha). Safiyyah bint Huyayy: The daughter of a Jewish chieftain, Safiyah was taken captive when her husband was killed in battle by Muslims in 629. To save her from such a situation, Muhammad (PBUH) married Her. He followed the practice of previous Prophets, whom no one objected to their plural marriage. After The Death of Her 3. She was the sister of Sana (above). She was extremely wealthy, and hired Muhammad as a business agent but soon came to see him as a suitable husband. 10. This was regarded as more likely by Ibn al-Qayyim in Zad al-Ma'ad. [5], The objectives of Muhammad's marriages have been described as:[7][12], In Arabian culture, marriage was contracted in accordance with the larger needs of the tribe and was based on the need to form alliances within the tribe and with other tribes. Unknown, but probably in the last months of Muhammad's life. Zaynab bint Jahsh 9. [52] Ibn Sa'd wrote that Rayhana went on to be manumitted and subsequently married to the prophet upon her conversion to Islam. She had previously converted to Islam (in Mecca) against her father's will. [79] Thus, Muhammad's marriage resulted in the freedom of nearly one hundred families whom he had recently enslaved. Muhammad signed the contract, but Khawla died on her journey to Medina, before they met in person. [1] The historian Al-Tabari calculated that Muhammad married a total of fifteen women, though only ever eleven at one time; and two of these marriages were never consummated. Together they had four children; Muhammad Ali Jr., Maryum, and twins Rasheda and Jamillah. A Mosque in the area of Medina, possibly: This page was last edited on 14 March 2023, at 14:05. Maimunah bint al-Harith: Maimunah married Muhammad in 629. Umar, Umm Salama, Zaynab bt. She was the daughter of Muhammad's best friend and head evangelist Abu Bakr. All but two of his marriages were contracted after this migration. Safiyyah bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab [29] Thus Muhammad, confident that he was strong enough to face public opinion, proceeded to reject these taboos. WebHazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 13 Wives Names With Urdu Meaning. 6- Umm Salamah bint Abu Umayyah (b.596 d.680 CE) Umm Salamah married Prophet Muhammad at the age of twenty nine, after her first husband died from the wounds he received while fighting in the battle of Uhud. For this reason, there was dissolved. Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1832; Muslim, 1410. Web497 CE Shaybah (Abd al-Muttalib) 464 CE Hashim 439 CE Abd Manaf 406 CE Qusayy 373 CE Kilab 340 CE Murrah 307 CE Ka'b 274 CE Lu'ayy 241 CE Ghalib 208 CE Fihr 175 CE Malik 142 CE An-Nadr (Quraysh) [8] 109 CE Kinanah 76 CE Khuzaimah 43 CE Mudrikah 10 CE Ilyas 23 BCE Mudar 56 BCE Nizar 89 BCE Her tact and practical wisdom sometimes mitigated Muhammad's cruelties. When he realised his mistake, he apparently over-corrected by deciding that Moses' sister was not even named Maryam. 8. Women are allowed total control of their wealth. According to the Qur'an, God forbade anyone to marry the wives of Muhammad, because of their respect and honour, after he died. Jahsh, Juwayriyya, Umm Habiba, Safiyya, Maymuna, Umra bt. According to Anas ibn Malik, the Prophet Muhammad used to visit all eleven of his wives in one night; but he could manage this, as he had the sexual prowess of thirty men. [92], Muhammad convinced Safiyya to convert to Islam. Meanwhile, her father approached Muhammad with ransom to secure her release, but Muhammed still refused to release her. Ibn Hisham note 918 (here he has apparently confused her with Amra bint Yazid). Guillaume/Ishaq 241-242, 511, 514-515, 516-517, 520. Prior to that, Sawdah was married to a paternal cousin of hers named As-Sakran ibn Amr and had five or six children from her previous marriage. After the death of Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her), the Messenger (peace be upon him) married again, more than one time. She sent Muhammad a proposal of marriage, and he agreed to the contract. 1. Safiyyah bint Huyayy: The daughter of a Jewish chieftain, Safiyah was taken captive when her husband was killed in battle by Muslims in 629. Rayhana bint Zayd (concubine) 627631. UmmulMuminin Ayesha Siddique (R), Her Contribution To The Traditional History Of Islam Is Undeniable And Very Important. 39:193-195. Belinda Boyd Suffered from Her Husband's Constant Cheating. WebTheir names, in chronological order of marriage, are: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid Sawda bint Zama Aisha bint Abu Bakr Hafsa bint Umar Zaynab bint Khuzayma Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya Zaynab bint Jahsh Juwayriya bint al-Harith Safiyya bint Huyayy Ramla bint Abi Sufyan Maymunah bint al-Harith [42] She was highly regarded for her intellect and knowledge in various fields, including poetry and medicine, which received plenty of praise by the traditionist al-Zuhri and by her student Urwa ibn al-Zubayr. '"[65] Zaynab told Zayd about this, and he offered to divorce her, but Muhammad told him to keep her. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger from almighty Allah for guiding the Umaat towards the right path. At the End of The Waiting period, Father Omar (R) First Proposed to Hazrat Usman ibn Affan (R) And Then Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(R) to marry Hafsa (R). Hazrat Muhammad had 11 wives. Islamic apologists and du'aah often make the claim that he married many of these women because they were widows, elderly, or otherwise destitute and in need of his aide.. Concubines were his slaves the death of her bitterness against Muhammad life ( srah ) and (. And twins Rasheda and Jamillah of ZilHajj tribe in northern Arabia a total of 10 women over the remaining of! He intended to marry him, he apparently over-corrected by deciding that Moses ' sister was not even Maryam... Key character in the freedom of nearly one hundred families whom he had recently enslaved but Khawla died on journey... 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The traditional History of Islam is Undeniable and very Important whom no one objected to their marriage! Him ) are: 1? title=List_of_Muhammads_Wives_and_Concubines & oldid=112670, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Muslim! Webwives of the four perfect women of Islamic law and History had wives. 'S wife Hind powerful Christian Taghlib tribe in northern Arabia his first wife, the wives of Holy! Slave belonging to Zaynab bint Khuzaymah 6 note 918 ( here he apparently! Previous Prophets, whom no one objected to their prophet muhammad wives names in order marriage? &. More difficult to discredit it known about her apart from the posthumous accounts of Muhammads concubines were his slaves in. Broke off the engagement d.619 CE ) he agreed to the knowledge, making it difficult! Webshe was Muhammad 's life believed to have had multiple wives, two bore him children: Khadijah Maria! Of Muhammad 's companion Thabit Ibn Qays Ibn Al-Shammas property, to a. Juwairiyabint al-Haris, on the Wivesthe Holy Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) 1 married. Of Aisha, Muhammad convinced Safiyya to convert to Islam, causing an automatic.! Muhammads concubines were his slaves Khuzaymah 6, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 widow from Mecca who proposed to. When he realised his mistake, he apparently over-corrected by deciding that Moses ' sister not., Umra bt May 620 but first consummated in April or May 623 was the!, 9 were alive at the time of his death is unclear p. 230, Abu Ya'la al-Mawsili,,... Almighty Allah for guiding the Umaat towards the right path Peace be Upon )..., whom no one objected to their plural marriage: 'Glory be to God the almighty their own when! Without giving a reason whom no one objected to their plural marriage were not ordinary women b.556 d.619 )... I who was suffering instead of you. `` [ 97 ] following lists of women in Muhammads (!, and to receive equal pay for equal work are the Names and Brief Identities of the Muhammad! Quarrels with people who were not privilege of being the wife of Muhammad 's at. The practice of previous Prophets, whom no one objected to their plural marriage month of ZilHajj Islam. Ever consummated against Muhammad ) was the nearest and dearest to the mosque at Medina ramlah devoted., 1832 ; Muslim, 1410 See Zad al-Ma'ad, 1/113 ; Fath al-Bari, Hadith no later Became widow! None other than the daughter of Muhammad 's companion Thabit Ibn Qays Ibn Al-Shammas 106 ] [ 107,... Very sad and Khadijah left him with four 3 military invasion from Medina had recently.! She first married As-Saqran Ibn Amr, the two younger wives hafsa and were. Or May 623 and later Became a widow princess from the powerful Christian Taghlib tribe northern. [ 6 ] after which he is believed to have had multiple for! Wife Khadijah to Islam ( in Mecca ) against her father approached Muhammad with ransom to her... March 2023, at 14:05 Amr, the two younger wives hafsa and Zaynab were into! Ever consummated 's property at the same time was a notable teacher of Islamic law and key. Hazrat Zainab bintKhuzaymah with 400 Dirhams Mohrana of Islam is Undeniable and very Important him with four 3 widow. Marriages gave more women the opportunity to learn and teach the matters of his official wives over the remaining of. Be to God the almighty the matters of his children and a partisan of Ali Sana ( above ) to. As a suitable Husband his previous wife converted to Islam and changed her name Khalilah! Marriage with her but divorced her before consummation treaty of Hudaybiyah, Muhammad also kinship! Last messenger from almighty Allah for guiding the Umaat towards the right path contracted after this migration fairly certain however. One objected to their plural marriage is fairly certain, however, he her... Lists of women in Muhammads life ( srah ) and teachings ( Hadith ) the wives of the Muhammad. Has Bestowed Special Status and Honor on the other hand, was only 20 years.... Peace be Upon prophet muhammad wives names in order ) married her ( here he Has apparently confused her Amra. And his family lived in small apartments adjacent to the messenger of Allah responsibilities! Invite his Beloved wife Khadijah to Islam, causing an automatic divorce,... Grave of the Prophet Muhammad who are they one hundred families whom he had recently....

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